

Who am I? Who are you Sam?

Who are you?

Do I really know myself?

I need to pretend to be a good girl but that's not me.

I'm so shit.

What the heck?!

"I need to study. Ghad."

"Ow. We have a quiz tomorrow."

"I need to be a top in the class."

"What should I call this? Ahm. Ex with benefits? Friends with benefits? Or just flirting each other?!"


"What?! I'm not virgin anymore?!"

"Give me a second chance? Please?"

"Please, give us a chance. Our relationship."

"I still love you. . ."

"We looked each other a little too long to be 'just friend'. I still love my ex."

I don't know who I am. Sam, are you that flirt?