
Chapter 50 Do You Have a Motorhome?

Ling Tianyu threw the cigarette box into the trash can, stood up, stretched his limbs, quickly washed his face with the water from the bathroom, and went out to buy breakfast. He also withdrew twenty thousand yuan. He couldn't let his sister-in-law and Uncle Su eat poorly; if something needed to be bought, it had to be bought.

He'd give them his bank card later, after all, he wasn't lacking money.

"Sister-in-law, take this money. The ATM could only give this much; I'll go to the bank to withdraw more later. If it's not enough, just tell me. Don't refuse, as long as I have something to eat, you will too," Ling Tianyu knew his sister-in-law would refuse, not wanting to accept the help, so he preemptively cut off any such thoughts.

Ling Tianyu only ate a steamed bun, straightened his clothes, and then left the hospital.