
For Love and Justice-(Moved to a New Link)

The news about John Moore’s father being a murderer on the run has spread through the entire province and it kept on reflecting on John’s day-to-day activities which made a lot of his classmates reject him. Regardless of the news, Kendra Farley who was also John’s classmate accepted and loved him for who is. Fortunately for both, they were selected to represent their school in the quiz competition during their last year in high school and they emerged as the winner receiving many gifts and scholarship offers for their undergraduate studies. However, they became separated due to an unknown decision made by Kendra’s mum but that still didn't stop their love from igniting. John Moore got associated with some drug dealing folks in University that got him into trouble but Lucia Garcia- a perverted wild nasty lady came to his rescue after observing and realizing he had full potential that could make her sexual fantasy come true. Lucia’s sexual exposure made John explore some kinky sexual experiences that he found pleasurable. Kendra on the other end coincidentally met with a kind-hearted man during her undergraduate studies while transacting business with him. After a long deal and conversation, she realized the man was John’s father. “Can someone like you kill!?” She asked in disbelief but got a shocking response. She traveled home for the session break just to find out that her mother was in a violent relationship with the man whose late wife died in the arms of John’s father. “It's now making sense,” Kendra mumbled to herself as she tried to correlate the information she got from John’s father and the reality that occurred to her. What Information has she gotten from John’s father? And what does that have to do with his past and her boyfriend? Let's find out what it is!

taiwo_adedayo · perkotaan
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5 Chs

Chapter Two

Jeffrey hasn't gotten over the reality that he won't be representing West Field High School in tomorrow's competition.

To make it worse, his folks began to gossip very early in the morning like it was much of a big deal and that made him a little bit depressed.

"Good morning ma." they all chorused as Miss Austin walked in.

"Trust you had a lovely weekend? I have come to declare this day a lecture-free day for all of you in grade 12 to help you guys prepare against the forthcoming examination and to also help Kendra and John in preparation for tomorrow's quiz," said Miss Austin.

She advised both participants to reach out to the library to get some practice questions from the Liberian and she confidently wished them well while walking out majestically.

"It seems Mr. President forlorn's expression is crying for our attention." one of them whispered in a low voice.

"Hey Jeff, we lose to win another day."

"Ugh, what a pain! Sorry man."

Most of them tried to convey a sense of sympathy sarcastically and that made Jeffrey wanna leave the class.

He got to his feet ready to leave when a hand banged against the desk. He trailed the hand to the owner of it and found none other than Kendra.

"Where are you going?"

He ignored her, brushing past her and heading out of the classroom.

She hurriedly left her seat, walked up to him and stopped in front of him looking all magnificent and glamming. Her elegance, poise and confidence enhanced her beauty and he couldn't help but listen to her.

"I know how you feel and I am sorry to say that am a bit disappointed by your reactions. This is not a win for one but a win for all! The least you could do is to be supportive but your reaction says otherwise. Where is the true leadership in you?"

Her words resonated deeply in him, evoking strong emotions and instantly impacting as she continued.

"Yeah! I know you are the leader here, do you lead by taking the lead always or do you serve alongside to demonstrate good leadership?

This is the moment you are supposed to guide and empower us so that we can reach our full potential but you are all carried away by your greed. Brush off this thought and come back to the real you." she patted her shoulder and headed back to the classroom.

"Not that she is only beautiful! She has got ways with words." Jeffery mumbled to himself as he also headed back to the classroom.

"Hey, look at who is here again?"

"He must have been mesmerized by Kendra's beauty. What a smooth talker!"

At this point, he couldn't care less.

He sat down quietly while trying to resonate over what Kendra said. After some minutes, he turned in Kendra's direction and said," I think we should go to the library together, there are books and questions that might…"

"Hell nope! Kendra must have cast a spell on him." one of them said.

Kendra ignored the ranting from behind and responded, "Oh! That would be nice but John would also be joining."

"Sure, both of you can."

She signaled to John instantly and they all headed to the Library.

They looked for a perfect position as they arrived at the library and they settled down quietly.

Jeffrey quickly explained step-by-step procedures on what to do and what not to do while attempting quiz questions. Obviously, he once had an experience with the quiz even tho he never won.

John asked out of curiosity," Will it just be oral or we will have to write at some point?"

"From what I know, you will be told to write in the first phase and the last phase will be oral. Do not worry, you will be instructed on what to do before the quiz starts."

"What next?" Kendra asked.

"Both of you should remain on sit, I will sort for the necessary practice questions needed." Jeffrey left them to search for books on the shelves.

"What's with the sudden change? He was a bit cold this morning." John asked.

Kendra smirked and said," Well, the only positive thing in life is a change which can be influenced by many things."

"Hmmm…what have you done to influence him."

"Common, I did nothing!" She shrugged.

Jeffrey interrupted them the moment he dashed into their midst with loads of books in his hands.

"What! Why all of these books? This isn't what I signed for." Kendra was stunned.

"I have a mystery am battling with, brain turmoil isn't just an option right now!" John said.

Jeffrey sighed and smirked.

"Not funny man." they both chorused.

"Relax guys, this is where the skimming and scanning method works. to be honest, We can't solve all questions but we will attempt as many as possible."

In a minute, Jeffrey began to ask questions in a time frame of 30 seconds. Both participants answered as much as they could before he increased the time frame to one minute just for them to solve some challenging questions.

After studying for 4 hours, they decided to go for a break and get their lunch.

Three of them assembled again after 30 minutes and they all studied for another 2 hours after which they decided to play the truth and dare game before the closing hour.

"I pick the truth," She said suddenly feeling conscious of John's gaze on her.

"Kiss me or reveal a dark secret," Jeffrey said.

On hearing the word kiss, John's heart was beating so fast and forcefully that it felt like it might burst out of his chest.

"I have decided to make love to the person who gave me my first kiss. Although, am a bit nervous but it will happen." Kendra said confidently.

Kendra's revelation ached Jeffrey's heart and he was ready to let go of his feelings at that moment.

"It's your turn, Jeffrey. What's the name of the girl you have ever crushed on in grade 12." John asked.

Jeffrey stared at Kendra as he expressed his disappointment," No one other than Kendra but am letting go of my feelings since she loves someone else."

"Ugh…so sorry man, I love someone else just as you have said.

Finally, it's John's turn. Kendra gazed at him and said to him," You might not answer this question if you think you don't wanna talk about it. Curiosity made me ask."

"When was the last time you saw your father?"

John and Jeffrey looked so shocked as no one expected such a question. Not even at the moment.

John sighed heavily before responding," According to Nanny which I now address as my Grandmother, He last visited the day I was born which was also the day the murder case happened."

Kendra noticed he was on the verge of tears after he gave his response.

She moved closer to him, snaked one arm around his waist and placed his head on her shoulder just like a baby. Jeffrey also supported her by patting his back.

"Am so sorry, I didn't mean to…"

"It's fine, I get so emotional whenever I think about my birthday. Just one unfortunate day!"

"You guys need to wrap up now, it's just a minute to closing hour." The Librarian interrupted.

Jeffrey returned all the books to the shelves and he bade them goodbye.

"John, I think we have done enough already. Do we still need to meet in my place?" Kendra asked.

"That won't be necessary anymore except if you want me to come."

"That's enough for now, We are going to emerge as the winner tomorrow." She assured him.

She kissed his forehead, "We are doing this together and we are coming out strong."

John embraced her warmly and they both left the library.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

taiwo_adedayocreators' thoughts