
The Fall After Pride

Chapter Twelve

The Fall after Pride

Screaming. That was the first thought to come to Briar in the fog of sleep. Someone was screaming in the tunnels. Briar sat up straight, the new comforter Dais had confiscated falling off her as she jolted from her sleep. There was something familiar about the scream, and as she came out of that place between dreams and life she realized her mistake. She had been wrong. It was not screaming, but it was a roar she would know anywhere.

A moment later, she was heading toward the noise as fast as she could, as hobbled up as she was she could not move to fast for fear of hurting her side once more. Briar stopped at the curtains that lead to the room Dais always hid himself during the day as she slept. She had never entered here before, not that she had not tried. Each time she had been thwarted by her large cloaked host as he blocked the entrance and assured her that there was nothing interesting in the room. Many times she had tried to sneak in when she thought he was out, but each time she came face to chest with Dais. Yet now he was nowhere to be seen and now she felt it was time to see where her host spent his days. Defiantly she tossed the curtain to the side and stepped in.

Yet her victory of seeing Dais's final sanctuary was spoiled, as right at that moment he collided into her. They fell to the floor, Dais falling onto his back, Briar being knocked off her feet and sliding across the floor slightly.

"What in the seven hells happened?" Dais groaned,sitting up straight.

"Fuck." Briar winced, putting one hand on her head to help the pounding that had started. "I had no idea your chest was so fucking hard." They sat up staring at each other for a moment. Nothing was said and Briar looked up at him, with a look of curiosity. After a moment she opened her mouth to ask him what the screaming had been about, when he reacted.

It hit him suddenly. As if time had caught back up to him, he quickly reached out and grabbed Briar by the shoulders. "I have something to tell you!"

Her eyes widened in shock, mouth shutting with an audible snap. "Go on." she nodded, looking over at his cloaked face.

Gripping her arms in his large clawed hands, he lead her through the curtain. Briar sighed as the small glance she had of the mysterious room disappeared behind the thick curtain and the bulk that was Dais. Silently, he moved her to the bed, having her sit on the edge as he started to pace about the room. Briar knew something was wrong, as the usually calm man was acting as if he was in some sort of panic.

"I do not know how to tell you this," he paused then glanced at her for a second, resuming his pacing. " So first allow me to ask you a question." he breathed out, voice rising slightly. "Do you think people, any body deserves a second chance? That some sins are forgivable?"

"Sure. Mistakes are a human trait. Second chances are needed for most things. What did you do Dais?" she gasped suddenly. "You did not kill someone did you? Oh Dais, tell me you didn't kill anyone!"

"No no no no." he waved that off. " I have never killed anyone on purpose or by design..... but I digress. So people can be forgiven in your eyes correct?"

She nodded, fueling Dais on as he paced, hands waving around and moving as he talked. "Good, good. Now another question." at this he stopped pacing suddenly at looked at her, hood staring directly at her. "Is what Adam did to you forgivable?"

At this Briar sneered. "I do not want to sound like a hypocrite, but no. No one involved in such a thing is forgivable in my book. Unless you hurt someone you can be forgiven, after blood is shed I believe it should end there. He can rot in hell, him and that god damned idea he got into his fucking head!"

Dais felt his heart drop into his stomach. This is not good. Not good at all. Perhaps he should put it off, telling her his role in her situation. Yeah, that was good, just don't tell her. He could live with that, he hoped. After all what was a little guilt?

"Forget it buddy. You can't live with it. Tell HER!" the voice that had convinced him that she had not wanted to kiss him was back. It erupted in his skull and forced the next few words from his lips. "I am so sorry!" He moved forward as if physically propelled by the words escaping his mouth.

Briar was visibly taken aback. She looked confused and scooted herself off the bed slowly, mulling over what he had just said. Coming toward him, she stopped next to him and looked up at him softly.

"Sorry for what? What did you do Dais?" she put one hand on his arm, gripping the cloak under her fingers. At her touch he recoiled, jerking back violently.

"I put it in his head! It was me, I took him when he was in the alley and he used you to barter his freedom and I let him go and he brought you down here and I am so sorry!" he roared at her, voice panicky and forlorn. For a moment nothing was said and Dais's brain began to calm down from the storm that had been brewing between his ears since he had crashed into Adam's place. Staring at Briar he waited for something to happen, yet nothing did. Briar did not react at first, just stood there, her hand frozen in mid air where his arm was. She just stayed still and stared at him. Dais stared back, his chest heaving slightly, almost as if something heavy had been lifted off of him . He felt better actually, like he could breath for the first time in months. A slight smile graced his face, and for a moment he took his eyes off of Briar. Dais was beginning to think that things could only get better now that the truth was out.

That was until she punched him in the face.