
Football Tycoon

A loser football fan who lost money betting on the Brazilian World Cup finds himself transported four years back in time and becomes a super-rich heir. Determined to turn his life around, he yearns for the world to remember his name. To achieve this, he decides to earn the most money in the world, buy the best football stars, date the biggest female celebrities, and be with the most beautiful women.

General_Snape · Olahraga
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13 Chs

Chapter 4: I Will Support You!

On the vast and boundless sea, a solitary boat drifted.

Occasionally, fishermen who ventured out to sea would marvel at its beauty, calling it a boat as stunning as a piece of art. Yet, no one recognized it as a Saint Cy yacht from England, known as the Rolls-Royce of the sea.

The yacht remained still, with no sound, the bow of the ship facing east, rising and falling with the waves.

The sky above the sea was a deep blue with no clouds, only the eastern horizon gradually turning red as the sun began to rise.

On the deck were a man and a woman—one lying down, the other moving about, constantly changing positions.

Don't get the wrong idea; the person lying down was Yang Huan, who was asleep, while the one moving was Zhang Ning.

She never expected that once on the yacht and out at sea, Yang Huan would simply say, "Wake me up when the sun rises," and then fall asleep on the deck like a log.

Perhaps he had drunk too much and was still feeling the effects, or maybe he was just exhausted after all the excitement.

Whatever the reason, it was entirely unexpected for Zhang Ning.

Although it was embarrassing, before boarding the yacht, Zhang Ning had imagined Yang Huan might behave like other men who lusted after her—forceful and relentless, possibly until dawn.

She even suspected that Yang Huan might be conserving his energy, given he had spent five million.

Yet, none of her expectations came to pass.

In just twelve hours of knowing Yang Huan, so many things had happened that she had never imagined.

For instance, losing five million in a bet on a game, only to win nearly three hundred million in the next bet.

Or being dragged by Yang Huan into becoming the envy of all the women at the Lan Gui Fang bar.

And driving a Lamborghini worth over seven million RMB on the busiest streets of Longhai City, despite never having driven before—though she avoided any accidents, the thrill left her with lingering anxiety.

All of this was new and thrilling for her!

"What kind of person are you?" she wondered aloud, staring at Yang Huan's face.

Was she completely unappealing to him? Or did he not like women at all? Or was there some other motive?

Everything was a mystery to Zhang Ning, making her uncomfortable as she lay or sat, shifting positions constantly.

In the distant east, the horizon was painted red by the rising sun, like fresh blood spilling from the sea.

Yang Huan suddenly opened his eyes, and his gaze met Zhang Ning's.

They were close enough to see each other's reflections in their eyes.

"Beautiful, so beautiful!" Yang Huan said with a smile.

Zhang Ning thought he was complimenting her. Remembering the intense kiss from the night before, her face flushed red, and she turned away, unable to look at him.

However, Yang Huan stood up from the deck and ran to the smooth railing, stretching out his arms and breathing deeply the fishy air of the sea. He shouted loudly, "So damn beautiful! The sunrise at sea is truly stunning!"

The life of the rich is indeed different—able to set sail whenever they want, do whatever they please. Is there anything more enjoyable than this.

"Wow!" Yang Huan was so excited, it was as if he was seeing the sunrise at sea for the first time.

Seeing Yang Huan's exuberance, Zhang Ning's mood lightened, and she offered a charming smile. Yet she was still secretly embarrassed, having thought Yang Huan was praising her, only to find out he was admiring the sunrise.

Yang Huan noticed Zhang Ning standing next to him, turned his head, and saw her hair fluttering gently in the sea breeze, revealing a perfect profile that could captivate any man.

"The sunrise is beautiful, but you are even more beautiful!" Yang Huan couldn't help but praise.

Zhang Ning's face turned as red as the sunrise, adding to her allure. Even her grip on the railing tightened. She wondered what Yang Huan would do next.

"Heaven has been so damn good to me!"

Yang Huan continued to shout towards the boundless sea.

"You've given me wealth and status, and now an exquisite beauty by my side. I'm grateful to you, damn grateful!"

The sea was vast, and the sound might not travel far.

"Don't worry, I won't waste this hard-earned opportunity. I'll make sure that everyone in the world knows who Yang Huan is. I'll make this world different because of my presence!"

As he spoke, Yang Huan's heartfelt shouts expressed his grand ambitions and desires.

After years of being a loser, having achieved a reversal, he felt he must accomplish something spectacular, or it would truly be a waste of his transmigration.

Zhang Ning watched Yang Huan with surprise. She didn't think his words were insincere because she could feel the strength behind them—a release of pent-up frustration and ambition.

She felt similarly repressed, but she couldn't express it like Yang Huan.

In that moment, she envied him.

The red sun gradually rose, and the golden sunlight covered the endless sea.

Yang Huan and Zhang Ning silently watched the sunrise, a scene as slow and challenging as the birth of a child from its mother's womb—yet magical and magnificent.

"Zhang Ning."

As Yang Huan called out, Zhang Ning's heart skipped a beat. At this moment, she would have done anything Yang Huan asked, even if it meant following him to the cabin.

Of course, she would request to return to the cabin.

"I've taken your body rights; you can claim them whenever you want, right?"

Zhang Ning bit her lip and nodded heavily.

"But, you see, I fancy myself a flirt, but I'm not lewd, and I don't like forcing others, especially women I like. So, I'm not planning to take it for now. Just keep it for the time being." He laughed heartily after finishing.

The feeling of having the power to control others' fates with a gesture is truly exhilarating, especially when the person is a stunning beauty. It's even more satisfying.

"What did you say?" Zhang Ning was surprised.

Even if Yang Huan did anything to her now, she wouldn't be surprised, but his saying this left her stunned.

"I mean, keep your body rights for me. Better lock them in a safe. When I want them, I'll come to get them!"

Zhang Ning stared at Yang Huan, unable to believe that someone who spent five million wouldn't claim her body.

"But, to avoid any chance of you reneging or me getting the short end of the stick, I've decided that starting today, I'll support you. You'll be my woman and must stay by my side, available twenty-four hours."

Ignoring Zhang Ning's astonished expression, Yang Huan continued, "Of course, since it's a support arrangement, there's money involved. I'll give you ten thousand yuan a month, which might seem a bit low for someone of your caliber, but I've invested five million in you, so I should get some interest, right?"

Zhang Ning was overwhelmed, not knowing how to react.

In theory, she should be happy not to lose her body, but being supported instead felt like escaping the tiger's den only to enter the wolf's lair.

"Don't thank me. Just consider it a job. You just graduated and haven't found a job yet, right?" Yang Huan said with a grin as he headed back to the yacht, intending to go home after watching the sunrise.

"Oh, and don't think about backing out. You should know I'm not afraid of you doing so!"

As Yang Huan entered the cabin, Zhang Ning was filled with mixed emotions, unsure whether she should feel more joy or sadness.

Although she wouldn't lose her body, she had turned into a kept woman.

Well, maybe not a kept woman, as he neither had a wife nor a girlfriend.

But soon, she understood.

No matter what, at least the current situation wasn't a bad thing for her.

Being kept is fine!

Yet, she had a vague sense that Yang Huan wanted not only her body but also her heart.

That frightened her a bit.



After the yacht returned to the Longhai City marina, Zhang Ning's first action was to take a leave of absence.

Yang Huan gave her a day off and provided her with the address of the Yang family, instructing her to report there, before heading home.

The entire process was straightforward, and Zhang Ning felt a sense of trust.

The Yang family is a renowned hidden rich family in Longhai City, not only because Yang Huan's grandfather was a retired high-ranking official who once served in the revolutionary era but also because Yang Huan's father built incredible wealth from scratch in less than thirty years, though he remains low-key and not well-known.

It's ironic that Yang Huan, the playboy, is the most prominent in the family. However, the family lets him indulge as long as he doesn't cause major problems.

Legend has it that when Yang Huan was born, his grandfather chose the name "Huan" to ensure Yang Huan's life was filled with joy and comfort.

Back at home, it was just past nine in the morning. Yang Huan was surprised to find his father, Yang Wenfeng, who usually would be at work, still at home. His grandfather, Yang Baoping, who should be walking the dog with his grandmother at this time, was also there.

It seemed like they were all waiting for him.

"Master Huan, both the master and the eldest young master are waiting for you," the butler, Ming Shu, said as Yang Huan entered the door.

"Thank you, Ming Shu." Yang Huan thanked him and walked towards the living room.

The Yang family's low profile was evident from their residence, which was just one of the many mansions in Longhai City's semi-mountain luxury area. It was similar to other rich families' houses, and even the decoration was quite simple.

"Grandpa, Grandma, Dad, Mom, good morning!" Yang Huan greeted his elders with a smile as he entered the living room.

"Good morning, Ah Huan. Have you had breakfast?" His grandmother, who was most fond of him, asked with concern.

"I haven't eaten. Let Sister Hao make something for you," his mother said with concern.

Yang Huan shook his head with a smile and took an empty seat. "No need. I ate out."

"I heard you gambled last night and won money?" Yang Wenfeng, his father, asked with a frown. He had many concerns on his mind, and his tone was somewhat serious.

"Yes, with Liu Mingwei." Yang Huan was open about it.

"How much did you win?" Yang Baoping, his grandfather, asked.

"Three hundred million!"

"Three hundred million?" Both his grandmother and mother were shocked. Even though their family was wealthy, that was still an enormous amount.

Winning three hundred million in one night seemed like a joke.

"Ah Huan, is it true? You wouldn't be deceived, would you?" His mother was the first to doubt. After all, she never thought her son had such a talent for making money.

"Unless Liu Mingwei wants to default!" Yang Huan answered nonchalantly, "But I don't think he has the courage. If he did, maybe he would have taken me down last night, right, Dad?"

Yang Baoping and Yang Wenfeng exchanged glances, both surprised.

Yang Huan, known for his extravagance and laziness, was now showing an unexpected astuteness.

While they secretly arranged bodyguards for him, they had learned that Yang Huan had deciphered something that surprised them.

Moreover, despite Yang Huan being pampered by his family, he was usually timid in front of his grandfather and father. Today, however, he was confident and even probing them.

"Where's that woman, Zhang Ning?" Yang Wenfeng asked again.

"I'm keeping her as my mistress, but I've given her a day off today to handle some personal affairs," Yang Huan said straightforwardly.

"I've said that playing around is fine, but we have other plans for your marriage."

Yang Huan pondered if this was what's known as a political marriage.

"Let's talk about that later." He chose to avoid the topic.

"As long as you understand," Yang Wenfeng replied without further elaboration.

Yang Huan looked at his grandfather and father, making a decision in his mind. "I want to invest in something."

"Invest? What will you invest in?" Both Yang Wenfeng and Yang Baoping were surprised.

"Yeah, Ah Huan, you just won money. Isn't it enough?" His mother was also puzzled.

Her son, who usually avoided work, now wanted to do something? It felt like a reversal of normalcy.

They didn't know that their son's soul had changed and was no longer the lazy playboy he once was.

He wasn't just a playboy anymore; he was ambitious and wanted to pursue things he couldn't in his past life.

"I want to go to Europe and buy a football team to have some fun."

"A football team? Have fun?" Yang Wenfeng was astonished once more.

His son had surprised him too much today.

"Yes, football!" Yang Huan said resolutely.

"Do you know anything about football?"

Yang Wenfeng laughed. He knew his son's abilities best. Although he claimed to be a football fan, he couldn't even name all the teams. How could someone like that manage a football team?

Yang Huan chuckled. "I won three hundred million last night. Do you think I know nothing about football?"

Yang Wenfeng was stunned, unable to respond. He wanted to say it was pure luck, but who could have such luck to win three hundred million from Liu Mingwei, a notorious gambler in Longhai City? Could it really be just luck?

Yang Baoping, who had remained silent, began to understand. Perhaps Yang Huan's interest in football was because of a deeper motivation.