
Floki’s SAGA: A Vikings fanfiction.

Floki, an elderly man, lived a life most could only dream of. His fascination with Vikings began in his youth, driving him to immerse himself in their history and culture. As he delved deeper into his studies, Floki believed he had absorbed all there was to know about his beloved Vikings. However, it was when he turned his attention to the legendary boats that transported them across the seas that a newfound obsession took root. An unparalleled passion seized Floki, and he dedicated every waking moment to scrutinizing the intricate designs of these iconic vessels. So intense was his fascination that he made the difficult decision to abandon his university studies and journey to Scandinavia to embark on the construction of his own boats. Six decades later, on his deathbed, Floki was surrounded by boats of various shapes and sizes, a testament to his lifelong pursuit. Regrettably, he had no one to share in his passion, but he departed from this world, leaving behind an unofficial legacy as one of the greatest boat builders the world had ever witnessed. A Vikings fan fiction no original characters. I am a new writer so any tips would be helpfully. any inaccuracies in my fan fic or secrets in the original show that I missed that are pointed out I will do my best to update. edited on chat GPT, however I will try to make it sound more human. Image is not mine.

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Set sail.

Days passed, and Ragnar had managed to procure an anchor. His typically confident face now held a hint of uncertainty and anxiousness, as if he couldn't wait to set off on their journey.

However, there was a delay. Floki, in his usual fanaticism, suddenly declared that he had received a vision from the gods and that he would build something beyond anyone's wildest dreams. Ragnar held some doubt because he had never known Floki to build anything other than ships.

The very next day, as promised, Floki emerged from his shack, clutching the fruits of his labor with a beaming smile on his face. The group that Ragnar had encouraged to join him on the grand excursion had camped nearby, most of them annoyed by the delay.

"What is taking you so long, Floki?" Torstein, one of the Vikings stationed outside, was the first to question.

"Ragnar!" Ignoring the question, Floki shouted with excitement, causing Ragnar to smile with him.

"What is it, my friend?" Ragnar inquired. "Have the gods forsaken you in your quest for a masterpiece?" He joked.

"It is complete," Floki replied with a giggle, undeterred by Ragnar's jesting. Ragnar approached Floki in hopes of catching a glimpse, his joking turning to excitement with each step.

However, as Ragnar finally got a good look, his excitement turned to confusion. He looked at the small circular contraption, a needle in the center with carvings of figures holding up N, E, S, W on each side of the circle.

"What is this?" Ragnar questioned, clearly dissatisfied with the time they had wasted waiting for this.

Floki giggled at his ignorance, then, using the sunstone Ragnar had prepared for the voyage, demonstrated how it pointed north.

"Yes," Torstein spoke out again. "We've seen this amazing stone, Floki."

"Yes, Floki, what does this have to do with your invention?" Ragnar asked.

With the sunstone set up, Floki still ignored their questions and, facing the same way as the sunstone, presented the compass. The needle spun for a few seconds, ultimately lining up with the N.

A collective gasp resounded through the group, and Ragnar took it upon himself to take the compass from Floki and examine it.

"It's like the stone!" He exclaimed. "will it always point north?" His excitement contrasting his earlier disposition.

"Much more, Ragnar," Floki laughed. "This will show you the direction you are going whichever way you are looking. You can even use it on land."

As he started to spin around, Ragnar's face lit up as he watched the needle follow him, matching the direction he was looking.

Ragnar stopped spinning and grinned at his friend. Turning serious, he looked at everyone there.

"Why don't we set sail then?"

With that, the rest of the Vikings cheered and pulled the giggling Floki towards the ship, each taking turns ruffling his hair.