
Chapter 19: Annalise

She woke feeling a little sore and yet refreshed. She tilted her chin looking at Jameson who was still sleeping soundly, his hair a mess and his bread becoming quite profound. She stroked his jaw, she liked him with a couple days' worth of growth. Her hand then trailed down tracing circles on his chest and she tangled her fingers through his chest hair. She was lost in thought so when his hand wrapped around hers, it's startled her. "Oh! I didn't know you were awake."

He turned his head without opening his eyes, pressing his lips to her forehead. "I'm not."

She giggled as she moved down kissing his chest, "that's strange, I could have sworn that sleeping people don't answer questions."

"There are lots of things I can do while sleeping." He mumbled.

"Such as?"

He rolled over pinning her beneath him as she giggled. His lips found the nape of her neck and then he kissed down to her navel, nipping and licking all the way. She was squealing in delight as he moved back to her lips kissing her deeply. "You're delicious."

She tangled her fingers in his hair as she bit his bottom lip playfully. "I could say the same about you."

He groaned moving off of her. "You, my love, are trouble. And as much as I'd love to stay here and play, we need to get going. We're about half a day from the main camp."

She felt herself growing excited but then overwhelming sadness ripped through her. As much as she wanted to see her father, she would have to trade Jameson to do it. How would she sleep at night if not in his arms? How should she stop her worrying if not with his embrace? How would she smile if not for his laugh? How would she go through the day without him at her side? She needed him. He was her anchor, keeping her grounded while this war threatens to carry her away. He reached up wiping away tears she hadn't even realized she was shedding with a gentle smile on his lips. "Thank you..."

"Annalise, don't cry. I know that it's scary but..."

"I'm not scared, Jameson. At least not of the camp, or the war, or even my father."

"Then why do you cry?" He asked taking her hands.

"I don't want to be without you."

He pulled her into his lap, tucking her head under his chin. "Even if I am sent away this war will eventually end and I will return to the crown city. If I leave you, it will only be temporary."

"What if this damned war never ends... or one of us doesn't make it until the end."

"Hey," he wrapped his fingers gently around her jaw turning her face to his. "Don't speak that way. No one will let anything happen to you. And I'll be sent back to Thorngate, where no one will bother to attack since you'll be gone. In fact, not having you around will take the target off my back." He said giving her a cocky grin.

"I bet you wish that you had put me on, what was it? The next carriage to the crown city?"

He blushed slightly. "I was a jackass that day, wasn't I?"

She laughed loudly. "You told me I was of no importance to you."

He winced as if she'd struck him. "I should have taken the time to get to know you. I'm sorry, I never should have said that. Even if I didn't like you, you are my princess."

She moved so she was on her knees and kissed him. "As you said that first night in the cabin, it doesn't matter anymore. We are together."

He kissed her. "You're incredible."

She stood pulling on her clothes. "I love you, Jameson. And I forgave you for those harsh words long ago. I know the difference between you and the General now."


"Oh, don't look at me like that!" She huffed. Really, if they were going leave this cave he needed to stop looking at her like she was rain after a ten-year drought. The emotions playing in his storm grey eyes were making her breath catch in her throat.

"And how am I looking at you, my love?"

"As if I can take save the world and take away all your sadness."

He leaned forward, grabbing fistfuls of her hair. "I believe you can." He kissed her more sensually than he ever had before. "You've already healed more of my hurt than you could possibly know."


"I am crazy about you, Annalise. I am terrified for the future but knowing I have your love gives me the courage to continue."

"I feel the same way." She said grabbing at her chest in an attempt to calm her racing heart. "You were sent by the Seven to save me."

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tightly against him. He didn't speak, just held her and she closed her eyes taking it all in. She would be queen in two years. Once she was queen, no one could decide who should could or couldn't be with. She would marry Jameson. They would rule side by side and start a family. All she had to do was wait. And she had nothing to do but wait. Once she got back to her father she would be excepted to sit and smile once more without a thought in her mind. She just wasn't sure she could go back to being the good, obedient, girl now that Jameson had set her free. Maybe she wouldn't. Maybe it was time to stand up to her father. She was a powerful woman, and it was time that she was respected. "Thank you for teaching me my worth." She whispered.

"Thank you for saving my soul." He kissed her before standing. "We should go."