
Shattered life

chapter fifty eight

"Charlotte?" Alex,Jasmine and Donald called entering the ward with a doctor. The injection in the nurse's hands fell down when he heard their voices.

"What the hell…why would you chain her?" Alex was getting angry.

"Wait…what! We never chained her" the nurse tried to hide her face as their gazes all moved to her.

"We haven't gotten a new nurse so who are you?" The doctor said. She had no identity card. She tried to push the injection under the bed but Alex was quick to hold it and brought it out.

"Cat got your tongue? Why are you in a nurse uniform when you ain't one?" Jasmine chipped in. She has been quiet all the while studying her. Donald removed the chain. Alex moved closer to Charlotte and she hugged him immediately surprising everyone. Even Charlotte was not an exception.

"You came the right time Alex…she was about to inject our baby" Charlotte said sobbing.

"I know you…you're the lady at the mall" Alex said slowly with Charlotte still clinging to him tightly.

"Arrest her" the doctor said immediately some securities came in and they took her out.

"I promise you're gonna tot in jail for this. Trust me" Jasmine said and glared at her.

"Take her away" Donald ordered and they took her away with her hands cuffed. Charlotte was still holding onto Alex sobbing. The doctor stared at them and left. Donald dragged Jasmine out and they are now alone.

"I'm sorry I didn't come earlier" Alex said when she disengage from the hug. He wished Charlotte could stay longer in his arm

He brought out the warmer which he had prepared hot custard in. Alex wiped her face and she blushed.

"I'm not hungry" she said refusing the spoonful he gave her.

"Oh you mean it's hot" Alex blew it and tasted it then gave her and she collected it not after calling him a jerk.

"You need to finish a plate at least" he urged but she couldn't still finish it

"I thought you were injected" Alex said sarcastically. He is still surprised Charlotte could become that emotional. She is starting to behave childish.

"Of Course I'm sane you're the one insane" Charlotte scoffed and glared at him and he smiled.

"Charlotte got to the company's house. She dared not go to Andrew's house. Do people die that easily? She can't just believe Andrew is gone.

"Be good" Alex said and she gave him a reassuring smile and came down of his car. She entered and they all became silent.

"What happened…why the look?" She voiced out.

"Didn't you check your phone?" Jaz demanded. She had put it off when she left for the hospital. She quickly brought out her phone and logged on on Instagram.It was the picture of her hands chained to the hospital bed.

"What! I'm so sure that lady uploaded it,she is going to hear from me tonight" Charlotte stomped her feet on the floor and turned to open the door.

"And is it a must she hear from you at this late hour?" Jasmine said with crossed arm.

"Oh…it's even night"

"You should stop stressing yourself out because the doctor advised you don't stress yourself and the baby" Jaz chipped in before Charlotte could say another word. Josh and Donald chuckled.

"You guys should stop teasing about the pregnancy" she pouts cutely and this time,they smiled.

"Your stomach is becoming bigger meaning the child is growing already" Josh said and she screamed blushing hard.

"I'm famished" Charlotte said sitting on the dining chair.

"I know right,you can serve yourself,it's in the dish" she replied and Charlotte opened the dish.

"Hmmm" her mouth began to salivate.

"Yummy right? Anything for my god son or god daughter" Jasmine teased again and she started coughing.

"Stop it Jaz else I will leave the food for you" she frowned at Jaz and she laughed.

"Fine…will leave you alone" she said and left the table.

Charlotte laid on her bed reminsing on all that happened during the day.

"I'm so sure it wasn't a hallucination" she said to herself. She fund it hard to believe Andrew holding her hand was a hallucination.

"Hey" Jasmine said,her head popping from the door. Charlotte quickly covered her head with duvet but Jasmine still entered anyway.

"You know your performance is pretty poor in pretending right?" Jasmine said gently and she removed the duvet from her body.

"Fine you caught me" Charlotte said and Jaz smiled sitting beside her.

"A penny for your thought?"

"Hmm…it sounds crazy so I rather not say it" she sighed heavily and stared at her phone.

"Alright…though you will feel lighter of you say it" Jasmine said slowly.

"Do you think that he can still be alive by any means…what if all the doctors said were just lies?" She said showing Jaz Andrew's picture.

"I don't think he is but why did you asked?"

"Because she held me Jaz. When the doctors confirmed him dead,he held my hands but by the time I looked back…he released it already and I'm sure it wasn't a hallucination" Charlotte said and Jasmine tried not to look at her friend like she was loosing it.

"I know you won't believe me. You guys kept on saying I'm loosing it" Charlotte groaned and put off her lamp stand.

"Goodnight Jaz" with that said,she closed her eyes expecting darkness to come over. Jasmine stared at her for some couple of minutes and left her to be alone"

Charlotte screamed from her sleep early the next morning sweating profusely. She had just dreamt of Andrew telling her he was alive and doing fine. She had been so excited only to see him fading away. She jumped off the bed and reminced on the dream again. She is the only one who witnessed it. Everyone thinks she is crazy.

Two weeks later.

Charlotte paccked her things in a medium traveling bag and carried it to the sitting room. Just a guard is around and she drugged him already and now he is sleeping soundly. Alex had opted to hire a maid but she bluntly refused and now she is grateful for that.

Her baby bump is showing a little already. She took all the necessary cards. She decided to go on vacation to Jamaica. She knows Alex would never allow her with her condition to travel on her own if she had told him but she badly need the space. She just wanted something that would make her forget about Andrew. She wrote a letter to her not to look for her that she would be fine.

She stared at the house for the last time and left with her luggage ignoring what kept on telling her to look back. She used her face mask and boarded an available cab to the airport. One stopped and she entered telling the man where she was going. She was lost in thought again. It was the hardest thing ever to get Andrew's shocking death off her head and mind. She looked up only to realize the man already took a different direction.

"Hey mister…that's not the way to the airport" charlotte said calmly but the but he ignored and instead ,increase his speed. Charlotte was alarmed immediately and shouted.

"I will call the cops if you don't stop this damn car" she threatened. Did he even hear what she said? She wondered now scared.

First it was Andrew's death,then that lady and now this man. She moved and wanted to open it. "Stupid you,do you think you will suvive the fall?" Her subconscious asked. Her heart was really beating against her chest. She drank water to calm her nervousness then tried to think of what's next to do. If not for anything but for the sake of her baby. She texted Alex but he wasn't replying the messages. She decided to text Valerie.

"I'm in danger" she texted.

"What! How?" She texted back almost immediately.

"I don't know I am right now" Charlotte texted back.

"What is really happening you're scaring me" val texted. She was trying hard to send the messages to avoid getting caught by lecturer in class. Charlotte was texting back when the car came to a halt.

"Alright young lady…enough of your drama" Charlotte looked up and saw they were in a bush already.

Even if she was to run she would hurt her baby. She promised in the letter she wrote to Alex she was not going to hurt her baby.

"Who paid you to do this?" She demanded and he smirked. Why is everyone like this toward her?

"I did,hi miss Charlotte" she looked up and became more scared. The person she is seeing is the last person she was expecting to see of all people.

"Surprise right…I love surprising people and how have you been?"

Charlotte couldn't even reply. She was too stunned to.


Who did she see?

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