
1: Reunited


Kwan slowly opens her eyes and noticed unfamiliar ceiling. She slowly sits up and felt her head thumping hard. "Argh. I drank too much." Slowly the blanket slides off and she noticed she was completely naked.

She gasped. She turns and see a unknown man sleeping next to her. [What the heck did I just do?!] She then recalls what happen last night.


Kwan was going to surprised Kyle but she enters the room, her eyes widened as she sees Kyle with her best friend. "K-Kwan." Kwan clenched her hands and change her behavior, said; "Wow. A jerk and a slut. You two do look together. Please, continue. Don't mind me."

She turns to her heels and head to the bar. Glass after glass of alcohol. (I'm such an idiot. Who would've thought they're...no...I kinda knew in a way. Thought he might at least love me back.)

She scoffs. (I'm so stupid when it comes to love.) She takes one more shot. (Damn. I should stop drinking.) She stands up from her seat and was heading towards the exit, wobbling. She bumps into a man. Ah. You jerk. watch where you going." She looks up and sees a good looking man in front of her.

She reached out and touch his well-built body. The employee startles, "Miss-" The man lift his hand to stop the employee. [It's weird how I didn't shake her off...I wonder why?] "WOW!! You got better body than that jerk."

His lips curved into a smile. "Oh?" She then pulls his tie towards her and they both shared a kiss. The employee was mouth-opened and couldn't believe how brave she is in front of the most wealthiest man on Earth, James Chen, CEO of the MuTai company. She pulls away and laughs. "Hehehe. I kissed you." She then collapsed in his arms.

He lifts her and carries her. The employee panics. "U-um s-sir." He glares at the employee. He then shuts up and watch James carries her to the upper level. He takes in to a quieter room while the lower level were blasting some loud music. He gently puts her on the bed. He was about to leave but she pulls him in. She sits on top of him.

He stares at her. She leans in and kiss his neck, he flinch. He smirks and pulls her in and loosen his tie. She stares at him intensely, he asks, "Is that invitation?" She sits up and push him away but he didn't budge. She covers her mouth with her hand. "What's wrong?" BBBARFFFFFFFFFF. He stayed still, frozen. She let a sigh. "Ah. That felt good. Hehehe." She then collapsed on the bed, sleeping mode.

He didn't move an inch. (Woman, you sure have a nerve to...) He holds in his anger and remove himself from her. He heads to the bathroom and take a long shower to remove the odor.

He gets out of the shower and remove her clothes. He then removes the blanket. He then gets in the bed and close his eyes.


Kwan misunderstood the situation and thought they had done it. [Shit! From now on, no alcohol for me!] She quietly gets off the bed and puts her clothes back on. She then takes her purse and set a credit card on top of the note that she left for him. She then without looking back she head out of the room.


The man slowly opens his eyes and noticed she was gone. He gets up and smiles of how he recalls last night, he still smells like barf. "Ugh." He gets up and takes a shower. Once he gets off the shower, he noticed a note on the table. He walks over and notices a credit card. "What's this?" He reads the note: Mr. Escort, I think you should practice more. Here's what I owe you. Hopefully we won't cross each other's path. Good day!

He crumbles the paper. "E-Escort?! Sorry but our path will cross, I guarantee you that we will." He then calls his secretary, "Hey, find someone for me." He picks up the credit card, "Find a woman named Kwan Simmons. You have one hour." He hangs up the phone and looks out the window. "Kwan." His lips smirks. "We will see each other and you will be my woman."


A week later, she completely paid off her rent and left Japan to return to home, Paris, stayed with her grandmother. Kwan looks back at too many things had happen. "No need to shed tears. It's useless."


She arrives at the gate. She sees her grandmother outside, watering the plants while the maids plants some flowers in the garden. She smiles and whispers; "Home sweet home." She walks through the gate and soon the maids looks up and sees Kwan. They were about to speak but Kwan puts a finger onto her lips. The maids looks at each other and nods.

The maids took Kwan's luggage and takes it inside the mansion. Kwan walks over behind her grandmother. She hugs her from behind. Her grandmother jolts. "I'm home." Her eyes widens as soon as she hears Kwan's voice. She turns around and see her beloved granddaughter. "Kwan." Kwan just smiles. "W-when..?" "I'm missed you so I came back." She looks around. "And your boyfriend?"

Kwan sadly smiles and shook her head. "Nana. I ended with him." Her grandmother just nod. "He's not the one?" "Nope." Her grandmother smiles. "Let's head inside."

Few days Kwan told her grandmother that she's very determined to go study again to achieve her dream job. She nods. "If that's what you want to do, go for it. I'm here and I'll support you." Kwan hugs her. "Thanks Nana." She pats slowly on Kwan's back.

[Months later, at ### University]

Kwan was rushing to reach to her class but she head-bumped someone. "Ouch." She looks up ahead of her and sees a woman. "I'm so sorry." "No, no, it's my fault. I was so into BL comic." Kwan tilts her head, "BL comic?" Kwan looks down at the comic which is in the woman's hand. "I know, its disgusting right?" Kwan laughs. "Not at all. In fact, I have all the series." "What?! How so?!"

Kwan laughs. She looks around and whispers to the woman, "The author is my aunt." The woman was shocked. "No way." School bells. They both froze. "Ah. The bell." They looked at each other and laughs. "It's the first day of the class, it won't hurt." They both skip their first class and begins to talk to each other more. "Ah, Sorry, late introduction, I'm Maya." "Kwan." They both exchanged handshakes and smiles.

Soon enough they became close. Later that day, they both found out that they're roommates. "YAY!!! Best day ever!" Kwan chuckles as she sees Maya being so childish. One day, Kwan notice a photo of Maya with five men. "Who's that?" "Ah. My brothers." Kwan tilts her head. "But they looks nothing like you?" Maya smiles. "I was taken into their family. My mother was their maid. Master and Madam are good people. I usually get bullied and they usually come and save me." Maya smiles.

Kwan looks back at the photo. [This guy here looks like....him....no no it can't be him...silly Kwan. that man is an escort.] A few months later, Maya realized she hasn't had her period for months now. She went to the doctor and found out that she's 3-weeks pregnant. She was shocked.

[### University W Dorms]

Kwan was on the phone with Nana and told her all about her days in the university and meeting Maya. Kwan heard the door. "Ah. I got to go, Nana. I'll call you again." "Okay. Be safe child." "Mm." Kwan hangs up and checks on Maya. Maya was sitting on the chair. Kwan noticed the cloudy atmosphere.

"Maya?" Maya looks up at Kwan. She takes Kwan's hands. "Kwan. What am I going to do?" "What's wrong?" "...I'm pregnant." Kwan was shocked. "What?" Maya told Kwan about a man she was seeing but he suddenly disappeared. "I have no clue where he is. And this child is his." "What's your plan? Keeping the child?" "I...I don't know." "Your brothers..." "No! I don't want him get involved in this." "Okay. No matter what I will help you." Maya smiles and said; "Thanks, Kwan."

[8 months later-Night time]

Maya was closing her flower shop. She's really excited to give birth to her child. As she cross the road, BAMMM! She was hit by a car. The car then swerved and crash into a pole.

Kwan was waiting for Maya but haven't heard anything. As minutes turns to hours, she finally receives a phone call. "Maya! Thank goo-" "hi, are you related to Maya?" "..who.." "I'm a nurse at S Hospital. She is in the ER." Her eyes widened. "I will be there."

Kwan hangs up and heads to the hospital. She ran into the hospital trying to find Maya. She ran into a nurse. "Excuse me, where's Maya?"


Kwan was standing in front of the nursery. She closed her eyes tight.


Kwan was escorted to see Maya. Maya was in the ER, waiting for Kwan. "Maya!" Kwan takes Maya's hand. "K-Kwan. I have...a favor." "Anything." "Please....please raise my son on my behalf." "Maya." "I-I beg you. Protect my son." Kwan nods. Soon enough Maya's hand lose its strength and she passed away.


"Maya, don't worry. I will love and protect your child."

[5 Years Later]

"Mommy!!" Kwan looks up and sees a little boy, smiling ear to ear just like when she first met Maya. Kwan smiles. "Micheal." Kwan bends down with opened arms. Micheal runs into her arms. "Imma miss you." "Be good okay?" "Yes." Kwan kissed on Micheal's head and head to the cab. Kwan got the transferred to Japan for a special task from Y ## Hospital.


Kwan arrives safely. [I'm back here...again...] Kwan walks and suddenly bumps into someone. She looks back and his eyes were shocked to see her behind his sunglasses. [...it's you...] She bows and apologized to him. "Sorry." Kwan didn't recognized him so she left him there. Harold then shows up. "Sir." "She's back." "She..?" "Kwan. Find where's she staying and why she's here." Harold sighs and obeys. "On it."

Kwan arrives to the hotel and drops off her luggage, then head to the hospital to meet a professor. As soon as she got there, she hears a commotion. She got curious and went to take a look of what's going on. She sees an elderly woman in a patient uniform has a knife. Kwan thinks to herself. [That's Maya's grandmother.] "I want to go home. Call my damn grandsons to pick me up." The nurses are trying to calm her down but she refuse to listen. Kwan sighs and walks straight to the elderly lady.

The nurses told Kwan to stand back but she ignores them. Kwan didn't say anything but "Maya." The elderly woman stops and puts her arm down. "W-what did you say?" Kwan smiles. "Maya. Maya really misses you." The elderly woman drops the knife and starts bawling. "My..Maya...I miss her. Can you take me to her..?" [I wish I could take you to her but she's....dead.] Kwan smiles and said; "I love to but Maya doesn't want to see you in a bad condition. So let's wait until you get better and I will take you to her, okay?" The woman smiles. "Okay. Okay. Let's do that."

Kwan watches the nurses to take the elderly woman back to her room. [Forgive me.] Kwan then heads to the Head Office. She knocks on the door. "Come in." She opens the door and an old man was sitting behind the desk, looks up and sees her. "Ah. Dr. Simmons I assume?" "Yes." He got up and greets her. "Welcome, welcome. Please sit." Kwan sits down on the chair in front of him.

"The reason why I called you here is because my friend, is your boss in Paris told me alot about you helping elderly men and women. They all loved you." "I suppose you can say that." "Well the thing is we have a patient who is the most difficult to deal with but seeing your performance just now, just proves to me you're the best solution."

"You mean that patient." "Yes. Her name is Helen Gu. Most nurses refuses to assist her because she tends to cause trouble to others. So I--" "Okay. I'll do it." "I understand that you don't-- what? you will help us?" "No. I'm willing to help Ms. Gu back to health." The old man nods and smiles. "I'm right about choosing you." Kwan stands up and was about to leave but stops as she opens the door. "Sir, in my opinion, I suggest you fire those who neglecting their right to work and attend their patients."

Kwan turns to him. "You shouldn't let them off or you're going be those who's going to be jobless. Just a warning to you." "Um I--" Kwan left the room. He watched her leave. "Wow. I like her." He then phone calls someone. "It's me, sir. Yes, yes, she was here. She will be working under your grandmother's care. Yes, yes. Thank you."

the old man sighs. "I hope it goes well."

Kwan was walking to her office and look through Helen Gu's patient documents. Two nurses came into her office. Kwan looks up. "Oh, it is her." Kwan tilts her head on the side, confused. "You're our role model." "Role model?" "yes, you see your thesis statement." Kwan looks down and sees the newspaper. "Ah that." "Yes." Other nurses joins in. "If you need any help, feel free to ask her right away." Kwan smiles. "Thank you."

Soon enough she let a sigh after they leave. "What a day." During lunch break, she calls Micheal and Nana. "Mommyy!" Kwan laughs. "Hey sweetie, are you being good?" "Yes, Nana gave me tons of love." Kwan chuckles. "Mommy, how much longer will you be back?" "I don't know. Probably weeks or months." Micheal's shoulders slumped. "That long?" "Sweetie, no matter what, I will always with you." "I know. I wish you were here." "I know, hun. I know. What's school?" His face lightens up. "I have fun. We were running the race. I won obviously."

Kwan chuckles. "I saw the photos that Nana has taken of you. Good job, my son." Micheal's smiles proudly. [Maya...your son has grown so much. You must be proud.] "Ah Micheal, mommy has to work." "Bye, I love you." "I love you too." Kwan hangs up the phone. [So does Maya.]

Kwan went out of her office and monitor's Helen's movements. In the test results, she has found numerous of benzodiazepines inside of Helen's system. Kwan's eyes widened and looks at Helen. [Maya....what's going on here...? Who is trying to harm your grandmother?]

Next day, James appears in the hospital to visit his grandmother. He stops his tracks as soon as he sees Kwan with his grandmother. "Helen." "ah...Kwan." Kwan smiles. Kwan then met Helen's eye level. "Helen. Can you tell me?" "Hm?" Kwan lowers her voice. "Who is trying to harm you?" James's eyes widened, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

(someone is trying to harm Grandma? Who?) Helen smiles innocently, "harm me, who?" Kwan sighs. [Probably someone close to her.] Kwan bit her lower lip. Kwan smiles. "it's nothing." Helen reaches out and touch Kwan's face. "You..." "Mm?" "I think I met you before." "Eh? How is that possible? We've just met recently." Helen shook her head. "No, no." Helen thinks and remembers. "Maya....Maya send me a photo of you." [Maya..] "Oh you're friends with Maya, yes?" "...Yes..." "Where is she..? Please tell her to come home.." Kwan looks away. "Why are you not answering?" "I'm sorry." "eh?" Kwan looks at helen. "She won't be coming back." "Y-you." "Meg. Send her to her room." "Yes." "H-hey! What do you mean she's not coming back."

Kwan clutches her hand into a fist. [She's..in heaven...] Kwan returns to her office and sighs. She looks at the picture frame of her and Maya during the university days. Kwan smiles. "Maya." Kwan sighs. "If only you were here."