
Fly With The Wind

Aella, an Outstanding Student when it comes to Academics and is always active in Extra Curricular Activities except She does not like Sports. She always thought that "Sports is a Joke. It is fun, but once you get injured, Your Sports Career is Over." Kei, an Outstanding Student and second to Aella when it comes to Academics, but He loves sports, with a motto "Sports before Girls". Regardless of the learning aspect, a playful destiny will tie them together.

precious4chim · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs



As he entered his coach's room, all were gathered and currently eating some rice with curry on the side. He did respected the coach and Midorikawa-sensei by lowering his head.

He sat beside Shou who wasn't eating, and has his headphones, maybe listening to music. He took his phone and scrolled to Vibe to see if he got any messages, he has a lot of messages but he didn't read it.

He doesn't know the purpose of their coach but he doesn't expect much since it will be all about his and Aella's rumors. Maybe he'll scold at him, also teaching the others some lessons to not repeat the same mistake.

"Since you're all gathered up, we should start meeting. Midorikawa, please state the agendas." Coach Takahashi said as he sat in front of them, and they were all seated on the floor. Midorikawa-sensei took his phone out, then spake.

"Well, 2 weeks from now there will be the annual Golden Week. Our location will be in the Kisaragi Mountain Villa, which consists of their private hot springs and 4 covered courts. You will have 4 private practice, then on the last day, you will have a practice match with Noble Academy." Midorikawa said. Most of the boys are surprised about their venue, but they all kept their mouth shut since their coach hasn't given them permission to speak.

"As you can see, Kisaragi's are generous. Letting us spend our Golden Week there, instead here in our gym." Coach Takahashi started. "Why do you all think so?"

"Because this school is his alumnus?" Akira answered with a hesitations.

"Good point, another reason?" Coach Takahashi.

"He'll coach us the whole month before interhigh, so he wants to know our weaknesses and strengths?" Hayata answered, but like Akira – he was also hesitant.

"Another good reason. Any more reason?" Coach Takahashi asked once again but no one dared to give another answer. "Haven't you all notice?"

The boys looked at each other with confused facial expression, then shook their heads. Akira looked at Midorikawa-sensei, but like them ... he was also clueless. All of them were clueless.

The coach gave a weird smile, then puts his hands on his chin.

"Let me tell you a secret." He started. "Kasugano Aella," he mentioned their manager, then paused again. "Wasn't born in that name."

All of them remained silent, carefully processing what their coach told.

"I was going to tell you all, right from the start – but when I noticed her diligence and efforts, I decided not.And I actually promised her, not to tell the group. But if things like Tsubasa with her, keeps on repeating, might as well stop it." The coach said. "I want you all to give her up on becoming the team's manager."

"But didn't you and Midorikawa-sensei told us ... to pursue her to be our manager? Why would you change your mind?" Akira asks. He was really worried at the same time, confused like the others.

"Kisaragi Mizuki," he stopped and looked at each other's widened eyes. He stared at their eyes like, searching for their soul. "Does it ring any bells?"

Most of them nods.

"She's your manager. The 'fallen ace'. Kisaragi Mizuki and Kasugano Aella are one person." He ended his sentence.

Most of the boys widened their eyes, on what they heard. They couldn't process that their manager and the Mizuki are the same person. How can she keep it a secret? How can she lie and smile at the same time?

"Why didn't she tell us?" Ouji asked with worry in his face.

"Why? Nothing will change, even if she tells you who she really was. She was the star, who crashed on her own, and wasn't able to pick herself up." Coach answered.

"We don't understand. How can she be the daughter of the great volleyball players like Kisaragi Sora and ... Kasugano ... Misato." Kei took a heavy sigh processing all the things that they've heard. It was too much.

They just came from a baseless rumor, then another thing came — and even this – Aella is still included. And they're all unraveling her mysteries.

"Nothing will happen if we keep on disturbing coach's words. Please coach, tell us who she really is. Then we'll decide to let her go or not." Kido said.

"Like Aella said, Mizuki is a daughter of Kisaragi Sora and Kasugano Misato. Both of them are wealthy families, and both of them are volleyball players. Kisaragi 's are known to be left-handed family while Kasugano's are known to be right-handed family – so when Mizuki was growing she's an ambidextrous child enabling her to do things with both her hands." He paused and took out a picture.

A picture with a happy girl, holding two large trophies, awards and has three medals on her. The young girl was smiling from ear to ear, and her eyes reflected satisfaction and happiness. A girl with a black hair with an ombre mixed vermilion at the ends. She still has a purple eyes.

"A-Aella-chan." That was all they can say in unison. They weren't expecting to see an old photo with her smiling and has the satisfaction with her eyes.

"As the only daughter, she gets what she wants. I saw her grow up, since when I was a little younger – I saw how his strict father taught her. Still, she was graceful and elegant. The couple couldn't ask for more. They supported her, as she follows her parents footsteps. She won, countless of times as she can any role – which made her teammates jealous and rude to her." His eyes flashed sadness. "Since she was an only child, she was a bit spoiled. Her teammates never talked to her, even if she wanted. They would constantly leave her whenever they had breaks between matches. The other teams idolize her, but some hated her and wished she would disappear."

"They hated her?" Hiroshi asked.

The coach nodded.

"She doesn't deserve any of those." Kenji commented.

"That's when she became distant to people. That was the time, she lost her smile. All she wanted was to be noticed, not by her strength and fame ... but what she really wanted." She paused. "When she entered junior high, still in Tokyo but I'm not sure which school — she was able to bring her team as champions in Interhigh, and 2nd Runner Up on Spring Tournament Nationals during her first year.  It was her second year, the treatment of her team worsen. They would constantly neglect practicing with her, making Mizuki—Ahh, Aella-san, practice with the national team."

"N-National Team?!" The boys asked in unison.

"That's how great your manager is. That's why she can serve, spike, toss, receive and block players like a professional, keep in mind that her parents are professional players also." Coach smirked, boasting the achievements of their manager. Well, it is true that their manager is more amazing. "I wasn't sure but one time she got into an accident. She saved a young boy causing her to have sprain. She even overworked herself, stressing her body and neglects having proper meal and sleep. She also had mental problems which led her to be anxious all the time. She was often seen, alone, and staring for nothing but when it comes to games she was still reliable. Not until —"

"— Spring Tournament Junior High School Division, Finals happened." Midorikawa-sensei answered.

"Aella-san wasn't functioning properly that time. She was constantly getting blocked, her serves were mostly out or serves that doesn't go over the net. Her timing was off for blocking and her receives were all off." Coach said as he was reliving the moment where all mistakes happened.

The boys could totally see the transformation happened there, from being a happy girl to a very distant and mysterious lady in their academy.

"Her coach that time, slapped her three times and even pushed her to come up to her senses. I remembered how furious the couple was, but they kept themselves professional. They yelled at her, and even suggested to sub her out and never letting her sub in but she kept quiet. After that, she played good. Not until, after the perfect receive and toss. She was able to spike the last point, but when she landed, she twisted her legs and there ... she had ACL and MCL. On her left leg."

"A-ACL ans MCL?" Kei muttered. He remembered the story that Aella told him.

["Where is that relative of yours now?" Kei asked.

"Who knows? Maybe he's out there somewhere – in the process of accepting his fate." Aella answered. She stared at her blue lemonade juice.

"What kind of Injury?" Kei asked once again.

"ACL." Aella answered. "He already got a rehab, so the tears in his knee are all better." She added.

"Then? Why won't he return?" Kei asked.

"You have lots of questions. In my opinion, maybe he's scared of repeating the injury. The doctor said that he can still play, but the taste of defeat during that time when he got injured stung deeply in his heart ... making him unable to play." Aella answered. She held her chest as she succumb the tears she's been holding.

"Do you think he's okay?"

"No. He quitted the sports he loved the most. I think, the more he turns his back on the things he loves –" She answered honestly. She looked at his olive orbs, "the heavier the pain is, greater the pain."

"That made you hate sports?"

She nodded. "After that incident, I started hating it. After seeing someone's life got devastated because of giving up his career and dream, made me hate it."

"Most of the players who got ACL, can return playing after the rehab of six to nine months. I know many players. They were really scared about repeating the mistake, but they fought it and now they are stars. I want to meet him, and say that 'Its okay to be scared. Its okay to give up at first. Do you still love volleyball? If you do, stand up once again and start training! The world is vast and full of opportunities and mysteries! You simply cannot give up!' or like that." Kei answered while slightly laughing. He put his right hand behind his neck.

"I'm sure he'll be happy to know that somebody wants him to return." Aella said in a soft voice.

"Why not?"

"He gave up his career on first year middle school. He's known in Tokyo since he brought his team in nationals, but they lost in finals." She answered.

"He's that good?"


"I'll be better and be the best. No need for him to return, so I can have the spotlight." He answered. Aella covered her mouth to avoid letting out a small laugh.

"Then start taking practice seriously. I'll talk to coach to give you guys a rest day." ]

"I saw how brokenhearted Aella was. She suffered tears in her Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) and medial miniscus, plus a big bone bruise. Their family doctor said she "can play maybe in eight months," adding that she'll undergo surgery after swelling subsides in a month. The cause has been attributed to fatigue. but I knew that wasn't the only thing that snapped. She lost her ability to be herself. She was like a robot. Her teammates never visited her, not even once. The other teams, wished that she would never return since it wasn't a place to her anymore. She never felt Volleyball as her home, so even if it killed her, she quitted it – not because she hates it, but in order to save her sanity." He sighed and wiped his visible tears forming.

The boys kept silent and slowly processing the past of their manager. She's being selfless teaching them stuffs, giving them information and advice to improve but they all seem to take her for granted.

"Aella talked to her mom, to change her name and giving her another chance to live as a normal person but that didn't happened since she never changed her stoic personality ever again. She transferred from there to here when she was in third year, junior high. If any of you are students here that time, she had silver to pale blue ombre hair styled into a ponytail formed into three thick ringlets with straightened bangs. She wears a dark purple ruffled scrunchy." Coach Takahashi said.

"Oh! I know her!" The third years said in unison even Takato, Kensuke and Daichi.

"She's a real beauty when she transferred here!" Ouji said. "She has this amazing purple eyes, but she was intimidating."

"Ever since, she was a smart student but known to be a sports hater." Daichi said.

"She is doing well, as the team's manager. But I also don't want her to suffer more. Her mentality is a strong one, but if she crumbles again – I don't know how we'll help her. So, it's her last day tomorrow — watch her actions and decide. She's a selfless woman, and would do anything even if it hurts her." Coach Takahashi said as he drinks his water.

"That's why ..." Kei started.

"Kei?" Hiroshi tapped him.

"She had this longing looks in her eyes, whenever she's alone in the gym, it was not because of her relative, but the story she told me – it was her." Kei said in a low voice. He lowered his head and bit his lips, suppressing all the hurtful experience of their manager.

"I'll talk to Yume, to let her resign in the manager position." Akira said, as he stood up and looked at his team.

"Akira!" Ouji yelled at Akira.

"You want Aell–Mizuki to suffer more?! She's been dealing with us and she kept on longing volleyball! She's hurting without us knowing! Do you really want her to hurt herself?! It was us who persuade her to be our manager!" Akira defended himself. It was true that it was also them who persuaded her.

"Isn't it much better if we take responsibility of our actions? Since we put her into this kind of situation, mind as well deal it with her through ups and downs." Kido answered where most of the team agreed.

"No, I think it would be much better if you all let her go." Midorikawa-sensei spoke. Most of the members looked at him with confusion. Others doesn't know what to feel since they're all adjusting well with her around. "She's experiencing pain whenever you all play, and all she can do is stand on the bench, give advice, record and support. For someone who lived for it, and quitted it for the sake of others, its an excruciating pain for her."

"That's why you all need to let her go. I'll give you all a final practice with her tomorrow then that's it." Coach Takahashi said in an authoritative voice.

"It was right to let Aella-san go." Kei said which made some of the members furious. "I understand now, I told everyone the story that she told right?" He looked at his teammates and all of them nodded. "It was her. And I remember her saying, that she was scared of having the same injury. Even if her doctor gave her permission to play, the sting her heart was planted deeply making her unable to play."

"S-She said that?" Kido asked, and Kei nodded.

"When I asked her, if she thinks that if her relative is okay, she quickly said "No." and she reasoned out that she has to quit the sports she love the most. She even added that, "the more she turns her back on the thing she loves – the heavier and greater the pain is." At first I never understood, and I never thought that she's opening up that time."

"Aella-chan is such a sweetie to be hurt like that." Ouji said in a sad voice.

"When I asked her, if she hated it — this is the part she lied. She said she hated it because of the devastated people giving up their career and their dreams. I never thought it was something so deep." Kei said as his voice lowered more. Most of them lowered their heads, making the atmosphere plummet.

"We never thought that she's been through too much pain, since she always had this stoic facial expression." Shou said.

"We'll let her go." Akira said, which made some sob.

If they were going to be honest, even if Aella spent only a week guiding, teaching, and even giving sorts of advice and technique – she has this motherly care and love, not just to the sport but even to the players. Maybe, it was already too much for her to handle, that they had to let her go. It was a sad moment for them, but all they can think about is putting her out of the pain.

"I'll challenge her tomorrow." Kei said.

"With what, you idiot?" Kensuke answered.

"Archery. If I win, she has to to whatever I want, and likewise – if she wins, the team has to do whatever she wants." Kei said as he looked at his team.

"Why with us?" Hayata asked.

"Y'all would do anything for her right?" Kei asked, as he gave a faint painful smile.

"Of course. Let's do that?" Akira agreed and everyone did.

They all huddled up, and gave each and everyone a meaningful look. It was a harsh decision, but it was everything that can help Aella.

"I don't even know, what to call her." Shou whispered.

"Aella. Kasugano Aella." Midorikawa-sensei answered. The team furrowed their eyebrows as the teacher answered them. "No one knew that she's the Kisaragi Mizuki, since she never had friends. You boys are the only one who knew her secret. A secret that must never be revealed."

"She puts on an unclear mask ... maybe, she showed it but until now, but is that also a lie? She holds out the insufficient heart I wanna meet, so I'll steal the diamond before you notice." Kei said out of nowhere. The group looked at him, confusingly before answering. "She did put a mask, a very hidden emotion and past. She did open up to me, partly but she lied. She had this fragile heart and concealed secret - and we kinda stole her secret."

"Sometimes, Kei says something amazing and sometimes he's a jerk." Ouji laughed and the rest followed. Well, it was true since he's blunt and tends to take some things literally.


It was the very next day, and they had PE as their last subject. It was their first subject, and it was English, basically Oral Communication. As they all know, at some points Japan is one of the travel list of some foreigners and they won't be able to avoid foreigners talking to them or vise versa - They won't be able to talk to them. 

As he list down their notes, their lesson - Kei notices that it was something that the team and Aella was missing. They have communicated with her, but it was only for volleyball. Other than those, they never really tried talking to her.

"Functions of Communication Basically, there are five functions of communication. These are control, social interaction, motivation, emotional expression, and information dissemination.

Control – Communication functions to control behavior.

Social Interaction – Communication allows individuals to interact with others.

Motivation – Communication motivates or encourages people to live better.

Emotional expression – Communication facilitates people's expression of their feelings and emotions.

Information dissemination – Communication functions to convey information."

Talking to her was a little bit hard, since she was awkward with everyone. Aella never had any friends, and her teammates in her middle school treated her like was an outsider and never a teammate. Even so, her team should've been thankful for having someone strong in their team making them easy to win.

Well, if only he had known her before, maybe she wouldn't be like this.

Today, will be their last day with Aella since they don't want her to get in trouble. It is unavoidable to get in trouble especially their cheer squads who had narrow minds. They should've been open minded to understand that the team chose her as their manager. But since, Aella didn't do a try out manager that was held last April, no one dared to take that role. The coach didn't accept girls who wanted to become manager for them to be close to the players. Aella was nonetheless really outstanding, because even it hurted her that she won't be able to play her volleyball, she withstand and professionally handled the team.

Whenever he thinks of Aella, he can't stop having this constant 'Aella popping' in his head, as if he can't stop thinking about her. Every time he sees her, his heart races, he even gets excited and even restless. There are times that he can't think straight. He even made a lousy excuse of keeping her secret in one condition, but he wasn't be able to give that condition to her. 

It was already their lunch break and he wasn't bale to listen to his first two subjects that well since he was spacing out to much. He was too preoccupied with his thoughts about Aella. He doesn't even know he was like that, but it was all new to him.

"Is Tsubasa-san, Hiroshi-san and Kenji-san here?" A sweet monotonic voice spoke out of nowhere. Kei and his two friends looked at the front door, where there is someone looking at them.

'I was just thinking about her.' Kei thought to himself. Aella was now, standing in front them with her usual stoic expression. Her hair is tied up to a ponytail leaging some few strands infront with her bangs.

"Aella-chan~ what do you need? It's lunch time." Kenji asked as he run towards the door where she was standing.

"I'm just wondering if we can–" she looked away and made a faint blush. "–eat lunch together with the other second years."

"Of course, we can!" Hiroshi said.

She looked at the two, and nodded politely while Kei remained seated. Aella and the others stared at him, but he didn't mind. He looked away.

"Don't mind him." Kenji said.

"He was already grumpy since this morning." Hiroshi said while looking at Kei.

"Why?" She asked.

"Must've woke up in the wrong side of the bed." Kenji answered as he shrugged his shoulders.

"There's such things as wrong side and good side of the bed?" She innocently asked a question.

"Well, it depends."

He wasn't be able to hear their conversations anymore as they left the room. He was actually hungry, and it's growling since earlier, but since Aella was with them – might as well avoid her for now since he was really feeling uneasy around her.

He becomes talkative, and even an immature around her but it was like, he was being real. One of his hidden personality must've been his childish side but it's not yet fully unleased.

"And besides, she won't be coming here tomorrow – enjoy them well." He whispered under his breath, as he puts on his headphone.


"Aella-san," Kei initiated a conversation. They were wearing their training uniform as they were tasked to shoot a whole 80pts in a 70 meter target in archery. It wasn't that hard task, but for them – as beginners, it might be a hard task.

She looked at Kei, giving her full attention to the young man who is likely undecided what he'll say in front of her.

"Why don't you both challenge each other?" Kenji suggested, well it was their plan right from the start, well literally speaking – since last night.

"Y-Yeah! Losers will do what the winner wants!" Hiroshi said as he baits Aella to the trap they set upon her. If she agrees, it would be much easy since it was a challenge.

"Isn't this more like – a bet? Well, I accept." She nodded. Most of Kei's class was surprised for her sudden acceptance it was something very new to them. Aella never accepted anything that is a challenge or a bet.

"Who ever scores, a full 70 - 80 points first ... Wins, understood?" Kei said.

Aella nodded on the words that Kei said. She was checking out on how she'll win this challenge. It's not like she wanted something, because the things that she really wishes is the hardest to attain the most.

They both started the challenge, with a good start – both claiming a bullseye. The next arrow, Kei was able to claim 8 points while Aella was able to do another bullseye.

Kei - 18 | Aella - 20

Archery wasn't Aella's thing but since in order for her to improve in Archery, she must do this challenge. Her mind was clear, and all she can think about is accepting the position in being the manager, and she thought of announcing it a little bit later after their practice in gym.

Aella stumbled her last two arrows, which resulted her to reach 68 as her final score while Kei reached a score of 72. Aella, accepted her defeat and clapped her hands as her congratulations for him.

"What would be the thing you wanted the most?" Aella asked as she lowered her bow.


"I would like to use it later, it'll be useful enough to piss you off at the practice." He gave her a deadly glare and a wicked smirk but Aella juts shook her head of his statement and excused herself.

Kenji and Hiroshi walked towards Kei who was feeling defeated after having a small chat about his prize. Well, it was painful since Aella was feeling really good earlier.

"You won, I'll announce it to Akira-senpai and the others." Kenji said as he took his phone out and messages to their group chat in the Vibes.

"You did well, Kei." Hiroshi patted his shoulders, but none of his friends said was able to lift his mood. "What's wrong?"

"She was really warm, and I guess ... sooner or later, she would smile." Kei said as he put his hands on his temple to massage it. "Now, I really don't want her to leave the group."

"Why is that?" Hiroshi asked.

"I'm feeling restless with and without her."

"What do you mean?" Kenji asked again.

"When she's there – my chest makes me suffocated like I was having a very long rally, then it feels like my heart will jump out of my chest." He explained as he holds the loosed uniform. "When she's gone, I suddenly feel empty and longing for her." He honestly answered.

"Do you think of her, every time?" Kenji asked.


"Do you feel excited whenever she's around?" Hiroshi asked once again.


"You like her." Kenji and Hiroshi said in unison.

"That's stupid." Kei scoffed at his two friends, but they just laughed.

"Step number 1, denial. It's alright. We've got your back!" Hiroshi said as he smacked Kei's back and started laughing. "But man, I thinks its too early for you to like her." He added.

"Why is that?" Kei asked.

"Well, you've only known her for a week." Kenji answered with an unbothered tone.

"I've read some books, and some fall in love within the day." Kei defended. He loves reading books, with different genre and the recent one was a love story.

"That'll make you stupid, Kei." Hiroshi said as he shook his head with disapproval.

"It will make me stupid? How?" He asked.

"You'll do stupid things to be noticed by the person you like, you'll get hurt whenever she ignores you ... and lastly you'll feel like there's a big knife stabbed in your heart whenever she talks to someone you hate." Kenji answered with all his heart making his virgin in love best friend realize the risks of being in love or liking someone.

"Especially, we'll let her go later. Her tears might hurt this too." Hiroshi pointed Kei's heart as he emphasized the word 'this' to him.

Kei kept his mouth shut, processing all the words that his friends told him. Well, it might be true but what can he do? He's starting to like her and he's accepting it but a hurdle of letting her go and making a very large gap after that makes his heart ache.

Soon after their PE ended, Aella walked with the boys to the gym. She wasn't speaking but her mind is off to somewhere. She was very serene at the same time elegant as she walked. The boys are starting to get guilty because of their decision since Aella seems fine with being a manager, but they already made up their minds.

As they arrive at the gym, the boys are already complete and they were still wearing their uniform. They are seated at the bench, with coach Takahashi and Midorikawa-sensei. They hurriedly walked towards there.

Aella stood beside coach Takahashi and Midorikawa-sensei while the boys sat. She was a bit confused because of an intimidating silence.

"Aella-chan, have you decided on becoming an official manager?" Midorikawa-sensei spake to break the silence.

Kei and the others stared at their manager, and you can see that she's disturbed with the boys' silence.

"Yes. I want to beco—"

"Stop and don't. We don't need a manager." Akira cuts her words as she said her first words.

