
Result of Training

*1 Week After Training*

Yokoji finished his dry breakfast with feelings of slight worry, yet excitement at the same time. The reason for this is due to the last of their bread rations having just run out, however, the excitement for the plan he has made and the progress with his skills gave rise to the excitement. The progress that he and Konan have made with their talents even caused him to feel shocked.

At this point, he didn't know what bond gave them this intense amount of progress in training, yet he could already feel some power brimming within his arms. (AN: I think I created too many bonds between them, I lost count...)

Most likely, both Yokoji and Konan could bring down around 10 normal grown men each on their own. This was an incredible feat for the boy and girl who have only just started to train as a ninja.

Konan and Yokoji have yet to start practicing normal jutsus that ninjas use. Instead, they have been making use of the talents they have been 'birthed' with to help accomplish different goals.

As if to prove this statement, bunches of paper were seen fluttering around the room at high speeds. Some even managing to make faint cuts on the wall-shaped mud. It was an accomplishment that Konan has only made recently.

Yokoji saw Konan coming out through the paper, like a goddess coming to view her subjects. A beautiful blue rose was now shown on her hair, bringing out her beauty that was already at an angelic level, a step further.

Yokoji still vividly remembered what happened the day when they both woke up at training...

*Flashback Friday People* (AN: it's actually Saturday tho...)

Yokoji started to wake up, he felt people bashing the inside of his head with sledgehammers. Showing the amount of discomfort he must have put upon himself.

He realised that he may have taken his training a bit too far, as he felt the banging in his head. Yokoji now knew only to practice his chakra training to the brink of exhaustion. Just to the point where he wouldn't faint because of it.

Although it would still cause some discomfort, it won't be nearly as bad as what he was feeling now.

Yokoji heard another groan of discomfort as he looked back over to where it came from.

He saw Konan laying on the floor, slowly lifting herself while holding her head, in what looked like pain.

Yokoji forgot about his headache, and as fast as he could, ran over to Konan. He lifted her hand that was covering her face and started to look for any sort of injuries.

Yokoji sighed in relief as he saw nothing visible, but soon realised that she may also be feeling a headache.

He once again ran over to a nearby cupboard and brought out a semi-clean rag. He poured over some cold water onto it and then ran back.

As he re-entered the room he saw Konan trying to stan up again. He could still feel the pain she was in through the bond. He was still feeling the same pain right now, but he put it behind him, trying to find any way that he could make it easier on her.

As Yokoji put up the damp towel on her forehead, he looked down into her eyes, he saw something in them that he hadn't before.

He saw into her, he saw the feelings she was having. How she was so glad she was with him. And how worried she was at the pain he himself was in. Yet, she felt a pang of slight guilt as well, at the feeling of happiness she got from being cared for by him. Konan knew that the bond they had was more one-sided. She knew that he was not as affected by the bond.

But to see him care for her so immensely, even putting his pain behind him to care for her.

Tears started to build out of Konan's eyes, and although Yokoji knew that it wasn't his fault this time he still couldn't bear to see her like this.

Deciding to try and distract them Yokoji looks around for something that might help. Seeing the beautiful blue rose flower laying on the table Yokoji had a sudden idea.

He gently lifted the flower in his hands and lifted a small pin out of his pocket. He had this ready for something in the future, but it felt right to use it now.

Konan looked at him with curiosity as he lifted the flower she prepared for him. She wanted to say something to him about it but was too intrigued about what he was going to do.

Yokoji saw her intrigue but ignored it for the moment. He put the pin through the flower, and Konan seemed to want to stop him but couldn't. He could feel her a bit dissatisfied within their bond and it pained him a bit, but he knew she will feel better after he was done.

He slowly lifted the pinned blue rose. He raised it in the air, just above Konan's hair. Then Yokoji slowly started to tie it in her hair. Pinning it to her, just like it was in the anime and manga.

Konan felt part of her feel whole, as butterflies started to fly around inside of her. She now knew what he was doing and she saw her reflection in a pool of water formed from the damp towel earlier.

She saw the beautiful blue rose pinned on her hair. Making her feel even more beautiful.

Even though she made it for a gift for him. She felt even better at what he had done.

As once again, a new bond started to form between them, they stared into each other's eyes. Konan wanted to say something to show her emotions, yet she couldn't. However, their bond let Yokoji feel what Konan wanted to say but couldn't. He knew what she felt and Konan was relieved.

As they both fell into another deep sleep due to the exhaustion and stress they went through. A faint smile appeared on both their faces as they slept side by side.

*Flashback ends...*

Yokoji let out a snicker when he remembered how Konan had been when she woke up.

She was running around playing with the flower in her hair, worrying she ruined it in her sleep. Of course, it was fine, but she was still worried. Konan was determined to never take off the flower and to never get it ruined.

He knew she would eventually invent a way to not let her paper get wet in the rain, but he felt a bit of fear for his future opponents if they were to ever damage the flower in any way. (AN: *cough* *cough*)

At this thought, Yokoji was brought out of his daydream, as 5 paper shurikens flew out at him. He didn't even need to move to avoid them, as he made the water in the glass near him fly up and separate into 5 pieces. They flew separately at the shurikens, drenching them and making them fall uselessly onto the floor.

Yokoji saw Konan come forward pouting at the missed sneak attack.

That was another thing they had started to do. Launching some surprise attacks on each other to raise their awareness. However, at some point, it turned more into a little kind of game.

It was ever since Yokoji started to always splash Konan with his water, yet she never managed to get him back. It took a lot of effort on his behalf to get her to use more offensive moves on him, as she didn't want to harm him in any way.

Konan started to get more used to Yokoji's attacks after a while, but it was the same for him as well. Now Yokoji only hit Konan with water half the time, but Konan still hasn't managed to hit him yet.

"Another win for me then," Yokoji mutters, yet a small smirk appears on Konan's face.

Yokoji suddenly alert again, felt a small piece of paper hit his shirt.

Taken aback, he looks at Konan in not a small amount of shock, and quite a bit of wonder.

Konan lets out a small laugh at her apparently big accomplishment. She started to explain how she did it. "Hehehe, I let out some paper earlier and stuck it to the roof, hidden between some of the twigs and sticks."

A look of pride overcome her face at her ingenious idea.

Obviously, Konan didn't know that Yokoji felt the piece of paper earlier. He of course made sure to keep his emotions in check with surprise and shock so as not to let Konan know through the bond. She was starting to feel a bit depressed that the methods she used so far didn't work and that was not what Yokoji wanted. This way, by giving her a win, she would know that it was possible to beat him but only very hard to do so. This will motivate her for more improvement.

The way that Yokoji knew the paper was there was actually quite simple. He remembered a method that 'Pain' used in the anime. The 'Rain tiger at will' technique to be precise. Although he couldn't use it as well as Nagato could due to chakra restrictions, he could use it enough to cover the whole house.

Plus this method gave him more precise results than Nagato had. This was due to his deeper connection to water, this let him feel every small movement within the radius.

The only reason this wasn't a perfect technique would be that the rain clouds had to be set up a day beforehand, and supported with chakra continuously. This was also another form of training for his chakra as it would let it increase at a steady amount as well. And, although Konan could feel that Yokoji's chakra was being depleted, she could not tell where or how, as the water did not have any of Yokoji's chakra in it. It was his feeling with water that let him know where everything was.

This also allowed him to use it on days when it was naturally raining, which was a definite boost in Ame. The chakra clouds that he made just outputted the rain faster and made it so he could cover the whole area easily.

After all, although no one can easily dodge natural rain, there was probably someone out there who could. So, with his cloud, it would make it even more impossible for that person, thus making small areas, practically near-impossible to enter without being found.

The method would also allow him to cover a large distance if used during a natural rainstorm. However, it wouldn't give him as much detail due to the spaced-out raindrops.

Anyway, Konan has managed to create paper shurikens that she used before. She was so happy with herself that Yokoji also started to feel excited as well.

Although her gains weren't as prominent as Yokoji's. it still showed how she could now use her infused paper to move around while folding itself.

So far she could only properly control 5 of these at once, but she could still do many things with them. It's very practical.

Both Yokoji and Konan looked at each other, before deciding to discuss what to do about the growing food problem they had. Mainly the plan that Yokoji has made.

A grin appears on their faces as they thought of what they were going to do...

(AN: sorry for the short and late chapter, mum will literally beat me if I don't go to bed now. She also turns wifi off at night or I'd continue. Short authors note and edit, then going to sleep. GN)

(P.s: will probably re-do part of this chapter in the future...)

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