
Fleeting Memories

Joanne Berkley's Diary, DO NOT READ I'm a straight A student who stumbles upon the queen bee on my first day in a new school. New school means, a new school environment, and a new environment means, I must relearn the school's teenage politics. Little did I know, that this new school will not only give new memories and friends, but also a new wave of emotions that will clash onto me as I gets tangled in a web of drama. Cover Credits: Mystic Wings Design Discord: angel_faye

Luna15_ReaderX · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Entry 14: Understanding

As the days passed, our study sessions became a routine that I started looking forward to. Every afternoon, Rachel and I would sit in the same spot to get to her house, books and notes spread out before us. But it wasn't just about the math and science anymore; it was about the conversations, the laughter, and the growing connection between us.

One evening, after a particularly long session, we decided to take a break and go for a walk. The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow over the streets. We walked in comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying the evening air.

Rachel suddenly stopped, looking up at the sky, her eyes sparkling with wonder. I noticed her expression and asked "You like Astronomy?"

She giggled and nodded. "Yeah, especially Orion. I've been dreaming to be able to witness it someday."

"Huh," I say as I looked up looking at the stars. "It is beautiful.." I turn to her, gazing at her mesmerised expression.

A small grin spreads across my face, as I admired her beauty. Rachel catches me staring, and her lips curved into a playful smile. "Need something pet?~"

I quickly looked away, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. "No, no, heh.. it's nothing," I stammered. "I was just... thinking about how nice it is to see you so relaxed and genuinely happy y'know?"

Rachel's playful smile widens raised an eyebrow. Her body now turned to me, as her eyes is filled with amusement . "Oh, so now you're watching me instead of the stars?"

I laughed nervously, trying to recover. "Well, you did say you wanted to see Orion, and I just got distracted, I guess."

She shook her head with a soft laugh. "You're something else, pet. But thank you. I really do love the stars. They make everything feel so... meaningful like there's more to life than just what's happening right here."

I nodded, appreciating her sentiment. "They do. It's like they remind us that there's a whole universe out there, full of possibilities we haven't even thought of yet."

Rachel's expression softened as she looked at me, her eyes reflecting the light of the stars above. "Exactly! It's nice to think about, especially at times where you're lost, it'll help you find meaning."

There was a moment of silence as we both stood there, looking up at the night sky. The world around us seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of us under the vast expanse of stars. It was a peaceful, almost magical moment that made me feel closer to Rachel than ever before.

"You know," she said quietly, "I'm really glad we've been spending time together like this. It's been... different, in a good way. I feel accepted and seen you know? Makes me feel free."

I smiled, touched by her words. "I'm glad you feel that way around me."

Rachel raises her eyebrow slightly, as if she was closely observing me. "How about you though? Do you feel the same?"

I hesitated for a moment, surprised by the directness of her question. But then I nodded, meeting her gaze. "Yeah, I do. I mean, I can't say I'm very open yet but, it's been really nice getting to know you beyond just the surface level. You're different from what I expected, in a good way."

Rachel's expression softened, her eyes searching mine. "Different how?"

I took a deep breath, choosing my words carefully. "Well, I always thought you had everything figured out, you know? The popular girl who always knows what to say, what to do. But the more time we spend together, the more I see this whole other side of you—someone who's thoughtful, kind, and, well... real."

She smiled, a genuine warmth in her eyes. "I guess we've both been surprising each other, huh?"

I chuckled softly. "Yeah, I guess we have. But in a good way."

Rachel nodded, her smile growing. "It's nice, though. Not having to put up a front all the time, just being able to be ourselves."

"Yeah," I agreed, feeling a sense of connection and understanding. "It really is."

She grinned, bumping her shoulder against mine playfully. "And the real Rachel is glad to have someone like you around." I smiled back and gave her a small nudge.

We walked in silence for a moment, the evening air cool against our skin. The stars twinkled above us, distant and yet somehow comforting, like they were watching over this new bond we were forming.

Rachel broke the silence first. "So, what about you? What do you like? What makes you feel free?"

I thought for a moment, considering her question. "I guess... I feel free when I'm doing something creative. Writing, drawing, just... expressing myself without worrying about what others think."

She looked at me with interest. "You write and draw? Ooooh! I'd love to see some of your work sometime."

I blushed slightly, not used to talking about this side of myself. "Maybe? I don't usually share it with others, but... maybe I'll make an exception for you."

Rachel grinned. "I'd be honored pet. Maybe one day we could even do something together, mix our talents or something. I think that would be fun."

I smiled at the thought. "Yeah, I'd like that."

As we continued our walk, the conversation flowed naturally between us, moving from our hobbies to our dreams for the future. It felt easy, comfortable—like we were two parts of a whole, discovering new things about each other and ourselves.

By the time we returned to Rachel's house, the stars had fully emerged, dotting the sky with their brilliant light. We stood outside her door for a moment, neither of us quite ready to say goodbye.

Rachel looked at me, her eyes reflecting the light of the stars. "Thank you for tonight, Joanne. It was... special."

I smiled, feeling the warmth of her words. "It was. I'm really glad we did this."

She hesitated for a moment, then leaned in to give me a quick hug. It was brief, but it carried a lot of meaning. When she pulled back, she smiled softly. "Goodnight, Joanne."

"Goodnight, Rachel," I replied, watching as she disappeared into her house. As I walked home, I couldn't help but feel that something had shifted between us—a new understanding, a deeper connection. And it felt good, really good.