
Foolish Young Master

Leon was a young genius from Sect of Fire, the no.1 sect in the world. he's highly adored and all the other geniuses fell silent at his strength and his intelligence. until one day, his best friend and his master betrayed him. he thought he was dying but his soul wandered. He has a second life now. he lived as a rich, arrogant, stupid, and fat young master. Leon saw his own body "What the fuck! What's going on with my body?" And suddenly a system sound rang in his head Name : Leonard Miller Age: 14 yo Strength: 2 intelligence: 1 charisma : 0 skill: null "What the fuck!" Leon cursed again. "Why am become trash human-like this ?!"

Protonauron · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


Leon also went to the dining room. When he arrived, he saw his father was already seated.

"Are you already satisfied sleeping?" The old man asked.

"Yes, father!"

"Your favorite food has been prepared. Let's eat"

"Yes," Leon sat obediently. He saw a lot of meat on the table and sighed. He already knows the reason why this child's body's so big. Every day he eats meats.

"What happened this time?" The old man asked.

Leon immediately fell silent. He didn't know anything! He just had transmigration a few hours ago. He panicked. Whats should he do now? He had to find a way to lie.

"No, nothing..."

The old man frowned. He wants his son to admit his mistake. Why his son always lie?

"Come on, admit your mistake, don't lie." said the old man impatiently.

Leon getting panicked. He racked his brain to find the right reasons. " I don't remember what happened. I think I hurt my head. I'm sorry, father..." Leon said pitifully.

The old man wanted to be angry. But that didn't happen after he saw his son's sad face. "Don't play with that those bad boys anymore, okay? If that happens, I'll empty your allowance"

"Of course," Leon said casually. He didn't care about money at all. Money isn't important to him. After all, in his old world, money was completely worthless. "what happened to me? I don't remember anything" Leon asked with an innocent face.

"You are drunk and unconscious"

Hm? Drunk? Leon is not sure about that. He's still in minor to drink alcohol. This host must have died because Leon's soul can transmigrate to this body. But, why did he die? This host was likely poisoned too, just like himself. But this just a guess.

The dinner lasted an hour. Leon will return to his room when finished, but his father stopped him.

"Tomorrow, don't skip your school" The old man warned.

"Of Course" Leon nodded confidently, then he headed for his room.

The old man looked at his sons back. His son has changed since that accident. His son becomes most mature. He's very happy about that.


Leon returned to his room and continued his meditation. He was determined to increase his strength point.

Finally, he meditated for three hours before he falling asleep.