
Flight of the Young Dragon

Aeonar Targaryen, prince, dragonrider, and heir to the Iron Throne, had it all growing up: family, friends, wealth, and a dragon. As he sought to prove himself, his network of spies uncovered secrets throughout the realm. Betrayed by those he trusted, Aeonar sets out alone to make his mark on the world, earning the title "the Young Dragon." Will he triumph, or fall victim to his family's curse? Welcome to my Patreon! I'm Maddy, and I'm thrilled to share advance chapters of my epic fanfiction series with you. Delve into the world of House Targaryen and experience the intrigue, ambition, and drama unfold in the realm of Westeros. By supporting me on Patreon, you'll gain exclusive access to early chapters and behind-the-scenes insights into my writing process. Join our community of fellow fans and embark on this exciting journey together. Unlock the next chapter at patreon.com/Maddy009! Thank you for being part of the adventure.

Maddy_Alee · Derivasi dari karya
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16 Chs

Chapter 16: First Royal Wedding

WARNING: The following content may not be appropriate for certain persons under the age of 18 (depending on the legal age requirements in countries outside the United States) and may contain NSFW material such as strong language, nudity, profanity, and/or sexual themes that some viewers may find offensive. If you are under eighteen, do not view such content. Viewer discretion is advised.

If you are eighteen and up, enjoy!

Red Keep - Maegor's Holdfast…

Bells tolled loudly throughout the city of King's Landing, from the seven gates surrounding the walls to the Grand Sept itself. For seven days, a pre-wedding feast was held in the Red Keep with many visiting dignitaries pouring in from most corners of the realm.

King Viserys, beaming with joy on the day of his son's marriage to Alicent, worked closely with Otto to draw up the necessary arrangements. It would be one for the ages. The High Septon would heed the call and be summoned from Oldtown to officiate it, and a feast, tourney, and other festivities that would last for seven days… every high and low lord would be summoned to take part. Even Otto, though stoic, could not resist but smirk at something unexpected and unplanned fit perfectly to plan to place a member of House Hightower in close proximity to the royal family.

But for two people… a new chapter in their lives was only just beginning.

On the morning her new gown was to be ready, the late Queen Aemma's remaining serving maids filled Alicent's bath with steaming hot water and scrubbed her head to toe until she glowed pink, her fingernails were trimmed and brushed, and her long, brown hair was pulled back from her face into a slicked-back style. Her attendants chose a variety of the finest scented oils from the Reach as well. Alicent chose a gentle yet sweet fragrance with a hint of vanilla in it under the smell of rose petals. The maids dabbed some on her finger and touched Alicent behind each ear, and under her chin.

Rhaenyra soon arrived with the seamstress and watched as they dressed Alicent in her new clothes. The small clothes were all silk, but the wedding dress itself was white, the inner sleeves were crimson, and a pair of leather dragon wings were stitched into the shoulders making a V-shape on her chest almost to her belly along with what appears to be a subtle repeated pattern of the Targaryen sigil on the bottom half. They brought her new shoes and a tiara as well, slippers of soft grey doeskin that hugged her feet like lovers, and the tiara crowned upon her head. Her Seven-Pointed Star necklace, given to her by Otto, was a memento of her late mother. Alicent may have been born a Hightower, but today her gown announces her marriage into House Targaryen as princess consort.

"My brother's a lucky man," Rhaenyra noted. "You look so beautiful. Radiant, even. I bet Aeonar can't wait to see you in that dress."

"Thank you, Rhaenyra. I am thankful to have you here with us," Alicent smiled. I-I still cannot believe this is happening to me! She felt her fingers tingle, her hands tremble… This was the day Alicent was marrying her childhood sweetheart, her best friend, her prince! She honestly cannot wait when her groom sees her.

"Hmmm. Maybe some of those rubies we gave her?"

"At once, princess," one of the maids replied.

When the rubies hung from Alicent's ears, Rhaenyra nodded. "Yes, I think that'll do nicely. Good to remind everyone that she's now one of us." She observed analytically. "Oh! Wait, don't forget the cloak." And the women brought it out: a long cloak of grey velvet heavy with pearls. A white stone watchtower with a green fire on top was embroidered upon it in green thread. They soon fastened it about her neck with a slender silver chain.

A maiden's cloak.

"Nervous?" Rhaenyra inquired.

"Well, y-yes," Alicent admitted, her cheeks flushing a bright shade of pink. "I mean… I have dreamed about this since we were little. But never in my wildest dreams would I ever imagine the man I'd end up marrying would be your brother."

"Well, can't say I blame you. Aeonar is desirable. More so than expected since his return. Maybe you will let me have a turn when you have had your fun?" she teased with a grin.

"Rhaenyra!" Alicent gasped. "Have you no shame? You Targaryens do have queer customs."

"Teehee! I am joking. I am happy for you two. You deserve whatever happiness comes your way."

Why do you still insist on teasing me? Especially on our wedding day? Alicent calmed herself. Even as an adolescent, she will never get used to Rhaenyra getting her riled up like this. "Thank you. Still, I will find some way to get you back for teasing me like this.

Rhaenyra playfully brushed her off. "Yeah, yeah, sure you will. But until then…" she wrapped her arms around Alicent's neck, resting her chin on her shoulder. "Let me enjoy this before the main event for a bit longer. Wouldn't you agree… sister?"

"'Sister'," Alicent repeated those words. "I'd like that. Sister. Heehee, I have a sister now!"

The two laugh and share a brief intimate moment before the doors were pushed open. The first to enter the room was Alicent's older brother, Ser Gwayne Hightower. Ever since being unhorsed by Prince Daemon in the joust, the right side of his face remained bruised and scarred. And having received a limp in his left leg, Gwayne was relocated to a more suitable position within the City Watch - as evidenced by the gold-colored cloak hanging from his left shoulder.

"Brother," Alicent acknowledged.

"Alicent," Gwayne reciprocated. "Father sent me to tell you that Commander Harwin Strong has made the necessary security arrangements to ensure the wedding ceremony proceeds accordingly. I'm sure you'd be the first to know beforehand."

"I… I see. Thank you, Gwayne. And where's father?"


As if on cue, Otto was the next to step into the room. As the bride's father, he would be escorting his daughter to the Grand Sept. Otto himself was also mentally preparing the justifications that could be used to support the prince's marriage to his daughter. True, while he was only a second son, he was still a member of House Hightower, one of the richest houses of the realm and among the most powerful in the Reach. The Hightowers themselves could claim descent of House Gardner. While it was not perhaps the best match for the heir to the throne, it was certainly not an unsuitable one.

Rhaenyra, upon seeing Otto, merely said nothing and instead left the room.

"Father," Alicent rose.

"Come along now, daughter," Otto commanded. "The High Septon is waiting. As are the wedding guests as well."

"And my groom?"

"His Grace has already made the arrangements for his heir, as have I to ensure that you are to be wed." The Hand of the King eyed his daughter up and down. "You look so much like your mother in certain lights. Whatever our differences may be, our hearts remain as one. I trust that one day you will come to understand that, my daughter. You remember our words, don't you?"

"'We Light the Way'," Alicent merely glanced at her feet before accompanying both her father and brother to the Grand Sept. Afterward, she could not remember leaving the room, descending the steps, or crossing the yard towards Visenya's Hill. It took all her attention just to put one foot down in front of the other. Before long, Alicent could see the Grand Sept. She would often pray there - for solace, for guidance, or for the comfort of those she trusted most. During the reign of King Aegon the Conqueror, a sept for the smallfolk was constructed in a sunken cog in the Blackwater Rush, but a grander one was built atop Visenya's Hill - sponsored by the High Septon in Oldtown.

King's Landing - Grand Sept…

Alicent noticed the arrival of hundreds, if not thousands, of nobles gathering from across Westeros to attend the first royal wedding ceremony held in decades - her wedding to King Viserys I Targaryen's son and heir, Prince Aeonar. By the time they were permitted inside, Otto held firm and stopped Alicent.


"We must proceed with the proper protocols in a royal wedding, Alicent," Otto informed his daughter. "Now, remember your duties, and carry yourself with etiquette and grace."

"I… I understand." Alicent composed herself as she heard the Lord Commander, Ser Harrold Westerling, begin the announcements.

"It is with great pleasure that His Grace, King Viserys, announces the start of the royal wedding celebrations," Harrold began. "House Lannister with their lord, Jason Lannister. Lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands, and Warden of the West."

Headed by their liege lord, Jason was the first to stroll through the halls with his household staff. Possessing the distinct traits of his lineage as a golden-blonde and handsome man, Jason was both a hunter and a warrior but emanated the signature Lannister arrogance and prideful nature due to his family's exorbitant wealth. Accompanying him was his younger identical twin brother, Ser Tyland. Unlike Jason, however, Tyland was both calculated and cunning, a skilled strategist and politician who takes his duties more seriously than his elder twin. Each of the household staff of House Lannister wore the attire featuring the sigil of their house: a golden lion rampant on a crimson field.

"House Hightower with their lord, Hobert Hightower. Lord of the Hightower, Lord of Oldtown, Beacon of the South, Defender of the Citadel, and the Voice of Oldtown."

Uncle Hobert! Alicent recognized her uncle, aunt Lynesse, and cousin Ormund in the assembly. Her entire immediate family was here!

"House Tully with their lord, Grover Tully. Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Trident."

An old man, Grover was accompanied by his man sons and grandsons as he steadied himself on his cane. Despite rumors circulating that his health was starting to fail, the Lord of Riverrun remained a stubborn man committed to his principles. Each Tully wore attire featuring their house: a silver trout leaping on a red chief, over white waves and a blue base.

Alicent's eyes surveyed the Grand Sept interior before she saw King Viserys standing at the top with the High Septon at his right and both Rhaenyra and Aeonar beside him. Aeonar's pale, platinum silver hair was slicked back with one brushed behind his ear, pale lilac eyes were captivating to watch, and Aeonar was dressed in a black asymmetrical overcoat with red sleeves and charcoal-grey leather boots. From his collar to his shoulders and jacket center the embroidery looked like golden dragon scales.

"Lord Corlys of House Velaryon," Harrold continued. "Lord of the Tides, Master of Driftmark, Master of Ships, and Lord Admiral of the Royal Fleet. And his lady wife, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen. Accompanying them, their son and heir, Laenor Velaryon; their daughter, Laena Velaryon; and their uncle, Ser Vaemond Velaryon."

Alicent recognized Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys from several council meetings Aeonar would mention during their downtime. And, of course, Laenor had an aquiline nose, silver-white hair, and purple eyes. His sister, Laena, had a great mane of silver-gold ringlets that fell past her waist and was considered a fiery young girl despite being 12 years old - it was said she had inherited the beauty of her mother, Princess Rhaenys, and the bold, adventurous spirit from her father, Lord Corlys.

"And lastly, Ser Otto Hightower. Hand of the King to Viserys Targaryen, the First of His Name. With him, his daughter and the bride, Lady Alicent Hightower."

Otto nudged his daughter. "This is it, Alicent. Remember what I taught you."

"Etiquette and grace. Yes, father," Alicent inhaled and exhaled. Graciously moving one foot ahead of the other, the two made their way towards the marriage altar, where the High Septon waited between the statues depicting the Mother and the Father to join their lives together. She saw Ser Harrold, Ser Erryk Cargyll, Ser Arryk Cargyll, Ser Willis Fell, Ser Steffon Darklyn, Ser Lorent Marbrand, and Ser Criston Cole in Kingsguard white. But there were other witnesses aplenty; Grand Maester Mellos, the Master of Coin Lord Lyman Beesbury, the Master of Laws Lord Lyonel Strong, Lord Bartimos Celtigar, Lord Simon Staunton, Ser Harwin Strong, Lady Fell, a dozen others.

The ceremony felt like a dream-made reality. Yet, Alicent did all that was required of her. There were prayers and vows and singing, tall candles burning, and a hundred dancing lights that lit up the Grand Sept as she stood there, wrapped in her family's colors. In what seemed no time at all, they came to the changing of the cloaks. Alicent stood stiff as a lance as her father's hands came over her shoulders to fumble with the clasp of her cloak, then the clasp opened, and Otto swept her maiden's cloak away.

"My betrothed," Aeonar reached to gracefully take Alicent's hand and kissed it.

"My betrothed," Alicent blushed.

Then the bride's cloak Aeonar carried with him was huge and heavy, black velvet richly worked with three-headed dragons and bordered with red satin and rubies. As he moved behind her, Aeonar swept his cloak of protection over Alicent's shoulders and leaned forward to fasten the clasp. "Nervous?" he asked quietly.

"A little, yes. You?"

"At the thought of calling you my wife? Never. Not in a thousand lifetimes."

Alicent silently exhaled. "Whew! Good. I was… hoping you would say that," she answered. "Still, I can scarcely believe it. I'm marrying my best friend."

"I feel the same, I must confess," Aeonar admitted silently. "But don't worry. This time, we'll face the world together."

"Together. I love you, Aeonar."

"And I love you, Alicent." Aeonar said before turning to Viserys. "We're ready, father," he said.

The king nodded. "Be welcome, as we join together in celebration," he announced to the assembly. "For seven days, we have been feasting. And hosting tournaments. But at the end of it all, tonight is only just the beginning. For tonight, we honor the union between House Targaryen and House Hightower, a royal wedding… between my son, my heir… your future king… and Lady Alicent Hightower, daughter of my Hand, Ser Otto."

Aeonar's eyes surveyed the Grand Sept, switching gazes from one side of the room to the other - entrances were covered, potential escape routes were blocked, suspects with ill intentions were not seen, but amongst the pillars - lying in wait within the shadows - Lykirī Mēre acolytes had their eyes on everyone. So far, so good. Not even the Kingsguard could detect them lurking in the darkest corners. No sign of trouble yet, but they would not let their guard down. Redirecting his attention solely to Alicent, Aeonar wasted no time in holding her hand.

"Your Grace," the High Septon bowed to Viserys. "The love of the Seven is holy and eternal. The source of life and love. We stand here tonight in thanks and praise to join two souls as one. Father… Mother… Warrior… Smith… Maiden… Crone… Stranger." He turned to Aeonar and Alicent. "Hear now their vows."

"Father… Mother… Warrior… Smith… Maiden… Crone… Stranger," they both recited their vows.

"I am yours, and you are mine," Aeonar said. "Whatever may come."

"I am yours, and you are mine," Alicent said. "Whatever may come."

"Here, in the presence of gods and men, I proclaim… Aeonar of House Targaryen… and Alicent of House Hightower, are to be man and wife. One heart, one flesh, one soul… now and forever. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder."

Watching the newlyweds, Viserys gained a daughter-in-law, and his son was now married… but he noticed Corlys Velaryon trading glances for a while. The king could not hold off forever, he would have to answer about Laena being a potential bride for him soon. For now, though, the King tried to focus his mind on happier things. This wedding was so far from a triumph. Every great lord and knight of the realm had come to offer their blessings. Representatives from Pentos, Braavos, the Summer Islands, and even Volantis had come. Though the Triarchy had not sent any official, which was not surprising. Even the Principality of Dorne had sent a party of their own to offer their wishes to the new couple.

"In the sight of the Seven," the High Septon announced, "I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity."

"Hen lantoti ánogar, va sýndroti váedroma. Muñus Mandya, ojehittan īlva raqnon se gaomagon zirȳla ȳgha. (Blood of two, joined as one. Gentle Mother, bless our love and keep her safe.) I swear, in the light of the Seven, to love and honor this woman in sickness and in health. From this day, until the end of my days," Aeonar vowed. "With this kiss, I pledge my love and take you for my lady and wife."

"I swear, in the light of the Seven, to love and honor this man in sickness and in health. From this day, until the end of my days. With this kiss, I pledge my love and take you for my lord and husband," Alicent vowed.

When the time came to kiss the bride, Aeonar cupped Alicent's cheeks, leaned forward, and brought his lips to hers; her soft, fragrant hair surrounding him. Alicent hummed as the kiss collided in a gentle press and reciprocated with as much affection. After a moment of love, Aeonar and Alicent pulled apart and faced the crowd, raising their hands high in the air before the Seven-Pointed Star as the attendees applauded their union.

Red Keep - Small hall…

The wedding feast was held in the small hall. There were sixty guests; Targaryen retainers and allies, for the most part, joining those who had been at the wedding. A huge table had been stacked high with gifts of all shapes and sizes. House Lannister had sent a beautifully crafted golden statue, a dragon in the visage of Vaelor perched atop a replica of the Hightower; the entire thing stood eight feet tall!

House Arryn had sent a rare albino falcon, completely trained, and in a silver cage.

The Starks had sent a weirwood sapling from the wolfwood, to be planted in the stone garden of Dragonstone.

The Greyjoys had sent a scrimshawed whalebone, the piece expertly detailing the burning of Harrenhal by Aegon the Conqueror.

House Tyrell had sent a chalice made of reddish-gold and set with seven separate precious stones that had been cut and shaped like dragons.

Lord Grover had sent a small but beautifully sculpted marble fountain along with crystal glass filled with waters from the blessed Jonquil's Pool.

Lord Boremond had sent two exquisite sets of armor, one crafted for Aeonar and the other for Alicent. Boremond stated that any woman brave enough to face the Young Dragon of House Targaryen was no doubt a fierce warrior. The comment had earned a laugh from the crowd and a giggle from Alicent.

And there were only some of the many gifts that were being offered to the heir apparent and his new bride.

"Well, this is it. He is on his own now," Rhaenys mentioned. "Our only regret was that Aemma, God's bless her soul, could not be here to see her only son beginning a new chapter in his life." She maintained her composed demeanor. "But there will be no doubt that he will be tested in the months and years to come, unlike the rest of us in our youth."

The gift House Velaryon had given was a scale model of a ship named Sea Wyvern which he promised was being built in the shipyards of Driftmark. Lord Corlys had declared it would be the fastest ship in the Narrow Sea, a worthy flagship for the rider of the fastest dragon and his new wife. And now Corlys looked at his wife and placed his hand onto hers. "You were tested and came out stronger for it. Jaehaerys and Baelon made the mistake of underestimating you. We shall not make that same mistake with Aeonar."

Rhaenys pondered. "His succession will be challenged," she warned. "Given his generous proposals and offer of an alliance, we have to protect him."

"I can protect him at sea, and you can protect him in the air," Corlys said reassuringly but his eyes scanned the room. "But there is only so much we can do here in the heart of vipers nest."

Everyone wore false smiles and sang the praises of Aeonar and the wisdom of Viserys. But both the Lord and Lady of Driftmark could see through them. Their eyes glared jealously at Alicent, all of them wondering why she had been chosen over many other and far more suitable choices. The prince had placed a target on his beloved's back and dragged her into the great game, only time would tell if she could survive.

"Your Grace," a man approached Viserys, "I am Unwin Peake, Lord of Starpike, Dunstonbury, and Whitegrove," he introduced himself. "This is my daughter, Beatrice."

Beatrice bowed courteously. "Your Grace," she said with grace and charm.

Viserys gazed at the woman presented to him, she was slim and comely, with curly brown hair that went down to her shoulders. Beatrice's cheeks were slightly freckled that only enhanced the doe-like innocence of her deep brown eyes. She wore an orange and black dress, made from fine Pentoshi silk. Tearing his eyes away from the lovely woman, Viserys acknowledged her lord father, "Lord Peake… yes, I recall meeting your father at the Great Council, he and Lord Tymond Lannister had been some of the most vocal of my supporters."

"Of course, Your Grace," Unwin acknowledged. "My late lord father did not believe that a woman should rule over men. The thought of breaking centuries of tradition is preposterous! Things have been dreadful since the Old King passed; gods bless his soul. Anyway, House Peake offers its congratulations for the union of your heir and Lady Hightower. May the Seven bless them with many children." He raised an eyebrow. "Forgive me if I overstep my boundaries, but I do offer my sincere condolences for the passing of your lady wife. Queen Aemma was an admirable woman."

A look of sadness passed over Viserys's face at the mention of his wife. "Thank you for your sympathy. I deeply regret that she isn't here for this momentous occasion." He said with some solemness in his voice. "Still, even in times of heartache and grief, one must persevere and continue forward."

"Indeed," Unwin bowed.

As the two took a seat at the nearest table, Viserys noticed that Beatrice often traded glances at the king. There was something about her the king could not put his finger on, but there was something…

"Time for the bedding ceremony!" one of the rowdy men called out.

"Bedding! Bedding!"

Viserys watched as Aeonar and Alicent were eventually dragged away with the doors closed behind them.

"He's been wanting to fuck that Hightower girl for quite some time," Ser Harwin Strong commented.

"Well, here's to the gods that they'll have many children," Ser Tyland Lannister replied.

One of the Fell lords approached Viserys. "I imagine you'll have plenty of grandchildren running around soon, Your Grace," he whispered.

Viserys gave a small but sad smile, "Yes, children are a blessing." He looked wistfully at his chalice; his wine was left untouched. The words reminded him of yet another thing his dear Aemma would not be here to see the faces of the next generation of princes and princesses. To help select eggs to place in their cradles, watch them take their first steps, or hear their first words. Is this what my life is to be now? Will the history books call me Viserys the Lonely? He investigated his wine glass and recalled how quickly his grandfather had withered away after his wife died. And Viserys could still hear the sobs of his father, Baelon, weeping over the loss of his beloved wife who perished. He gave a deep sigh and drained his glass in a single gulp, he then turned his gaze back to Beatrice Peake, who smiled at him, flashing her doe-like eyes.

Red Keep - Royal apartments…

For their wedding night, Aeonar and Alicent had been granted the use of an airy bedchamber high in Maegor's Holdfast. Lucky for them, none of their guests had followed and granted them some much-needed privacy. As is customary in Westeros, the bedding ceremony was the time for the newlyweds to share the first night after the feast has taken place to consummate their marriage. Aeonar shut the door behind them and locked it, preferring to be alone with his lover… no, his wife.

"So…" Alicent felt shy, whether from excitement at being married to her childhood sweetheart or nervousness from what is expected of her in her duties cannot be certain. "So… here we are."

"Here we are," Aeonar noticed her posture shifting slightly. She is nervous. I need to calm her down. Make her feel relaxed. Turning to fetch two goblets, he poured a flagon of Arbor gold for each of them. "Still, it's hard to imagine that this happened, but… here we are. I finally got to marry the love of my life. Can't imagine anything better than that, wouldn't you say?"

Alicent gave a light chuckle. "No, no I can't think of anything that might even come close." She sat down on the edge of the great curtained bed, watching Aeonar taking a seat next to her and offering her a cup. She graciously accepted and took two gentle sips. No doubt it was exceptionally fine wine, but it was enough to mellow her out. "To be honest, I've been dreaming about this for quite some time. But now that it is happening? I must admit, I feel nervous. I mean… I know what's expected of me, but I've never done this before."

"Alicent," Aeonar gently placed a hand on hers, "you know I would never force you into something you're uncomfortable with. I love you. And I always want us to be together."

That's… so sweet. "I know, Aeonar. love you too, and I'm grateful for being patient with me." Alicent took a moment to calm herself and placed a hand on Aeonar's shoulder. "But you see… remember when we were children? How the three of us would always sleep together in the same room trading stories, sharing dreams?"

"Yes, that I vaguely remember but Rhaenyra would always make her thoughts on that matter very clear. Mostly if it involves pranking the next unfortunate soul in her path."

"Pfff! Hehehe, she is terrible! She still is." Alicent smiled reminiscently. "But I suppose that's why I've gotten so fond of you two. Never thought about it much until you asked to court me. I was thirteen and you were fidgeting like crazy in the godswood."

"Hey! I spent hours rehearsing how to properly confess and I kept screwing up every single time."

"I guess even princes get nervous from time to time, no?"

"Depends on who the prince is." Aeonar squeezed her hand. "I… never translated what I said to you that day, did I?"

Alicent shook her head. "You mean after you gave me my first kiss? No. Hen se… ugh, High Valyrian is always a subject I could not understand," she complained. "But it was something along those lines."

Ah yes, that one. Now I remember. "Hen se tegon naejot se qēlossās, ao se nyke, ñuha prūmia. It means, 'From the earth to the stars, you and I, my heart.'" Aeonar answered. "You see, for House Targaryen… we only say these words to someone we desire to spend the rest of our lives with. My great-grandfather King Jaehaerys, my great-grandmother Queen Alysanne… They were examples of such marital devotion even if they did have their quarrels. Because they did whatever they could to make it work with the people they care about supporting them if one should falter. You, Alicent, I knew you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with."

"Well," Alicent smiled, "now you have me. I am here for you. Until the end of our days. Everything I am, I give to you of my own volition… because you never used me as a piece to move about the board." She timidly wraps her arms around Aeonar's shoulders, anticipating him to make the next move. "Gods, this is embarrassing."

"You're nervous."

"Of course, I am. I-I have never done this before. I thought I would be mentally prepared for this, but- Mmm?!" Aeonar interrupted Alicent by connecting his lips with hers. Once again caught off-guard, Alicent this time was more receptive to his advances and closed her eyes. For a short while, they let their instincts take over and enjoy this tender moment they have with each other. "Mmhhh… ~" Gently laying down on her back, Alicent continued to kiss Aeonar as he lay on top of her, moving her lips in sync to match his. Opening her lips, their tongues met and danced with one another, causing her to elicit a soft moan.

Aeonar pulls back again, allowing them to gasp for air. So far, so good.

"A-Aeonar," Alicent panted. "I… I want this. I want you…"

"And I want you, Alicent. More than anything."

"Can I… Can I get up so I could take off my gown, or would you rather undress me?"

"Of course."

Aeonar raised himself to allow Alicent back up so she could undo the laces and buttons of her clothes. In the meantime, the prince did the same - removing his undershirt and his black overcoat. Alicent too managed to disrobe, and her cloak and gown and girdle and undersilk slid to the floor until finally, she was stepping out of her smallclothes. Goosebumps covered her arms and legs. Alicent's face flushed when she observed Aeonar's torso, her eyes examining his athletic physique but also the four faint scars on his left pectoralis major, right external abdominal oblique, left deltoid, and across the sternum.

"Your scars," Alicent gently traced her fingers across Aeonar's chest. "Do they hurt?"

"Not anymore," Aeonar shook his head. This time he studied Alicent's figure: her body was slender and graceful; her hips were curvaceous; her waist measurement was narrow, and her bust… her breasts…

"Aeonar!" Alicent blushed and covered herself with her arms. "I-I know they're small, but…"

"You think I care about the size of a woman's tits?" Aeonar shook his head. "No, what matters more is how we care and feel about each other. I don't care if your breasts are small or not, Alicent."

"Y-You don't?"

"No. If you are uncomfortable with this, then…"

Alicent shook her head and gently removed her arms away from her breasts, allowing Aeonar to get an unobstructed view of them. Not small, not large. To him, her breasts were perfect. Everything about her was perfect. Aeonar trailed one hand slowly down her neck, collarbone, and chest to fondle Alicent's right breast, gently caressing it as Alicent lets out a small gasp before moaning at the motion of his thumb tracing across her nipple, a sound of encouragement. "A-A… Aeonar…" she gasped.

"Does this feel good, Alicent?" Aeonar inquired.

"Y-Y… Yes…"

Good. His training with the Lykirī Mēre allowed him to target pressure points in the human body, and his knowledge of human anatomy allowed Aeonar to be an efficient assassin if necessary; but tonight, he will be employing his skills to use as a lover. Lowering his other hand down past Alicent's waist, he gently spread her legs apart to stroke her clitoris in a circular motion.

"O-Oh Gods! A-Aeonar… !" Alicent gasped, her body flinching before grinding against the invading hand. Her cry was coarse and breathless but still echoed throughout the room. She bit her lower lip to keep from crying out further, but it only served to satisfy Aeonar as he knew her womanhood was sensitive and wet, and she was enjoying this no matter how hard she tried not to show it. "Mmhh… ~" Aeonar continued moving his fingers in small, circular motions across the surface of her labia. He can feel Alicent's hips tremble when he hit the spot close to her clitoris again. "N-ngh! Hhaa… haa… A-Aeonar… S-stop… I…" she bucked her hips.

Aeonar complied and withdrew two of his fingers from her folds before examining her glistening sex. Good. But I still do not want to overwhelm her. I want her to feel good, however, we will only do things if it feels right to her. "How was that?" he asked.

Alicent panted. "It… it was good," she answered. Her breathing sounded heavy. "But… what about you?"

"We can deal with that later. Tonight, I want this to be all about you. You are in complete control, okay? You can stop me at any time. Do you trust me?"

"Yes… Yes, I do."

"Good. Because I have something special in store for you, Alicent."

"What are you-" Alicent asked before being cut off by a new sensation. "Oh. Oooh. Ooooh~!" she closed her eyes and threw her head back against the pillow, arching her back upwards and opening her mouth in an 'o' shape filled with silent gasps.

Aeonar had spread Alicent's legs apart and lowered himself to taste her. Sticking out his tongue, he flutters over Alicent's swollen clitoris which caused her to jolt under the faintest touch. He wrapped his arms around her legs and pulled her closer to him, burying his mouth deep within her folds. He could hear Alicent's breathing growing heavy as he continued lapping at her folds, up her labia, nipping gently at her sensitive bud.

"Oooh, haah~" Alicent gasps and moans, raking her fingers through his hair. "A-Ah! Mmm, oh Gods, it feels so… so good… ~" Alicent arches her back and bucks her hips against Aeonar's mouth, giving him a greater angle for him to ravish more of her.

Well then, let us see how you handle this. Aeonar glanced up at her from between her legs, listening to her mewling cries before extending his right hand up Alicent's body to knead the soft mounds of her breast again. Thinking now was the time to act, he increased his tongue's pace against her drenched slit, her glistening arousal coating his fingers stroking her clitoris.

"O-Oh Gods!" Alicent gripped the bed sheets tightly. The oral sex being performed on her was intensifying as her labia continued getting assaulted, causing her to buck her hips slightly against him until she felt a burning sensation in the pit of her stomach. "A-Aeonar… ! Some… Something's happening… ! I… can feel it… !"

She is getting close. Aeonar removed his mouth from her cunt. "Do it. Let it out, Alicent. Do not hold back. Come on. Sing a song for me," he teased, increasing the pace of his fingers circling her slit.

"A-Ah, ahhh, AHHHH~!" Alicent shouted with a carnal cry; her body twisted and tensed as she received her first orgasm. She panted heavily and was slickened in sweat; her cheeks flushed a deep and satisfying shade of pink.

Aeonar leaned on his side, watching Alicent catch her breath, watching her chest rise and fall. "I take it this means you're satisfied?" he inquired.

"Haah… haah… That… that thing with your fingers… and your tongue… W-Where," Alicent breathed heavily from her climax, "where did… you learn to do that?" she replied.

"Nowhere," Aeonar answered. Before long, he got on top of her. "Alicent, I-"

"I know. I… I know." Alicent looked down and noticed Aeonar's erect cock, thick and veined, with a bulbous purple head. She calculated his girth was somewhere around 6½-inches in length. Is that thing going to… fit inside me? "Just… be gentle, okay? It's my first time."

"I promise, Alicent." Aeonar kissed her and found himself between her legs. He makes sure Alicent is as comfortable as possible and promises to be gentle. Gently moving her position, he takes her legs and brings them atop his shoulders, and grabs the tip of his cock, lining it up against Alicent's tender, soft and wet cunt preparing for penetration.

"I… I can feel you already," Alicent observed.

"I know. I am going to put it in now. Let me know if it hurts you too much, all right?"

"O-Okay. I trust you."

Aeonar nodded and started to slowly apply pressure, pushing himself deep within her.

"Ghhh! Haa… nhh… !" Ow! Oh shit! Alicent gasps and winces, causing Aeonar to momentarily stop, making sure he does not hurt her. As he does, Aeonar notices Alicent's entire body went completely stiff.


"Nngh… I-I am okay…" Alicent hissed through her teeth, giving a painful smile as if to reassure Aeonar that it is not as bad as it looks. Taking deep breaths, she works to relax her muscles. "O-Okay. Y-You can keep going now…"

You must give her credit. She is enduring so much pain… for me. I have to do something for her. Aeonar leaned down and held Alicent in a warm embrace. "Alicent," he gave her as many tender kisses on her as he can manage to try to ease her discomfort, which she reciprocated. Feeling her body relaxing, Aeonar prepares to continue. He teases the nape of Alicent's neck, trying to distract her from the pain as he slowly pushes further inside. Before long, he felt the resistance of her hymen against the tip of his cock. "Alicent? Are you ready?" he asked.

Alicent bit her lip. "Yes… I am already yours. Take me…" she insisted.

Encouraged, Aeonar pressed forward against her hymen until he felt it weakening. With one final shove, he felt something inside her tearing up which caused him to slide further into her with a new source of lubricant: blood. Alicent's blood. He had effectively taken her virginity.

"AH!" Alicent yelped and dug her fingernails deep into Aeonar's back and shoulders. She shut her eyes tight and gritted her teeth in pain, feeling blood trickling through the crease of her buttocks and onto the bed sheets. "Ghhh…"

"A-Alicent…" Aeonar groaned as he felt heat enveloping around his cock, sending waves of pleasure shooting throughout his body. "Are you…?"

"Nhaa… haaa… haaa… I-It hurts," Alicent whimpered. Tears flowed freely through her eyes; her hips were shaking from the pain. "Is that… Did you…?"

"Yes. You're… officially no longer a maiden."

"I… I see. Give… Just give me a moment, please. I wasn't expecting it to hurt this badly." It takes a few moments for Alicent before her trembling gradually begins to cease. Both she and Aeonar stayed that way for a few more seconds, enjoying each other's warmth. "You can move now if you want. Go… go slow, okay?"

Aeonar complies and begins to move his hips slowly, joining their bodies closer. He felt an incredibly hot tightness around his cock and fights the urge to release. He cannot climax now, not while he is this far along. Feeling the inner walls constricting him, Aeonar began to move his cock in and out of Alicent's wet cunt - whether it was aided by her hymen's blood or natural bodily fluids.

Alicent winced slowly at first but soon began to feel a new sensation building up. "Haa… mnh…" her moans, now softer, were mixed with both pleasure and pain. "Aeonar… D… Is it good for you?" she asked.

"It is," Aeonar answered. "I know this is hurting you, but I'll try to end it as quickly as I can."

Alicent shook her head. "No. No, take your time. It… does not hurt too much," she massaged his back. "I… love having you this close to me, making love to me… Oooh! Mmm… ~ I am… so happy that you are my first…"

"Ah shit… Same for you, jorrāeliarza (beloved). Your cunt is so good…"

"Really? Mmmh.~ I am glad… Oooh!"

Aeonar took a small glance at where his hips were connected to Alicent's. There was a clear trace of her blood on his shaft. Gripping her hips, he increased his pace a bit and resumed pumping into her, paying close attention to hitting the G-spot deep within her womb. He leaned down and claimed Alicent's mouth hungrily, his urges consuming him. As their tongues wrestled in each other's mouths, Alicent's face contorted into pleasure, as the pain faded further and further away. Her husband was making love to her; two hearts, minds, bodies, and souls were connected and became one. Small beads of sweat began to form across their brow as Aeonar buried himself deep within Alicent.

"Nnh… ! Oh, Aeonar… You feel so good inside me… M-More… Harder! Deeper… Please! Fuck me harder… !"

Aeonar's thrusts increased. Flesh slapped against flesh as their hips met. He continued pounding into his wife, never breaking eye contact, and their noses just barely touching. He moves just to hear Alicent's exquisite cries. It is only her beautiful cries, his grunts, skin slapping against skin, and the sinfully delicious wet sounds coming from her that fill the room. She was slick with sweat now, her breasts bouncing up and down. Their gaze met momentarily in the heat of the moment before Aeonar realizes that Alicent is finally enjoying their sexual intercourse. His thrusts, now less careful and deeper, hit the deepest parts of her womb.

"Oooh! Mmm~! Oh, Gods!" Alicent closes her eyes from the pleasure before her body shook, a wave of orgasm having washed over her repeatedly. She no longer showed any signs of pain.

"Alicent," Aeonar groaned, feeling an intense buildup in his loins as he pounded into her particularly harder, "I'm getting close soon…"

Alicent felt Aeonar's cock swelling and twitching inside her. She knew he was getting close to his release as well. "M-Me too… ~" she gasped. "Do it, Aeonar. Cum inside me… It's… it's okay."

Whether it is the desperation in her voice or the way she rises and falls like the swell of the sea, or how Alicent wrapped her legs around his hips, her womanhood quivered, her arms barely holding onto Aeonar, and her hips started to buckle as she shook and rode out another orgasm.

Finally reaching the peak of his limits, Aeonar let out an audible groan and gave one deep thrust before finally releasing shot after shot of his seed directly into Alicent's fertile young womb. Alicent's eyes widened, moaning as she felt his seed filling her up. Her body shook, her toes curled… and her loins ached. Feeling spent, exhaustion soon enough caused Aeonar to slowly collapse on top of Alicent, burying his face in her neck before slowly withdrawing from her. Aeonar rolled off to the side of the bed. Both were strewn with sweat and exhaustion before pulling the sheets over themselves. They lay staring at one another wearily as Aeonar wrapped one arm around Alicent and pulled her closer to him.

"That was… so good," Alicent panted with exhaustion.

"Yeah… Whew, yes it was."

"You were… so gentle with me. Like I asked."

"Of course. I… wanted to make you happy."

Alicent outstretches her neck so her lips can reach his cheek, pecking him tiredly on the cheek. "You always have…" she sighed.

Pulling her into his embrace, Aeonar blew out the candles before they closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep. The night was young, but tomorrow would bring about a new dawn. This was the next chapter in his life. And he was ready to face the world… with Alicent Hightower at his side.