
Chapter 250: Can't Attend to Both Ends

Ling Tianyu squatted on the ground, his fists clenched so tightly that he wished he could shatter the bones inside. His eyes were bloodshot. He had been pleading for so long; even a single word in response would've been enough.

But there was not a single word, not a peep. If it weren't for the fact that he knew she was still alive, he might have thought she was dead.

"Click... click..."

Ling Tianyu took a cigarette out of his pocket. His hands were trembling so badly he couldn't light it with his lighter, as if this simple action was harder than performing the impossible.

"Click... click..."

Finally, the cigarette lit. Ling Tianyu, desperate and nearly out of his mind, turned his head to look at Su Ruoxi lying on the bed. She now looked like a living corpse, breathing but without consciousness.

What was the difference between this and being dead? It would be better if she were dead!

Ling Tianyu knew that this state was due to deep love, to loving too much.