
The Don

Charlotte, Valerie and Alexander had spent five days in Paris. They have had a lot of fun since the past five days. They intended to spend a week and this is the sixth day.

"Look here Charlotte". Valerie said.

"You should become a camera woman...it really fits you". Charlotte joked.

"You got it babe". This is the first time Alexander is calling her babe in Paris. She rolled her eyes at him.

"Camera woman, my left toe...stop it guys,it doesn't fit me at all". She said and scoffed.

"Whatever". They said,

"Can we snap the picture now". She demanded.

"Sure...". They looked at the camera.

"Are we fighting...why aren't you guys smiling". She frowned.

"Alright..ma'am we are smiling". Alexander said and they smiled while Valerie was taking the pictures.

"Excuse me please, I need to visit the restroom". Charlotte said standing up. She got to the restroom did her business and was washing her hands when she noticed from the mirror another figure was with her in the restroom . She was scared and confused. She pretended not to see him and ran inside the restroom locking the door behind her. She dialled Alexander's number but he wasn't picking. She dialled Valerie's number.

"I'm.. in.. danger.. Val". That was her last word before the door bursts open .

"Hi...I promise no harm. Only if you will cooperate with me and the Don". His voice was husky and deep.

"Your boss...who is your boss". Charlotte asked in a timorous voice.

"You will know him when you follow me,he wants to see you". He said and Charlotte scoffed.

"If you don't tell me his business with me,then I'm not gonna see your boss or whatever his name is called". Charlotte said and made to leave but the man stopped him again.

"Oh...". He didn't complete the statement when Charlotte cut him off again.

"Wait...does that mean you guys followed us all the way from New York to Paris". Charlotte inquired, surprised.

"Yeah...the boss knows you're working with Alexander so he wants you to stop working with him and you will start working with the don and..".

"Start working with the don? For what reason exactly?". Charlotte demanded.

"Alexander and Don are enemies and Alexander has been getting on his nerves for a while now so he wants to end him and that will be an easy task using you to get Alexander...don't worry,no matter your pay with Alexander, once you accept the task,you can become a billionaire within weeks". The man blabbed and Charlotte just rolled her eyes. To hell with his money. She thought,

"Didn't your boss research anything about me,I'm a millionaire and I'm content with that". Charlotte said and made to leave but the man hindered her again from passing. Why is Alexander not here yet? She thought.

"You don't have a choice but to accept this job Charlotte...". He said and Charlotte laughed nervously.

"Your boss is just a coward...if he really is the Don then he should be able to handle Alexander himself without my help. Go tell him he is a coward and he should man up...real dom don't behave the way he is behaving". Charlotte said and made to go again but the guy drew her back with full force and gave her a hard slap across the face. Charlotte's eyes watered and she dared to return the slap and she did. She just slapped him. The man's eyes turned to that of anger and he pushed Charlotte with full force to the floor.

"You b*thch,you got no fúcking right to insult my boss and again,you slapped me...like you fùcking slapped me Charlotte". The man said, blazing with anger. Charlotte groaned due to the pain she is feeling from the fall as a result of hard push on the floor.

"To hell with you and your boss,tell him to go do the work himself". Charlotte managed to say.

The man hit Charlotte with a wood and she passed out. He carried her in his arms and was about to go when people started banging the door so hard meaning he should unlock the door. He fearfully dropped Charlotte and looked for a way of escape. After much trial,the security finally broke in.

Alexander couldn't believe his eyes. Charlotte was on the floor looking like someone lifeless. Valerie ran to where she was and Alexander followed slowly.

"Charlotte, please wake up". Valerie said, weeping.

"Her breath is getting weak...". Valerie said.

Alexander bent down and looked at Charlotte. He was worried. Alexander carried her and took her to the hotel clinic. The doctors on duty attended to her immediately so it wasn't too late.

"She needed rest". The doctor said and Alexander and Valerie nodded. Alexander called the police and explained all that happened. They promised they would investigate the matter. He also demanded for two policemen to guard Charlotte's ward. It was night time and Charlotte hadn't woken up.

"Go and find something to eat Val". Alexander persuaded Valerie for the upteempth time but she refused saying she isn't interested. She slept on the other bed in the ward while Alexander sat on the Chair holding Charlotte's right hand. He watched her till he slept off. It was during mid night that Charlotte woke up. She looked up and everything was strange to her. She groaned.

"Where am I?". She asked herself trying to remember what happened last. Why can't I remember what happened last? She thought. She felt something holding her hands and looked down. Alexander was holding her right hand and he was asleep. She looked across the room and saw Valerie and she smiled. She tried to stand up gently to avoid Alexander from waking up.

"Charlotte, you're awake". Alexander said excitedly and she smiled. He stood up from the chair and hugged her.

"I was supposed to protect you but I couldn't...I'm so sorry". He said and disengaged from the hug and Charlotte smiled.

"It's okay,thanks for saving me Alex". Charlotte said smiling.

"Charlotte you're awake!". Valerie shouted and jumped from the bed. She hugged her so tight.

"I can't breathe val". Charlotte said and she Chuckled.

"You really scared me Charlotte...you were lying down and looking lifeless". She said, examining her.

"Well,I'm fine now but I'm hungry". Charlotte said, rubbing her stomach.

"Me too". Valerie said and Alexander rolled his eyes.

"I thought you said you're okay?". Alexander said.

"Xander please...I lost my appetite the other time so I'm really hungry...the last time I ate was yesterday morning". She said and scoffed.

They called home room service and ordered hamburgers, meatloafs,Chicago style pizza and hot dogs. They ate to their satisfaction and talked about random stuff.

"So we are going back to New York tomorrow". Charlotte said, rather unhappy.

"Yuck..it's today because it's past two.since you're fine now so there is no need to waste time also..I will call mum to arrange a jet for us. We ain't save here any more".

"Good night babies''. Alexander said, kissing their foreheads. He didn't want to ask Charlotte how she fell in that state at the moment. Charlotte wanted to comment at babies but decided to keep mute. Alexander just likes looking for a reason to hype her. She smiled and closed her eyes and drifted to dream land.
