
Flower blooms in Light and dark ( Variable )

#Trigger warning Contain strong word and tons of immoral activities. #Rape warning ............. With few sexes and more action, Mc uses the brain and isn't strong at first. Have no emotions toward any character, slow romance, and love. Daily 1-2 chapters Only available on web novels, if you want to post on other sites you can copy freely. ....... All tags #Adult #Actions #war #Adventure #school life #Bad to good character #Strong to stronger #rape #Arrange marriage #Strong love interest #Mind games #Dark #Manipulative characters #Depressed Mc #Op Mc #Fast development #Blackmail #Ntr ( netori ) #No loli #Dragons #Demons #Magic #Evil religion #Sacrifice to gain power #Based on a web novel #Mc bounded by Rukes

Mighty_Doomslayer · Fantasi
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61 Chs

Mysterious past - Part 3

[ For those who read the previous chapter early, I have changed the name from "Hellen" to "Helena" ]




A good-looking young man in waking around the streets with a few of the knights beside him.

He was Lòng, not the current one but the previous ones.

He was 13 years old at this time, he knew his soul power is weakening as he felt his body getting tired frequently.


Currently, he was heading towards the Libary, which was Count's family library which was a little far from their castle.

The reason was that the count family have recently moved to a new castle and books were not yet moved.


"Welcome young master Lòng " The butler who was in charge of the library (librarian) welcomed him.

He simply went to the library and searched for the book he was reading...

Just when he found the book, he saw another book beside it which caught his attention.

The book doesn't look simple, it seems the book has its own conscious and it looks magical.

The cover of the book looks red like blood and it has a different presence...

Curiosity kills the person! , Lòng picked the book.

It seems the book is ancient and has various magic formulas and ancient knowledge are here.

While flipping through the book, Lòng found a page that caught his attention.

"Wandering Souls"

He looks closely at the letter with great interest.

- Some people die but can't reincarnate because of their bad karma, however, that's not how "Infinity" works. To maintain the loops of '∞ ' they must be in a loop of constant birth, life, and death. But what about those people who couldn't reincarnate into new bodies?

Yes, they will forcefully take the bodies of people from around the world when they die but there is also an option for calling them to your body, so they can maintain of loop or cycle of life and fate. That method is called "Sacrificial Body offering ". Where you offer your body to those wandering souls.

So, what is the difference between when they forcefully take the body and when you let them occupy your body, you may ask? The answer is simple. When they forcefully take your body, they can do whatever they want but when you summoned them or let them occupy your body, you can give them one order which they must fulfill otherwise the body will reject them and they once again turn into wandering souls living in darkness and empty void.

Reading this, he somewhat thinks it was a good afterall in his condition, he is going to die soon but if he can one of those wandering souls with this and place an order to kill demons, even if he died his life will be meaningful full.

He flips the page, once again to learn more...

However, summoning them isn't easy as it will consume your soul power in the worst case your entire soul will be devoured...but if you didn't die you will reincarnate continuing the circle of life.

Reading it gave chills to Lòng, but he was going to die soon anyway it doesn't matter anyway. He is constantly losing soul power for to curse from demon God, but if soul power can help summon a wandering soul who can fight against demons it would be pretty meaning full.

He may only have seven or eight months to live so, summoning the wandering soul might be a better option even if he dies.

For him, he only cares about survival than himself, it was the final step he will take before dying, he thought in his heart.


The butter who was looking after the library showed a creepy smile as if he was scheming something looking at the Lòng reading the book.

It seems, he was the one who placed that book beside the book that lòng was reading previously.


Lòng arrived home... After reading a few more...

The topic of the "Wandering soul" was constantly in his mind.

He thought, if he is gonna die anyway after his soul power was exhausted, it was better to use that remaining soul power to summon a wandering soul.


Finally after 2 weeks... He decided to use the ritual to summon the wandering soul who shall help in the war against demons.

He spent a lot of time remembering those memories of how his family always supported him and loved him, he also remember how he became a hero in the eyes of people...

But fate has different plans so, it must be done...

He used the ritual using his remaining soul power and finally he went to sleep for eternity...


Sleep for eternity?

That's what he thought... But he suddenly woke up, but it was a different body with the same name as lòng.

He looked in front of him, there was a laptop.

On that laptop, the previous soul seems to be writing a novel"Light blooms in light and dark".

But strange, all the pages were empty...

"arghhh..." he screams as he held his head with his hands.

Finally, some storage memories keep flooding into his brain, it seems he is reincarnated into the earth in the body of Lòng whose mother was sick.

The previous owner was a loser but it seems he has won a lottery of 1 million yuan.

The shock of winning 1 million was too high for him and he died from a heart attack.

This world seems to little ahead in technology but this world has no concept of magic, class, trait, or hierarchy concept of kings and nobles.



Their body was swapped with some changes in memories, Lòng who is now reincarnated on the earth have a complete memory of their previous life but with few changes, and Lòng in the Fantasy-world has incomplete memory.

(Till current chapter )

Current strongest character: Demon God

Highest potential: Helena