
Flaming Flower

Domingo and Laura from humble beginnings are two lovers who got married to strengthen their bond even in this new chapter of life as a couple. Hailing from different backgrounds, love still conquered. In no time they were blessed with a baby girl, Bethany who was the only survivor of their expected twin. In a bid to ascertain the cause of the second baby's death, Domingo met with confusion as the doctors could not clearly state it. It was a smooth sail hereafter and it seemed as though life is a bed of roses only for Domingo to uncover a dark secret of his boss, Hugo Salvador. Having realized that Domingo had uncovered his secret, Hugo ordered a hit on Domingo and his family as it dawned on him he could not risk the exposure of such a secret. As orchestrated, the hit brutally took Domingo's and Laura's life but the assassin only knocked out Bethany and took her to an orphanage for safe keeping, but concealed this part of execution. Traumatized and saddened, she imagined if life was so cruel to children and wondered why she had to experience such. As she was in the healing process, she made a friend, Glenda, who was about of the same age as herself, they got along and made great buddies. Not long after in the orphanage home, they were adopted by a duchess, Daphne Derwood whom had their lives upgraded even as they lived in ecstasy sequel to having a family of theirs or at least that is what it seemed. They even got their names changed as Bethany and Glenda became Lesley and Felicity respectively. Daphne loved them unconditionally. Bruce, her better half, struggled to be their father but could only manage unlike Daphne with unending love for them. In time, a cute boy, Rex, Bruce's nephew came in the picture. He was of the same age as the girls and particularly shares a birthday day and date with Bethany. With him in the picture, Felicity began to entertain hatred for her sister all because she found him attractive and wanted him for herself! Even if it was unhealthy, she cared less. Life proceeded until an incident occurred which in turn connected Lesley with Clark, a childhood comrade of hers before the horrible event that took her parents life. At that time, he was quite older and could still picture the man who ordered for the life of hver parents. On revealing this identity, it turned out that the people who adopted her and had been training and all the good that life could offer turned out to be the same family of the exact person that indirectly murdered her biological parents. To add to it she equally discovers that she possesses some mystical powers and is a queen in another world with several other facts that could overwhelm her. She ponders with this illumination if she would avenge her parents'death in expense of what she now shares with the family of perpetrators, or forgo both and embrace her new being? Would she be able to conceal this pressing illumination and if yes? And life is full of secrecy, how will she be able to cope!

Dollicute_liz15 · perkotaan
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15 Chs

Things Unfold.

At The Flaming Dragon Mines;

Rex took a halt at the parking lot and Lesley and he stepped out of the car.

" This place is so dusty. Have this musk,"said Rex, proffering a musk to Lesley.

" Thanks for your concern. Let's go?"

" Yeah, sure."

Hardly had they taken five steps, when Lesley fell into Clark's arms, almost falling down after getting tripped by a small stone that protruded on the ground.

For a minute or two, they were wrapped up in each,as Lesley laid in Clark's arms,till they were suddenly interrupted by Bruce,who gave them a dirty look.

"ummm dad," stammered Lesley as she stood from Clark's arms,"He just helped me."

"But of course. I can see that." 

"Hey, thankyou," said Lesley, looking at Clark wearily.

"It's nothing. I'm not that wicked enough to stand and watch a person get hurt." Clark then trotted away.

"Dad,we came here today as we don't have classes, unlike Felicity."

" Okay. You can stroll around. I have got a lot to do. See you two later."

" Looks like he is in a huff as always,"Rex snickered.

" Well, I think I'm already used to him. Let's take a stroll together?"

" Absolutely,why not? "

" I gotta check my steps this time."

" But I'm and wouldn't let you fall."

" Oh, silly. Let's go,"said Lesley, slightly pinching Rex's cheeks.

 " I think we should invite that guy out for lunch; the one who saved me?"

" Lesley, don't you think you are actually exaggerating this thing? But it's up to you. If you want to,then I have no reason to object. You have the final say."

Out of the blue,came Clark, carrying a hammer in his hands. As soon as Lesley got a glimpse of him, she went running after him, trying to catch up to him as he took quick long strides.

" Hey!Hey! Wait please!"

Rex looked at her and shook his head vigorously.

 At last, Clark stood.

"Hey dear friend, can I have a talk with you? Please."

"What do you want? Hurry up. I don't think a person like me deserves to be talking to you," said Clark hoarsely.

"Hey,I am not like my dad. I'm friendly and would like to get to know you better. My name is Lesley Derwood," uttered Lesley, stretching her right arm for a handshake.

"Sorry, I'm too mucky. I'm Clark though."

Lesley wearily dropped her arm.

"Okay. All I wanted was to get invite you out for lunch."

"I don't think I can make it before 2p.m. Sorry again."

"Look, I promise to get you back here before the expected time. I promise. Please don't decline. Please," pleaded Lesley

"I just hope you stick to your words. I don't wanna lose my job. It's my only hope."

"Trust me. Now put that down and we'll leave right now."

The three set themselves in the car and zoomed off at a supersonic speed, leaving a thick cloud of dust behind.

Rex and Lesley, who occupied the front seats went chatting all the way,as Clark took a view of the environment outside, till they arrived at the resort.

" So, let's rock this!I really miss swimming!"exclaimed Lesley,a huge grin plastered on her face.

" Let's do this! Clark, come on. You're not declining this."

Lesley took her costume and scramed inside,as the others followed.

Rex and Clark watched Lesley,who sashayed towards them in her flowery bikini, provocatively swaying her hips from side to side, her long black and slightly carroty hair moving across her cute face.

" Hey, guys!"Lesley snapped her fingers.

" Stop staring into space. Rex kindly help me apply my sunscreen on my back. Here, take it."

Rex took the bluish tube,pressed it on his palms and rubbed it on Lesley's back.

 Out of disbelief, Clark rubbed his eyes again, glaring at the black birthmark on Lesley's back.

" Bethany,"he muttered.

" Lesley, where did you get that birthmark from?"he asked to clear his doubt.

" Oh this? I was born with it. Why do you ask?"

" It's nothing. It just looks strange."

Lesley snickered." I know that. You're actually not the first nor the second person to say that."

She said and before they knew it, she was in the water,where Rex then Clark followed.

Although Clark's doubt still haunted him as he wasn't completely convinced that was not Bethany. That birthmark was too unique for anyone else to be having it , other than Bethany and Rex,who always applied powder to hide it, though Clark noticed it as soon as the powder was washed away by the water and his mind settled a bit, thinking that it might be an inheritance in their family or something of that sort.

"I think we should have lunch know as my stomach is already grumbling," suggested Rex.

"I agree. I also we don't have much time," added Clark as he withdrew from the cold water.

"I concur," said Lesley,"The majority have it after all." 

The folks secured themselves a place under a shade, after placing their order, where they gobbled down their meal in a gluttonous manner.

Once they were done,they settled the bill and left for the mines, dropped Clark there and Rex along with Lesley left for home.


At twilight, Clark walked down the rugged terrain to his home, drowning in his thoughts, unable to stop thinking Bethany and Lesley.

There,he found his mother taking a rest outside, enjoying the cool breeze that blew from the nearby sea.

"Son, you're back!"

Daisy ran towards his son and gave him a tight hug.

"Yes mom."

"Come on in. I prepared some rice cakes, specially for you son."  

Daisy noticed that Clark was absent minded as he sipped his cup of coffee.

"Is there something disturbing you son? Now don't think of lying to me as I can already conclude that there's something disturbing you." 

Clark carefully placed the saucer on the wooden table in front of him and sat upright.

" Yes, it's about Bethany."

Daisy swiftly stood out of amazement.

" What did you just say? Bethany!"

"Yes, Bethany. I think I met her today."

"Are you kidding me? Where?''

" At the mines. Well, I'm not sure it was her but I have a strong feeling she was the one."

" What makes you say that?" Daisy asked now moving closer to Clark.

" The mark. She had the same as Bethany although I find it peculiar that her cousin had the same one."

" Then maybe it's just an inheritance in their family. It has been so long since we last saw the Bethany and only God knows where Bethany and Laura went to after Domingo's was found dead in that forest."

" Yeah but I'll still confirm whether it's her or not."

" Just don't do something wayward son."

The following day, Lesley went to the mines alone after classes where she met Clark again.

Clark thought that was a golden opportunity to finally reaffirm his thoughts regarding Lesley.

" Ummm... Lesley,if you don't mind, I'll like to invite you out for a cup of coffee to express gratitude for treating me out for lunch last time."

" Why do you seem so sociable today? Last time you didn't even want to talk to me."

Clark snickered shyingly.

"Let's go then," said Lesley.

Lesley drove to a nearby cafe,as Clark tried to figure out how he would start out with the questions he had in store for Lesley.

" I'll place the order Lesley."

"Fine then."

In a trice, Lesley and Clark had settled, having a cup of coffee together.

" By the way Lesley, as you are my friend now, I'ld wish to get to know you better."

" Okay. So as you already know, my name is Lesley Derwood, one of mum's daughters. And, what else would you wish to know?

There's a lot about me that I can tell."

Clark was silent for some time and sipped the hot coffee first before he could utter a word.

" Say it ."

" I want to know about your past. About Beth..." 

Before he could finish his statement, Lesley stood on her feet and trotted away.

" Lesley wait!"shouted Clark but his words fell on deaf ears.

Before he could reach out to her, Lesley had already zoomed off in her car.