Just fighting over a monthly ticket, and yet they've started to deploy deceptive tactics and smear campaigns.
Some people even sneaked into Flower City's V-group, intentionally capturing screenshots of my conversation with Jue Meng, but only took part of it to slander me.
Proud Unpredictability (*****) 2:02:41
Hehe, just finished typing
Despair Rain of Sorrow (*****) 2:02:51
... so late?
Proud Unpredictability (*****) 2:03:05
Storing two-chapter drafts for end-of-month competition
Proud Unpredictability (*****) 2:03:16
That guy is sure to update a slew at the end of the month, I can't wimp out
Despair Rain of Sorrow (*****) 2:03:20
Take care of yourself...
Proud Unpredictability (*****) 2:03:35
^_^, rare for me to compete
Despair Rain of Sorrow (*****) 2:03:58
We're getting old... bodies can't handle it...
Despair Rain of Sorrow (*****) 2:04:12
Like now, after drinking non-stop these past few days I can't take it any more...
Proud Unpredictability (*****) 2:04:13