
13. Chapter 13

Disclaimer: This is AU. I do not own any of the characters from Grey's Anatomy. I just manipulate them to my will. Also, any line or phrase or setting that seems remotely familiar from any other show, movie or book, also not mine. I borrow…

AN: Alright ya'll, another chapter is up! Yay. I know, it's been like a week. Sorry. I'll try to start getting updates cranked out faster. But anyways… last we read, Arizona is a surgeon. Hmmm…. Wonder how the team is going to take this. That is, if Arizona decides to open up at all. She hasn't exactly been an open book so far. So… let's check it out. Enjoy!

Chapter 13

The sun beats down on Team USA as fourteen women are lingering around the outfield of Oklahoma City University's softball diamond. All the players are in their uniforms, perfectly white pants topped with a stunning red jersey. Brown eyes can't seem to pull away from a certain pitcher's ass as Arizona bends over and stretches out her hamstrings. The way that stretchy white material clings and shapes that behind has Callie Torres all but drooling. She's vaguely aware of the other 12 teammates milling about, all going about a casual stretch out session before their scrimmage today. All she can see is shining blonde hair tied back into a perfectly made ponytail and the way those blue eyes sparkle in the sun light.

"Hey." Someone barks, pulling the Latina out of her gawking. "Switch?" Addison asks.

"Uh? Oh, yeah!" Callie stammers, then immediately drops her left leg from her hand and changes her grip on the redhead's shoulder. But as soon as both of them are balanced again, brown eyes train onto Arizona again.

Addison smiles knowingly, then peeks over her shoulder to spy on what has her friend so enraptured. And she's not surprised to see it's the new girl. Facing forward again, which is directly at the Latina using the redhead as an anchor while they stretch their quads, Addison states "She's pretty."

"Who?" Callie asks, looking away from the vision in front of her and silently praying that the blondes jersey lifts just a bit more as Arizona stretches out her arms.

"The one that's making you act like a 15 year old boy." The redhead answers, then laughs when Callie snaps out of her daze.

"Why didn't she tell us?" Callie asks, glancing back over Addison's shoulder and meeting clear blue eyes. The Latina gives the pitcher a tight smile before nervously shifting her gaze away. Last night was very… strange. Her newest teammate saved the life of a young girl and, in turn, announced that she was a surgeon. After the blonde rejoined the team, there were many questions. But Arizona didn't answer them, just brushed them off. So now there is even more mystery surrounding the newest addition to Team USA, and Callie can't help but be drawn in even more.

"You two have been getting chummy. Did she tell you?" The catcher asks, shaking the memory of last night out of her mind.

"No, Cal. She didn't tell me anything." Addison replies with an eye roll. It's true she and Arizona have been spending more time together but it was out of mutual misery. One night of drinking beers in the dirt was enough to form some sort of bond between the two, and they've been building on it since. For the most part, Addison just uses their friendship as a means to keep from sleeping with Derek, but she also finds the blonde's company enjoyable. When not wallowing in depression and self pity, Arizona Robbins is actually a perky and upbeat person.

"Don't you think that's weird?" Callie questions, stealing glances at the blonde every few seconds. The smile on Arizona's face makes the Latina smile in turn, and she wishes that she were the one roughhousing with the pitcher instead of Teddy, who now has Robbins in some sort of military choke hold that Arizona is trying to break out of.

"I mean… a surgeon? Come on. That's something that people are proud of, right? Why would she hide that?" The Latina keeps asking.

"I don't know, Cal. Maybe she's not the gloating type. Maybe she doesn't like giving out free medical advice. Or maybe it's just something she doesn't want to talk about with a group of strangers that treat her like crap." The redhead replies, making Torres look at her like she's been slapped.

"Circle up!" Coach Webber hollers as he and his three assistant coaches stride onto the grass. Teddy lets go of the struggling blonde and all fourteen women form in a large circle, Callie and Erica taking the center. She and her co-captain lead the team through their stretches, as well as a couple warm up laps around the field.

Arizona Robbins can feel eyes on her the entire time. It's nothing new, really. She's been the black sheep of the team since she joined, but this time the stares are of a different nature. They are inquisitive, like if her teammates stare at her hard enough they'll be able to read her mind. The questions after her little emergency procedure last night were endless, but Arizona just brushed them off. It was no one's business what kind of surgeon she was, where she came from. What med school she went to or why she is playing ball instead of cutting people open. It wasn't their business. So the blonde didn't provide them with any answers. Hence… the staring.

Once the team makes its third lap around the fence, they reconvene at the outfield and loosen up. Callie throws back and forth with Addison while Teddy is Arizona's throwing partner. Everyone can feel the excitement and tension in the air. Yes, today is just a scrimmage. But it's the start of the next leg of the race. They aren't doing drill and sprints and batting cages for hours on end anymore. They are putting their practice into play, working as a cohesive team to win. And everyone is feeling it. Callie Torres has lost count of how many games she's played, it has to be in the thousands by now, but she still has that slight flutter in the pit of her stomach. And she loves it.

"Ok ladies, bring it in." Webber calls when he feels his team is properly warmed up. Collecting all the practice balls, fourteen women jog in from the outfield and pile into the visitors dug out. Across the field is OKCU's team, warming up and getting ready to take on Team USA.

"Today is a practice, but let's play like it's the real thing, alright?" Webber states as he looks across the faces of all his players. "Show these ladies why you have those American Flags on your jerseys." This gets a round of agreement from the Team, and everyone is just bursting at the seams to get some playing time in. "Hunt, the line up."

"Right." The redheaded coach announces, then takes a step forward and looks down at the batting line up. "Batting first, playing short. Robbins." A double clap from the teams lets him know the team heard him. "Batting second, playing second. Montgomery." CLAP CLAP "Third, playing third. Hahn." CLAP CLAP "Clean up, catching. Torres." CLAP CLAP "Fifth, at right. Yang." CLAP CLAP "Sixth, pitching. Shepard." CLAP CLAP "Seventh, playing center. Bailey." CLAP CLAP "Eight, at first. Altman." CLAP CLAP "And rounding off, in left. Grey." CLAP CLAP. "Everyone will get worked through today. So stay warm." Then Hunt gives his star player a tight nod.

"Bring it in, ladies." Callie calls, hopping off the bench and holding out a hand. Her team circles around, Arizona falling in behind the Latina and reaching over her to get a hand. The catcher has to tell herself to ignore the feel of the blonde being pressed against her, the feel of a breast pushed softly to her back, the feel of Arizona's light breath playing across her shoulder.

Across the huddle, Erica witnesses Callie's internal struggle. The way the Latina's jaw clenches and how she subtly leans back into Robbins a bit more than necessary. The co-captain gets jealous and spits "On me!" Brown eyes immediately snap to steel blue, but Erica doesn't wait for Callie to recover. "USA!"

"All the way!" The team yells, then breaks apart to get ready for the game.

Grabbing Callie by the arm, Erica halts the catcher's movement back to the bench. Leaning in so only Torres can hear her, Hahn sneers "Keep your flirting off my field." A strong hand pushes the blonde's grip off her and Callie gives her friend… ex-friend… a hard glare before turning her back to the woman. Addison doesn't miss this brief and quiet scuffle, but quickly looks away when Erica breaks her gaze from the Latina.

"Batter up!" The umpire announces minutes later, after OKCU has had a couple minutes of warm up on the field. The butterflies in Arizona's stomach starts to flutter big time. This is her first real at bat for Team USA and she really doesn't want to look like a fool. That is the last thing she wants right now.

All eyes on the bench turn to the newcomer as she approaches home plate. Most shout words of encouragement, while Hahn and Amelia sit in silence. Addison in the 'on-deck' circle gives the blonde a good luck slap while Derek in the third base coach's box adjusts his cap and gets into game mode.

With one foot in the batter's box, blue eyes turn to her coach and catches the sign. A deep, calming breath, and the blonde gets set. Eyes narrow as she prepares for the pitcher. Yellow goes streaking past, and then a loud "STRIKE!" is called. Another sign from Shepard, and Arizona steps back up. Callie is on her feet at the edge of the dugout and silently praying for Arizona to get on base. Brown eyes watch as the blonde squares around to bunt but pulls back for the call of a "BALL."

She battles until the count is full at 3-2. Finally Derek gives his player the 'swing away' sign and Arizona shifts from the left handed batter's box to the right handed batter's box. This doesn't faze the pitcher in the least, and quickly sends a rise ball to her batter. Arizona takes a big hack and connects soundly, sending a strong line drive between first and second. As soon as she connects, red cleats are moving like the wind and the blonde goes trucking down to first for an easy base hit. The bench erupts as their first batter gets on base, the game having been kicked off with a good omen.

The game progresses steadily. OKCU is a viable opponent, and puts Team USA through the ringer. Everyone is playing like the tip of the sword, making crisp plays and clean fields. Amelia is pitching like a champ, and Callie is commanding the field like a general. Arizona and Erica get along for the most part while playing third and short, and Teddy shows off her skills by catching anything within a fifteen foot radius of her.

As inning after inning comes and goes, the team starts to notice that OKCU's pitcher is playing them a little… tight. A little more aggressive than what the tempo of the game calls for. More than one Team USA member has had to hit the dirt or back out of the batter's box because of a pitch a little too close for comfort. And not only that, but she's playing dirty around the bases as well. There's a difference between playing hard, and playing dirty. And when you slide full speed into a tag you were never going to win just in hopes to connect cleats with flesh… that's dirty.

In the third inning, their pitcher actually hits Teddy Altman, as well as Arizona. She plays it off like it was an accident, but something tugs at Arizona's mind. She's seen this woman before. But where?... Then it clicks. This pitcher was at tryouts with Arizona. And she got passed over. So it seems this pitcher as a bit jealous and is trying to exact a bit of revenge on the team.

Top of the fourth inning, Montgomery and Bailey are pulled, and Little Grey and Naomi Campbell are subbed in. And every one of the six Team USA batters the pitcher faces in the inning, she goes after them high in the count. It's not until the batters are at risk of walking does she actually pitch something hittable. Callie notices this, as well as the rest of her team, but she suits up and heads out to take care of business.

The bottom of the fourth inning, Arizona is still at short, Amelia pitching and Callie catching, their pitcher comes up to bat. And the first pitch Shepard gives her, she drives deep into left, earning her a double. But she's not satisfied with just taking the base, but shoves Little Grey aside while Lexie was covering for a possible tag.

"Hey!" Arizona growls, immediately on edge with this woman who is messing with her team. "Better check yourself before I do." The blonde warns the runner at second, who responds with a sassy smirk and a hidden flip of the bird.

The next batter up strikes out, keeping OKCU number 23, on second. But the following batter knocks a dribbler between first and second for Yang to field. The runner on second takes off like a freight train to third and ignores her coaches sign to hold. Instead, she makes the turn and sets her sights on home. Callie sees the runner coming for her and sets herself up to protect home plate.

"HOME!" Everyone yells, directly Yang's throw directly to Torres. Callie catches the bullet of a throw and turns to the runner, now just ten feet from her. The Latina drops to a knee, preparing for a slide in attempts to knock the ball from her grasp. All eyes are on home, waiting for it to play out. But OKCU's pitcher has a different plan, and instead of sliding, she rams full force into the catcher.

Callie's unprotected face makes contact with the runners chest and the impact, sending her to her back…HARD. The pitcher falls on top of her and they tumble about. Arizona watches from her position of covering second, and is immediately running towards home.

"Ow…" Torres growls, her blinking coming slow and heavy as her mind works through the pain washing over her. But one thing she is certain of is her grip on the ball.

"OUT!" The ump shouts, but that's the least of anyone's worries by now.

Most of the infield circle around their downed catcher and co-captain, Arizona being the second to arrive behind Amelia. "I'm fine." Callie groans, accepting any hand that is offered to her to help pull her up. "Really, I'm good. Just knocked the wind out of me."

"Look at me." Arizona says, catching the Latina's attention out of the collective ramblings of her teammates. Brown eyes slowly focus on blue as Callie obeys her instructions. Holding out two fingers, Arizona asks "How many."

"Two." The catcher answers, then follows Arizona fingers as she moves them up and down and from side to side. "I'm fine, Arizona. I've taken worse hits than this." They both look over to their opponent and find her walking off towards her dugout, giving April Kepner a hard shoulder brush on the way by.

The next at bat for OKCU brings some changes to Team USA's fielding. Arizona is now pitching, Erica catching while Callie takes a break on the bench. The Latina swears she is fine but Sloan isn't about to chance it so he has his star player cool her heels for a while.

Knowing her opponents line up, Arizona gestures for Teddy and Lexie, first and second respectively, to come to the mound during their few minutes of warm-ups between innings. Turning her back to Erica, Arizona says "Let the inning play until number 23 is up again." Teddy immediately smiles, catching on to what her friend is up to. But it takes Lexie a minute to catch up. A few seconds later, and realization lights those young, genius eyes.

"Got it Robbins." Altman says with a smirk then back tracks to her position.

Turning back to her waiting catcher, Arizona takes a few practice pitches before the umpire calls up her first batter. Normally Robbins would face each batter head on, go nose to nose with them. But the blonde has a different game plan right now, one the involves letting a few batters slide past her to begin with. She throws the pitches called, but not with as much velocity as usual. Arizona tries to not make it seem like she's purposefully slacking off, because the last thing she wants to do is give a good performance while her coaches are still judging her. But still… she has a score to settle and its going to happen this inning.

One batter after another find their way on base. Whether from a walk that Arizona gives up, or Teddy pulls her foot a second early from the bag… they always manage to make it safe. Using the few outs they have to play with, Robbins times the plays just right to prevent OKCU from scoring, but keeps them playing long enough for their pitcher, number 23, to come up to bat again. By now its two outs, and a runner on first and third.

From the dugout, Callie watches as the blonde plays this game with the other team. She's not completely certain of Arizona's intent until she see's blue eyes narrow at number 23 striding to the plate. The Latina's fist clench by themselves, wishing she could be back out there on the field to show the bitch whose field it really is. But when Arizona lets the first pitch go flying, and number 23 hits the deck hard to avoid it, a huge smile crosses Torres' face.

Arizona smiles as she waits for number 23 to brush herself off and get set in the batter's box again. If it wasn't for the fact Robbins was sure it's not possible, she would swear that Erica Hahn is actually smiling behind her mask. But Arizona shakes it off and accepts the next sign, even though she has no intention of throwing it. With a big push off, Arizona sends a curve ball that just misses the batters jersey as she jumps out of the way. The look on OKCU's pitcher is hilarious… to Arizona that is… and makes the entire infield chuckle. It doesn't take long for everyone to catch up to the newcomer's plan, and her entire team jumps on board with it.

"BALL." The ump announces needlessly, then gives the pitcher a warning glare. Normally that would be enough to snap Arizona back into line. But she has a point to drive home, and she's going to do it. Setting up for the next pitch, she accepts the sign and Arizona pushes off the rubber with force. Yellow leather flies through the air and comes even closer to the batter, who actually yelps as she runs from the pitch.

"BALL." The ump yells, then takes a couple steps in front of home plate and points at Robbins on the mound. "Last one or you're out of here, got it?"

Arizona nods in understanding and accepts the ball back from Hahn. As she walks back to the mound, blue eyes lock onto her friends at first base, a smirk playing at her lips. Turning back around, Robbins glances to Mark Sloan, crouched at the corner of their dugout giving signs to Hahn, and see's him very unhappy right now. But still, it's not enough.

A deep breath, and setting her sights on her target, Arizona Robbins lets loose the hardest and fastest pitch yet. It flies through the air at max speed, and just grazes the bare flesh at number 23's elbow as it passes, ending with a slap against Erica Hahn's catcher's mitt. Having had enough of this game of cat and mouse, the batter rushes the mound and Arizona is ready.

"Bring it bitch." Arizona growls, dropping her glove and stepping up to the approaching batter, bat and all. In a second the entire Team USA infield has rushed to the pitcher's circle to keep the two apart. Callie is off the bench and back in the dirt the next second, helping Erica pull number 23 back from the pissed off pitcher. Most of OKCU have the mind to stay on their bench, and its only their coaches that come out on the field. Webber, Shepard, Hunt and Sloan are all in the scuffle now, yelling and hollering for their team to back up. All the while, Arizona and number 23 are shouting obscenities back and forth, vying to get at each other. …All because number 23 is jealous that Robbins made the team and she didn't.

"You're outta here!" The ump yells over the din of players and coaches bickering. That's enough to catch Arizona's attention, and after yanking her jersey out from her teammates grip, she grabs her mitt and storms off the field. "So are you." The umpire adds, pointing out the offending pitcher from the other team. Within seconds, everything calms down and Team USA retakes their position.

"King. You're in." Sloan barks, sending in a relief for the ousted blonde. Then he takes a handful of Arizona's jersey and tugs her down onto the bench. Blue eyes dare to look up at those of her pitching coach and she expects to see anger and rage. But when she meets those pale ice blue eyes, she sees… pride?

"You made your point." He says quietly. "You stood up for your team. Showed them you have their back." He adds, Callie approaching from behind and staring over the man's shoulder, catching the blondes gaze. "I get it. But it's not happening again, right?"

"Right." Arizona says, having to bite her tongue to keep from laughing. "Yes sir, not happening again." She adds, letting a chuckle fall from her lips as she watches Callie try to fend off her own laughter. Mark gives her a look that means he means business so Arizona screws up her best serious face and states "Really, I promise. Last trouble I'll cause. Promise. Cross my heart."

Callie actually laughs out loud as she witnessed the blonde cross her heart and then hold up her hand like a girl scout. She can't help but think how cute yet… hardcore this woman before her is. Only when she looks up and finds her friend and coach staring down at her does she realize that now is not a real good time to be laughing. So she too pulls on her best serious face and nods. Mark just looks between his pitcher and his catcher, then rolls his eyes and sighs. With that, he returns his attention to the game in progress.

A blush forms at Arizona's cheeks as she and Callie are pretty much left to themselves. Everyone one else not on the field is at the fence, watching the game. But the Latina is supposed to be resting, and Arizona… well, she's thrown out so she's not really supposed to be here.

Retaking her seat, which just so happens to be right next to a certain blonde, Callie clears her throat. "So… this a common occurrence for you?" She asks.

"Getting thrown out of softball games?" Arizona asks playfully. "Nope, first time. How'd I do?"

"It was pretty… badass, Battleship." Callie replies with a big smile, one that Arizona can't help but mirror. And the Latina's heart starts to flutter as those dimples make a showing, clear blue eyes light and bright with life. "I especially loved the 'bring it bitch." The catcher adds, reenacting the face Arizona gave 23 in the heat of the moment.

Arizona's mouth drops in embarrassment and then playfully slaps her co-captain on the arm. "Hey! Don't mess with me Calliope. I'm all amped up, never know what could happen." The blonde misses the slip of her tongue, but Callie doesn't and her mood immediately shifts from playful to seriousness. The way her newest teammate says her name sets her entire body on fire.

"You didn't have to do that you know." The Latina says, nodding towards the field in front of them. When the blonde's brows furrow in confusion, Callie adds "Getting yourself in trouble just to… prove to everyone you are a member of this team."

"That's not why I did it, Calliope." Arizona whispers, this time using her co-captains name on purpose. Their gazes meet and they both feel something pass through them. Some sort of energy, pulling their minds, bodies and souls closer together. But the loud DING of aluminum meeting leather pierces the air and pulls them both back to reality. The blond and the Latina share an awkward smile before popping their bubble and rejoining the rest of their team in the search of a win.

Arizona is currently buried deep into one of her medical textbooks, rereading a chapter that she's read twenty times probably. It's been a long, hot day, but it resulted in a win against Oklahoma City University, and now she is relaxing and getting ready for the near month long road trip ahead of her. But a sharp knock on her bedroom door pulls her out of her own little world. Blue eyes glance up and find blue eyes staring back at her. The blonde immediately goes on the alert, looking for some sort of weapon she can use to defend herself. Why else would Erica Hahn be in her room… alone. Just the two of them.

Sensing her pitchers minor freak out, Erica snaps "Relax. I'm not going to eat you." Then takes a step inside the freakishly neat room and closes the door behind her. Without even asking, the veteran player pulls out the desk chair and takes a seat.

"Umm… can I help you?" Arizona asks, sitting up in her bed and closing the textbook in her hands.

Erica stares right at the newcomer, and it takes all the willpower in Robbins body to keep from shrinking away. But finally Hahn says "I applaud you. What you did today. I… I never really expected that kind of fight from you. But it was good. Something I would have done."

"Thanks." The surgeon whispers, still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Arizona can't believe that Hahn would actually seek her out, come to her bedroom just to give her praise. That's SO not like Erica Hahn.

"That's not why I came here though." She adds, sitting up straighter so she has the height advantage of the two.

"Didn't think so." Robbins states, then puts the textbook aside to give her co-captain her full attention.

"This is a team, and we work as a team because we have rules. Rules that need to be enforced in order to keep working like a well oiled machine." The catcher states, her gaze wandering from the many different pictures tacked to the small corkboard next to Arizona's desk. "And if a rule is found to be broken, the only way to keep this team afloat is to cut the dead weight. ….Are you following me?"

"Not really." Arizona answers, quickly becoming tired of this conversation. "Hahn, I'm here to play ball. Alright? That's all. I got a little… sidetracked today because I can't stand someone stepping on the little guys. That bitch could mess with me, with you… hell, I trust Torres to be able to take care of herself. But Kepner? Come on… who, seriously, messes with a girl like Kepner. She wouldn't hurt a fly. Actually… she was crying yesterday about a spider in her bathtub." As much as Erica tries to fight it, a small chuckle falls from her lips. "So… I stood up. Took one for the team." Robbins adds matter-of-factly, then zero's in on what the stranger in her room is really talking about. "And as far as any other rule… I have no intention of breaking them. That's not why I'm here."

Hahn just nods, apparently content with the warning she instilled and the answer Arizona gave. So without another word, Erica stands and exits apartment 26, leaving a slightly confused blonde behind.

"Shep?" Callie calls, knocking on Amelia's bedroom door but gets no answer. "Amelia?" She tries again, then knocks harder.

"What? !" The pitcher yells, but its' not from behind her bedroom door, instead from behind the closed bathroom door.

"You still have my-" The Latina starts but gets cut off by a grouchy Amelia Shepard.

"It's in my room." She yells over the roar of her shower. Callie, thinking that's an invitation to go into her teammates room, enters and starts to look through the pigsty of the quarters in search of her personal possession.

"Oh my god…" Callie groans, finding a bowl of dried something that must have been in her friend's room for weeks. Whatever it is, it is at that stage where it is just about to grow white hair on it. Figuring it would be easier to just take it and not argue with the slob, the Latina just adds it to the pile of things she needs to do before leaving town tomorrow.

Continuing her search, the catcher digs through drawer after drawer, box after box, and bag after bag. During her hunt, she bumps into the bedside table and knocks over something that rattles. The noise catches her attention and makes her look at the mess she made… not that it would be noticeable ON TOP of the mess already made of the pitcher room. But dark eyes narrow as she spies an orange prescription bottle, silently wondering what kind of pills her friend has prescribed to her.

"Cele… Cel… Celecoxib?" The catcher murmurs, trying to make out the name of the drug. She's never heard of it before, so she unscrews the lid and tips the bottle up, spilling one of the pills into her hand. It's a small, round and blue pill with A215 imprinted on it.

"Hey!" Amelia snaps from the doorway, making Callie whip around and find a pissed off looking pitcher. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" She growls, storming into her bedroom and snatching the bottle from her co-captains hand.

"Amelia, tell me you're not on drugs." The Latina fires back. Suddenly all the little pieces and hiccups and missed practice and late nights fall into place. "Amelia Shepard… Tell me you are not STUPID enough to-"

"NO!" Amelia yells, cutting her friend off. "I'm not doing drugs. Alright?"

"Then what are those?" Callie asks, pointing to the orange bottle that her pitcher is currently shoving into a desk drawer and slamming shut.

"They're… anti-inflammatories. Ok? I pulled something at practice a couple weeks ago and I went to the doctors. He prescribed me an anti-inflammatory." Shepard answers, standing in front of and keeping guard to the desk drawer that houses more secrets than what is in that pill bottle. Torres glares at the shorter woman, not fully convinced. It just makes too much sense now, why else would Amelia be sick, puking, missing practice and bloodshot eyes day in and day out. Come to think of it, Callie can't remember the last time Amelia looked healthy. …Actually truly healthy.

"You DO realize that we have mandatory AND random drug tests, right?" The Latina asks. Only a stupid person would think they can get around something like this.

"Christ's sake, Torres." Amelia sneers, quickly becoming angry and agitated like a caged bird. "Look… here's your curling iron." She says, grabbing the object of Callie's hunt from the top of a pile the catcher had yet to search. "Now get out." The pitcher snaps. Callie slowly backs out of the room, but keeps her eyes locked on the towel clad woman until Amelia shuts the door in her face.

She can't be that stupid, can she? All the work Amelia has put in, all the work the rest of her team put in? The younger Shepard wouldn't throw that all away, would she? Then again, lots of people seem to be putting a lot on the line right now… Sometimes reality has a way of sneaking up and biting us in the ass. And when the dam bursts, all you can do is swim. The world of pretend is a cage, not a cocoon. We can only lie to ourselves for so long. And when the time is up, all you can do it pray that you didn't just ruin everything you know… for that one little lie.

AN2: So…. What's going on? Hmmm… let me know what you think.