

Adriana Stone was born as an omega in a pack where omegas are treated lesser than slaves. She hated the fact that omegas in her pack were not given equal rights. Once an omega turns eighteen, they were sent to work in the pack house where they were to work as servants for life. Meanwhile Rafael Panther was the soon to be Alpha's son, he was very handsome but underneath his handsomeness laid an ugly side to him. He was the school's greatest bully and flirt. Ever since he saw Adriana, he made her life a living hell. Rafael tormented her very existence for reasons best known to him. Her situation worsened the day she was made to serve in the pack house. One day, Adriana experienced an incident which made her decide to leave the pack. Years later, Adriana somehow became a boss of her own company and during one of her business meetings, she met Rafael who happened to be an anonymous partner who had been in business with her for years. What happens when this encounter brought about a feeling so disastrous?, will she be able to let go of her past?.

Imma2city · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
139 Chs



Rafael rushed to Adriana's doorstep. The moment he was done taking his bath. He wanted to look presentable at least to look good in front of her. 

When Rafael arrived at her door, he felt strange. Like he was missing something. Rafael shoved the feeling aside and went ahead to knock on her door. He knocked twice but no one answered him. He thought maybe she might be napping or so since they didn't sleep early last night. 

"He knocked on her door again and again, but still got no response. He was beginning to wonder where she might be since she wasn't answering. 

"Uhm, excuse me, sir, are you looking for someone?"

Rafael turned his gaze over to the young lady putting on a white uniform. A hotel staff he guessed. 

"Well, yes. I'm trying to reach the lady living in this room. Do you have any idea where I might find her?"

"Oh, the lady who stayed in this room checked out an hour ago."
