
FNAF - The Night Guard's Job

Translator: JustSomeone_69 Author: DiamondoDosto Source: Fictionhunt, FNAF - El trabajo de guardia Mass layoffs, precise and measured staff cuts according to the bosses of many companies, always bring out the worst in people, especially if you are someone who ends up being fired in this famous staff cut. But nothing was lost for him. After almost two weeks of despair in not finding a permanent job and no longer earning much from small jobs, the solution to his life would change when he read in a newspaper. Credits to the respective creator of the characters Credits to the respective artist for making this type of version of the gender-bend of the characters. Additional tags: Yandere | Jealousy | Lustful Girls | Mental Degeneration | Reverse Rape? |

JustSomeone_69 · Derivasi dari game
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16 Chs

Chapter 12


Because something bad had happened concerning Fredica, which he luckily has been able to excuse himself by saying that he has no idea what happened, the head of the place has given a few days of rest until they finish repairing the bear, face of the franchise… also adding to making some improvements or reviewing the other animatronics in the same way and making sure that everything is in order.

What about him?

After returning home and already enjoying his first day of this little vacation, he felt too strange, enormously strange. Inactivity from work is not something he likes. Because ever since he came back from the war and more or less started to realize that his attitude was reverend shit, having this way of being has been earned over time. More also because he has appreciated his life since then, no longer believing that he could do everything and that nothing was going to stop him. He became more reserved…although he had some trouble working because he barely knew how to read. He only knows what he has learned from life. Already knowing more things in depth about mathematicians and all that, he doesn't know anything. It is a privilege that there are places, where he was once hired, that have accepted him even though he has never finished anything in his life concerning schools and others.

That's why being out of work, not because something hurt him but because they gave him days, makes him feel a little restless, weird. The fact that he can be like this when he goes on vacation… although he hesitates with such a profession, he won't know what to do.

Now, well, he has no choice. He is uncomfortable in his bed. He was looking at the ceiling.

He still has a strange memory that he prefers to imagine that it was a very strange dream and it was not something real… that, yes, just that, that it was a dream.



Almost two days ago, the main dining room



John was slowly trying to get away from there as this little golden teddy bear was getting closer and closer to him. He was afraid, he was trembling. Nothing prepares you to see this kind of thing. He was a brave person, which is shown by being here even though everything can go wrong... but even a brave person has his limits.

He didn't remember the words he said to Chica. Those words would come in very handy for him right now, but can he do something? He'd rather have Foxy come in, hook him all over the place than have to see a fucking ghost.

Why are ghosts worse, according to him, than other things?

Because he cannot harm what does not exist… physically speaking.

While he was like this, Bonnie walked up to him slowly, as well.

Chica was turned off, Fredica with smoke coming out of her and who has surely suffered some short circuits, Foxy, who may be in her cave and won't come out until further notice, this was the golden opportunity. She wasn't going to let this go. She licked her bunny lips when she was already behind the blond.

John then felt something soft on his back. They were big, too. He couldn't move anymore either. He felt a breath on the back of his neck, and his whole body suffered a huge chill that left him frozen and almost pale. Slowly he began to turn around. It seemed like it was going in slow motion. Turning around, he saw something he couldn't believe.

"Hello there, John."


John passed out.

He literally collapsed completely. Bonnie watched as it fell like a freshly felled tree. It was impressive, in fact, to see him fall as he fell. She felt a little sorry but then, seeing him like this, she smiled, not only smiled for her but smiled looking at the person who was reading this. She grabbed the legs of a passed-out John, who began to be dragged for a few moments. She had to stop to do something.

She then took that Fredica plushie that was golden.

She was somewhat reserved with this. She looked around, precisely talking about that thing that was staring at her as it did with John, but she, with a little concentration, could see her. It wasn't a big deal though considering Fredica was down for glitches, she's surprised this thing can move as it does. She, Bonnie, for a few moments, seemed to go from purple to gold to purple once more. She smashed that plushie, and that Fredica that she had seen disappeared too.

Scraps of plush fell across the floor. She does not care. She turned back to pick up John, who was still passed out. Once again, forgetting this, she looked at the reader and smiled.

"If he walks funny tomorrow... you know..."

And into the darkness, Bonnie disappeared with a guard being dragged along the ground.



Present, John's apartment



Already up, remembering from time to time that strange dream of his where he was tied to a seat, he looked at some papers on the table in the kitchen, with a bad face in fact.

"Two weeks late on pay, Mr. Smith. Three more days, and you'll be on the streets."

Something simple to understand but also something complicated to want to understand.

He glared at himself for the mere fact that yes, he's been so into working for the pizzeria that he's forgotten everything. On top of that, the mere fact of having to be mentally focused to bear the mere idea that some animatronics are trying to make love to him… stopped him a lot.

He sighed heavily because if he went in search of the money he has on hand, he has enough money to be able to pay the rent he owes but he would be left with very little… and with what he received from work, it is still little for him. I mean, in terms of money, it was pretty fair.

He looked at the reader. "I have no idea what the author is explaining, but I'm short of money, and I don't think I'll be able to pay." He then came to his senses and stopped breaking the fourth wall. As such, he looked at his money, and yes, it was barely enough. It's not that it is something very expensive, but having to ask for a new uniform because the other one was torn, paying to be attended because of his shoulder, makes him end up with little money. "We can be a great country but, to think that you have to pay for the hospitals..." He closed his eyes but well. He opened them again with regret. "I think I should do something with the money..."

At least, for the moment, the only thing that seemed to make him feel a little better, weird but better, was that Fredica stuffed toy sitting there next to his stuff on the table. He took it and turned it a little. She had nothing, it was obvious. He was smiling.

"At least I have this."

He froze when he saw that plushie move one of its eyes.

His smile completely faded.

He went to the kitchen, turned on one of the stoves, to the maximum, and put on top of that Fredica plushie that was slowly melting to the point that it seemed to be... nothing... and he swore he heard that she loved him.

The melted plushie could be seen in his eyes...

He was not going to tolerate something like that in real life because he swears that what he felt before was a pure dream.



Saturday, 3:00 p.m.



"It's good to see you again, John."

"It's… a pleasure to see you, Nicholas."

"Come on, sit down. Listen, I want to know what happened, okay?. I don't want excuses. I will have none of it. Have you done something with Fredica, yes or no?"

"Boss, the truth is that somehow… Foxy was active at night. I went to see what was happening because she is usually turned off but… I don't know, she was awake, so to speak, and… when I came back on stage because I smelled a weird burning smell, well… it was already late."

"Foxy was active."

"She thought I was a child and began to tell me a story of how… she took the man she loved and made him hers… I must admit, what she said was very graphic… almost as if I had been that man…"

"Huh... so you don't know what happened?"

"No, sir. I didn't push my luck. I didn't want to touch anything and just made sure that nothing was wrong with her... although... then something strange happened to me... although I don't know if this was real or if I just dreamed it... but I saw a golden plushie."

"Oh yes, that Fredica. We had an animatronic before in the company but, well, some things happened and as such, it had to be removed."


"I didn't think there could be more plushies still around the place, it's weird. Maybe we didn't empty everything as we thought. Anyway, this is another topic, John. Listen, I really need to know if you touched Fredica to get her systems to heat up as they did. Not only that, I have a huge problem with the mechanisms that work in her head. These days it cost to repair it, in addition to doing some revisions to the others, and therefore, it is somewhat expensive. Now, I want you to tell me the truth because I'm nowhere near taking money from you."


"Tell me the truth, have you done something with Fredica so that her parts are literally burned?"

"The truth?"

"Yes, John, I want the truth."

The seriousness of his boss... is strange. He has never seen him like this. He always noticed a calm, cheerful, and serene man. Right now, there is none of that. He felt that he was going to be fired. He couldn't lie… but he can't tell the truth either. Enough already that he has no problem recognizing that Foxy can move on her own because she is programmed to do just that so that she not only moves on her own but also interacts with customers and children. He was clasping his own hands under the desk and swallowing hard. By doing this, Nicholas sure thought he did something, but the reality was different. "It's how it happened. I came back from shutting down Foxy, and then I saw Fredica. I wanted to do a check-up of the place, and as I said, apart from seeing her, I had sensed a strange smell, a burning smell. There I saw that smoke coming out of it. I didn't want to touch anything, I didn't want to further ruin the situation."

Then the Golden Fredica plushie situation happened. He felt that after that something else happened because somehow, his legs trembled to walk, plus he had severe pain in some parts of his body as if they were teeth marks, rabbit teeth precisely speaking.

He doesn't want to think that Bonnie did something to him when he didn't know…because he doesn't remember having any stray images with her anyway.

Nicholas looked at him. He had many doubts about him. He had been doing everything right to be making mistakes that could lead to layoffs. Although, he must think that he has lasted much longer than other guards. But that doesn't work now. "I feel like you're hiding something from me."

"The things I hide happen outside of work, boss. That's why I can't talk anymore."

"Oh…" Now he understands a little. He cleared his throat then. "In that case, I have nothing more to say except come tonight and do your job properly."


"Oh, take this too." He handed a check for money to John, who took it and secretly looked at it with delight, seeing that the money was a little over $150. "Keep up the good work, and remember that now you have more work to do than before."

"More work?"

"Every time you finish or are close to finishing your day, try to check the animatronics to see if they are working well. The people who take care of them have left a small guide so you can confirm that everything works correctly."

"I don-"

"You're gonna get $30 more."

"They're all going to look Chinese when I'm done."


"You know, perfect. Because Chinese parents either have perfect children or they don't have any, you know, that."

"Oh, I see it."

He didn't see it.

"You can go away, and you can enjoy eating some pizza too."

"Thank you, boss."

John quickly left the boss's office and then went to find Francis to eat something together and well, talk nonsense of grown men.

As he left, Nicholas was able to check one of his desk drawers and then see a small painting that he kept on him at all times. He took it, and with a nostalgic smile, he couldn't help but remember the person who gave life to this family food company.



Parking lot, 4:27 pm



"Hey, thanks for this."

"Don't worry, it's nothing, John.

"I really needed this, thanks, man. It's the first time I see that we have a parking lot… and beyond that a place for children to play too… why haven't I seen some of this before?"

"You just want to make money."

"Yes, you are correct. But, it's not like I have to worry because I work at night..."

"Maybe ghosts are swinging at night..."

"No, shut the fuck up, please..."

"Haha, afraid of ghosts?"

"Go to hell."

Francis started laughing at John as they smoked. The second did not, but after trying a little, after coughing a lot, he got the twist of it, and then, he was a little less tense. Francis had given him one. They were both smoking then, both enjoying the little relaxation.

"What's wrong?"

"Why are you asking me that?"

"Because you look so tense. You do not smoke, it shows that you are not a smoker. On top of that, you walk weirdly. Did someone stick something in your ass?"

"I don't know that. I woke up with pain in my waist and legs. I can barely walk… I'm scared to think I've been raped, but… I want to believe not… anyway Francis, yes, I have some problems… I need money"

"How much?"

"How much do you have?"

"Why do you need to know that?"

"Because I really need that money, man.

"Mm... in that case, I can say that I have 300 dollars right now." There was a silence between them. Francis looked at him fully now. "Please don't tell me you really need that $300..."

"I'm happy with 150, nothing more," he replied. In fact, if he gave him the 300, he would be more than happy, and with that, he could survive more than necessary. Also, he could play dumb and buy an action figure he'd seen for $150 on the side. "I don't need more, I don't need less..."

"Why do I feel like you want more but are ashamed to ask me?"

"I just need 150 bucks."

"OK OK. Here." He took out his wallet. He took out 150 dollars then. He handed them to John, who took them as if they were the most important thing in his life. "Well, do you have my money?"

"Hey, what?"

"Oh, that looks like my money. Are you going to pay me or what?

John was not understanding anything at all. Was Francis already asking for money? Is he really one of those people who are already looking for payment as soon as they lend the money? He looked at him without understanding and then looked at him incredulously. He was unable to understand this dumbass at times.

"Hehe…." Francis started laughing. "I'm just playing with you, man. Don't worry, you don't need to pay me back if you're in such a bad state to ask me for such a sum. Apart." He took out the check. "Today I got paid. I won't be able to come tomorrow."

"Religious family?"

"For my wife. I'm not complaining… I don't want to complain either. It's nice actually, we've met interesting people."

"I understand…" He was also paid and given a raise for doing something he has no idea, but maybe he'll make some good money out of it. It's just not doing anything stupid. "Seriously, man," he looked him straight in the eyes, embarrassed to have to resort to this, "thanks for the money..."

"Try at least one day to take me out to eat something if my wife doesn't want to cook for me..."

They both laughed.



Security office, 11:50 pm



It was Saturday, he didn't have to work, but he went home, paid the rent as best he could, and was very lucky to have been saved. The owner, an old woman, who doesn't seem to be good at anything, had denied him the money but accepted when she saw that extra $150 that she hesitated for a few moments to take but took it.

Now, without concern for another month or so, he could work and carefully worry about whether he has to avoid being sucked, fucked, ridden, forced to have sex, all that kind of stuff that takes him mentally a lot of energy.

He sighed.

At least he brought something to read.

"Let's see… 'After a long time, the Soviet Union has fallen. Is North Korea in danger?' Oh well. What else is there? 'End of communism. The era of disputes has begun in cold countries' Oh... is there nothing better? 'Idiot dies for being more curious than necessary'

He closed the newspaper, folded it, and placed it on the desk while he closed his eyes and sighed, feeling that this title on the following pages was for him exactly.

There were still 10 minutes left then. It hardly took him seconds of his life to reading this before he quit and had to do something else.

He was going to take a walk then, see that everything is in order.



He didn't expect Fredica to be standing in the doorway to the left and speaking as casually as anyone. What is worse, she appeared out of nowhere, moreover before schedule. John obviously jumped a little and backed up a few steps as he yelled in fear of her appearing out of nowhere.

"Did I scare you?"

"DON'T FUCK ME!" the guard yelled as he took another breath. First a fucking ghost and now Fredica, who appeared out of nowhere. He was very agitated. It was hard for him to breathe, but nothing to worry about. He took another breath and collected himself again. "Don't fuck…" He looked at her. Then he paid attention to that voice he heard. "What's up with your voice?" (OH SHIT, 'o')

"Do you like my new voice?" Softer and sweeter than the former. She was even more flirtatious, something that made John shiver a little. "The person who has repaired me has done something magnificent. Don't you think so, honey?"

"Um, yeah, I guess so..."

"Hehehe... how cute you are to still be scared." She then approached John. She caressed his cheek. As she caressed him, she noticed the marks on his neck, and if she was a bit fussier, she could see that he also had some marks on his body. How did she notice this? Well, she had her tricks. "It makes me want to fuck you right now…" John sweated a little from nervousness because Fredica had a sweet voice and all that before this repair, but now… now it was like ten times worse, and already with her tone of voice he was feeling the urge to make breed her right now, fighting his impulses. "But I'm good… and I'll play with you, no fucking." She leaned closer to his ear. "Because first I have to take care of that whore who wants to steal what is mine..."


"Hehe…" she broke away. She ended up hugging him. Her arms passed behind his head. Her breasts were very pressed against him. They were very soft. "Since you and I became one, that has shown that we are made for each other, dear guard... and no one is going to steal from you..."

"But, if you hurt the others-"

"I won't do anything to make you lose your job, my beautiful guard. I don't want anything to happen to you, and I want you to come and fuck me like the little slut I am… if you do that, I won't do anything bad to you… my beautiful toy." She cupped his chin. She made him lower his head so he could look into her eyes much better. "I hope my toy is not playing with other girls..."


"I don't like… sharing…" Her hand released his chin. Out of nowhere, she kissed him. John couldn't answer or couldn't refuse. It was as if he was completely sucked out. Three seconds later, Fredica pulled away. There was saliva on her lips. She cleaned it with her tongue. "You are mine… remember that…"

John blinked then.

Fredica disappeared.

He jumped out of his seat. Fredica wasn't one to do these things, was she? How come she can disappear like that now? Who the hell does she think she is? He looked around again to make sure no one was watching him or teleporting.

Nobody seemed to do the same.

He didn't realize it was already midnight. It's time for the animatronics to wake up and then do what they always do at night, which is what they do best.

He sat down once more. He was a bit tense. Fredica's voice made him an idiot, and if that wasn't enough, she was closer than normal. She touched him and even kissed him. He likes this kind of thing but coming from a robot? He doesn't believe it.

"Here you are!"

He turned left again as soon as he had sat down, hearing a voice coming from the corridors. It was Foxy, who seemed to be very excited, so much so that she couldn't stop smiling.


"You have to see what I can do now!"



The main stage, 00:20 am



"How are you feeling, Bonnie?"

"I still feel as beautiful as ever. I don't think they've changed that much about me. I'm still the same after all… although considering who I am, perfection needs no improvement."

"You sound worse than before."

"You look stupider too."

"I don't know… I feel like I want to exercise, you know, like I want to go out for a run… although going out sounds like a really bad idea."

"Ah, we miss the world because we must be here and annoy a guard… thinking about it, why are we still here and not annoying John?"

"Actually, I want to know the reason for turning me off that night, Bonnie."

"It was for a necessary good."


"Foxy came. The best I could do is have you turned off so you didn't see anything that could have happened. I care about you, Chica."

"Oww… seriously, sometimes I wonder why you're not as good as you are now. Thanks for worrying about me :3."

"I'll always worry about you, Chica."

They both hugged.

Bonnie has, of course, blatantly lied to Chica. She wasn't going to tell her that she just turned her off as long as she could take the guard to a place where no one could disturb her and make the guard walk gracefully… which she was pretty sure had happened. She wants to see the look on his face when he finds out that she really rode him for hours and hours and left her bunny teeth marks on him.

They separated. They both returned to their original position. Well, they actually realized this, and as such, they were going to go find John.

"Where are you two going?" It was then that they both stopped completely. They hadn't noticed Fredica at all. Only when they turned around did they realize it was her because of her voice... it's kind of weird. "Are you going to see the guard?"


"Oh, he does have a name after all…" she murmured. "Are you going to see John?"

"Yes, Bonnie and I-"

"Chica and I were thinking of going to see John, but before that, we were going to go for a walk because we heard that when they checked us out, there were some little things in the warehouse."

"Oh… in that case, go. Enjoy your walk. I will be here, waiting for you to know what to do with… John…"

"Do not worry. We will be back soon."

"But Bonnie, I thought that…"

"Come out and follow me" she took her by the hand, and they both walked, their breasts giving slight jumps as they walked. Anyone seeing this would be open-mouthed.

Fredica only deigned to see them from afar, with her eyes half-closed, looking very carefully at Bonnie, with a smile. It seems that she was aware of it a little, and so, she must start planning what to do with her... without putting John at risk... because she doesn't want to lose him...



Warehouse, 00:45 am



"Why did you do that?"

"Sorry Chica but, Fredica doesn't seem the same," she said quickly once she was pushed into the storage room where all the parts were kept in case of repairs. "Her voice is not only different but her way of speaking and expressing herself... is not the same as always."

"How do you know that?"

"I just know, don't ask questions about this..."

"But… you don't trust me?"

It was a predicament for Bonnie because the less she says this, the better. Doesn't really mean much. She feels that what happens to her sometimes happens to Fredica. That is why she has a mere idea of ​​the situation. She doesn't want to tell Chica anything. The purer she is in these things, the better. "I can't tell you, sorry, Chica."

Chica was pouting. She looked beautiful. "You are a bad friend."

"Chica just, please be careful with Fredica now, okay?"

"Should I trust someone who doesn't trust me?"

"Do you want to be like when there were toy versions of us?" Chica was shocked when she remembered how she was years ago. Bonnie wasn't going to forget either. She literally didn't have a face. "I do not want that. That's why I'm telling you to please be careful with her… okay?"

"Alright... alright, Bonnie."

The rabbit sighed in relief.

To get rid of the little worry that is on her, she took out a carrot between her breasts and began to eat it as if nothing had happened just like Chica, a little depressed by all this and remembering that, took out a slice of pizza also between her breasts.

Women, even animatronics like them, could always get things out of their breasts, something that men will never understand how they do...



Security office, 00:45 am, same time.



John was completely fascinated by the improvements to Foxy.

By fascinated he then refers to a little frightened at the mere thought that if she gets mad enough at him, she'll turn her grappling hook into a combat knife. Clearly, that person who made this upgrade is a Rambo fan because it's exactly the same one he uses in the movies.

But more than anything, the improvement that stood out the most…

"Do you like my butt?" She said then. "Softer but also bigger… that's what men like you like… right?"


"I'm going to take that as a yes." After making him touch her new butt, Foxy sat back on John's lap. She wanted to fuck until death now, but she wanted something else. "Hey… John…"

"What's wrong Foxy?"

"Can we… have that again?"


"Later… I…" John had to say it matter-of-factly. In the end, he regrets it because he still hasn't forgotten that she raped him. "I want a hug again... and I want you to caress me... and tell me I'm a good girl..."


"Can you?" She seemed so cute. She made that face with those sad puppy eyes. John squeezed his eyes shut. If anything he loved was dogs. She was a fox but hey, details. "I... sorry but, I don't want to lose you... LOSE WHAT IS MINE! THAT'S RIGHT! She coughed a little. "S-so… can you do that for me, please?"

The mere idea that her hook could turn into a knife made him agree at once.

He hugged Foxy, and she ended up reciprocating.

By reciprocating, Foxy little by little let herself get lost in the warmth of this hug. She didn't feel a latent lust to do it all night. It felt great. She wanted to be like this all night if possible, even to sleep too. When she felt that she was caressed with a lot of love, she secretly couldn't help but shed some strange tears.

"You're...you're a good girl, Foxy," John murmured to her then. "You always have been… just… they have to understand how good you are…"

Foxy heard this and clung tighter than ever to John.

Foxy began to have strange memories, distant memories that had nothing to do with being Foxy, no. Those strange memories, distant and unreal, were the memories of a girl who has never in her life experienced paternal or maternal love, a love of parents who protect you above all else. Foxy clung to this in her experience with John and really couldn't help but cry, now more evident than before.


John noticed. His shoulder felt wet, but he also heard her cry.

"Please… please… don't leave me… I'm a good girl…"

John was somewhat static.

Then he started to worry a lot.

These words... these words he said sometime in his past after having suffered beatings from his father and mother and left to his luck as a child...

John, right now, began to worry and have huge doubts.