
Flaming Flower

Domingo and Laura from humble beginnings are two lovers who got married to strengthen their bond even in this new chapter of life as a couple. Hailing from different backgrounds, love still conquered. In no time they were blessed with a baby girl, Bethany who was the only survivor of their expected twin. In a bid to ascertain the cause of the second baby's death, Domingo met with confusion as the doctors could not clearly state it. It was a smooth sail hereafter and it seemed as though life is a bed of roses only for Domingo to uncover a dark secret of his boss, Hugo Salvador. Having realized that Domingo had uncovered his secret, Hugo ordered a hit on Domingo and his family as it dawned on him he could not risk the exposure of such a secret. As orchestrated, the hit brutally took Domingo's and Laura's life but the assassin only knocked out Bethany and took her to an orphanage for safe keeping, but concealed this part of execution. Traumatized and saddened, she imagined if life was so cruel to children and wondered why she had to experience such. As she was in the healing process, she made a friend, Glenda, who was about of the same age as herself, they got along and made great buddies. Not long after in the orphanage home, they were adopted by a duchess, Daphne Derwood whom had their lives upgraded even as they lived in ecstasy sequel to having a family of theirs or at least that is what it seemed. They even got their names changed as Bethany and Glenda became Lesley and Felicity respectively. Daphne loved them unconditionally. Bruce, her better half, struggled to be their father but could only manage unlike Daphne with unending love for them. In time, a cute boy, Rex, Bruce's nephew came in the picture. He was of the same age as the girls and particularly shares a birthday day and date with Bethany. With him in the picture, Felicity began to entertain hatred for her sister all because she found him attractive and wanted him for herself! Even if it was unhealthy, she cared less. Life proceeded until an incident occurred which in turn connected Lesley with Clark, a childhood comrade of hers before the horrible event that took her parents life. At that time, he was quite older and could still picture the man who ordered for the life of hver parents. On revealing this identity, it turned out that the people who adopted her and had been training and all the good that life could offer turned out to be the same family of the exact person that indirectly murdered her biological parents. To add to it she equally discovers that she possesses some mystical powers and is a queen in another world with several other facts that could overwhelm her. She ponders with this illumination if she would avenge her parents'death in expense of what she now shares with the family of perpetrators, or forgo both and embrace her new being? Would she be able to conceal this pressing illumination and if yes? And life is full of secrecy, how will she be able to cope!

Dollicute_liz15 · perkotaan
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15 Chs

The Flame Is Lit.

" Les,les Where are you going? Please stop, "pleaded Clark, though his words fell on dead years. Lesley got into her car and madly, she drove off. A picture of her parents lying lifeless, was all that lingered and reflected in her mind. 

"Noooo!" She yelled as her car collided head on with a truck. There and then, an ambulance was sent.

"Daphne! Daphne! Lesley has been involved in an accident! "Claimed Mrs. Salvador. " What! Where is my daughter?! I want to see my daughter now! "Shouted Daphne. " Come on. Let's go to Des Moines hospital now. "

Before one could utter Jack Robinson,they zoomed off.

At home,Rex and Felicity, came from school only to find no one there.

"Nanny Paring, where is everyone?" Asked Felicity." You mean you've not heard? They are at the hospital right now! ". " What do you mean hospital? What in the devil's wrong? Come on, tell me nanny, ''uttered Rex. ''It is Lesley . She has been involved in a car crash. ". " What! I will go there right this minute!"  " Hey, Rex, how about we wait for them here? ". "Felicity,are you even listening to yourself right now? Les has been involved in a car crash and you're comfortably saying that we should wait? Huh! Unbelievable! I will leave right now! Nanny, please take my stuff to my chamber. ". Rex shook his head and left ." Everyone in this house has been Bewitched by that Lesley, "whispered Felicity. 

At the hospital,

"Where is my daughter? I wanna see her now!" Yelled Daphne. " Please calm down miss. Your daughter is being attended to right now. ". " I want to see her now. "Daphne howled. " Everything is gonna be fine Daphne, dear. Just calm down. "

" Auntie, grandma, where is Lesley. Is she fine?"worriedly, Rex who had just arrived, asked." Don't worry my child. Lesley will be okay in no time. She is being attended to right now. ". " Also Rex, could you call your dad and Uncle Bruce to inform them what just happened? ''.  " Sure thing grandma." 

Hugo's phone rang.

" Who is it bro? ". " Oh, it's my son.". " Don't pick up the call. We have to make sure this drugs are transported safely. ''   "sorry Bruce. I just can't do that." "Oh, damn. "

'' Hey Rex, what's up?" "Dad, it's Lesley." "Wait, you sound tensed. What's wrong with Lesley? ". " She has been involved in a serious car crash. ".  '' That's horrible. Bruce and I will be there in no time." 

" Vampire girl, I trust you will take care of business around here.". " Sure thing big boss.". " Hey,do a clean job.". " Trust me on this legendary man. "

"Are you the family to Lesley Darwood?"

"Yes doctor, what's up?" "The surgery is successful. She is in the ward right now." "Oh, mum. Thank goodness."

There and then, Hugo and Bruce arrived.

"Dear, where is our daughter?"  "She is in the ward right now. Lets go and see her."  "Yes, ofcourse. I sick worried."

They strutted to the room, in which BL Lesley was. 

On seeing her beloved daughter, Daphne fell on her knees, beside her bed.

"Lesley baby, how are you? Everthing is gonna be fine. Just hold on. Don't leave mom. I need you, " mumbled Daphne as tears rolled down her ruddy cheeks.

**************** *************************

On hearing what had happened to Lesley, Clark rushed to the hospital. To avoid raising suspicion,he disguised himself as doctor, waited for the Salvadors to leave and then entered the room.

On getting a glimpse of Lesley, tears of despondency, unvoluntarily welled up In his eyes. " Lesley, be strong for me please. I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happens to you. You know, in my heart, I can feel you are Bethany. My Bethany, with whom I loved and adored so much."

At her forehead, Clark gave Lesley a peck.

Then he left for the chapel, to pray for Lesley's wellbeing.

After him, a certain rogue entered, holding a shining jewel in his hand. On seeing Lesley, he sobbed, uttered a few words, then placed the jewel, carefully, on Lesley's forehead. Miracurasouly I it disappeared, and the man too. It was then that Lesley regained consciousness.


"Felicity, Felicity, come down here right away!" Ordered Daphne." I am here mother. "  " why didn't you bother to come and check on your sister as I'm certain you heard what happened to her, didn't you? "  " I wasn't feeling well. I'll now go back to my room."

As Felicity plodded upstairs, Daphne steadily looked at her and shook her head."seems your daughter is in a huff again, "said Mrs.Salvador." you know, I don't even understand these days. She isn't herself at all. I will be in my room."  " Won't you have dinner?"  "No Bruce.Maybe later." 


Clark couldn't stop thinking about Bethany. He knew he had to figure out a way to dig out the truth.

With his mind made up, he took his uncle's vehicle and drove off back to the hospital. There, he cautiously sneaked into Lesley's room, put her on a wheelchair and carried her with him, careful enough that he wasn't caught. It was easier as Lesley was dead asleep. He then took off to a certain cottage in the woods, not too deep. In there, he carefully placed her on a bed, as she was still ailing. "I will take good care of you Bethany, " he uttered.

The following morning when Lesley awoke, she was baffled to find herself in some strange place.


"Where am I? Who is there?" She asked hoarsely. Immediately, Clark came from the kitchen. "Lesley, you are awake. Calm down as you're safe with me."  "Why have you brought me here? What do you want from me?! Take me back home now!"

"Calm down Bethany."  " I am not Bethany."  " Could you please stop lieing to me? I have proof!"  "What proof?!'' " The mark on your back! I can aswell show you our childhood photos."  Bethany stared at Clark as he searched for the photos, which at last he got. 

"Take a look, here. Isn't this you, your mom and dad? Huh!" Bethany forcefully grabbed the photo from Clark. As she held it, her hands trembled and then a drop of tears fell from her eyes to the photo. "Nooo... They murdered tbem."  " Calm down Bethany." "So it really is you Clark?" "But ofcourse yes Bethany . I am glad you finally remember me." The two shared ahug as their past childhood memories, came flooding back slowly.


"Where is my daughter? How could you let her be taken?!" " Calm down. Lesley will be found soon. "  " Calm down? Is that even supposedcto come from your mouth? How do espect me to calm down, whereas I don't where my poor daughter is and in which state she is in? And instead of figurung out a way to find our daughter, or should I say my daughter as you don't look concerned neither disturbed by Lesley's disappearance at all. I hate you!"shouted Daphne and she scramed away.

The nurses stared at her weirdly."sorry guys, my wife is just so worried, "said Bruce. " we understand."

"Hugo , I don't at all understand why all this is happening." "Hey , did you just hear that voice?" Asked Hugo as he moved away from the wall. "What sound?"  "A weird."  "What did it say?"  "That because she is back, we will get a taste of her wrath that too served hot." Bruce convulsed into a laughter full of life, strength and health. " Thats ridiculuos. Bro, I think you're just so tired. Go have some sleep at home." "But it just seemed so real.

At night, Daphne did nothing but cry for her lost daughter, turning the whole house upside down. Calming her down had become futile. It was concluded that she urgently needed medical attention.

At the hospital , after proper examination by the medical personnels, it was concluded that Daphne's reaction was due to excessive stress that overwhelmed her.

" How could someone be stressed just because of an adopted child?"arrogantly, Bruce muttered. I bet he had an evil nature , so evil and heartless.

Rex was also not left out, he was also sick worried for Lesley, as he loved her so much, as a cousin, or maybe as a...


"Bethany, so you now remember me?" " Yes, how could I forget you of all the people? " "So that's your step-family?"  "Yeah. I love and cherish them so much."  Clark bent his head down, as if disappointed.

"Bethany, forgive me for saying this, but are you certain they are really who you think they are?" "But of course yes. What makes you ask me such a question?" "Haven't you ever noticed something wayward about them?"  " Like what? In excepcion of my dad's bad mood, which is his nature, nothing else. Could you please head straight to the point and say whatever it is you want to say?"

"Their truth that it seems you're not aware of..."  ''What truth? Speak up Clark! You're getting me worried by your silence! Please! " "Well, those people you term as family are nothing but cold blooded murderers! "

Bethany was left in a quagmire."What was that again? "Out of disbelief, she asked." You heard me right Bethany. Thats the truth. You have to believe me, and if you don't, then I also have evidence to prove that. You want it?"

''Where is it!? I want to see it right this minute, and if it turns out to be nothing but a cheap lie, then mark my words, I will never forgive for throwing such an accusation to my family!"

"Well and good.Wait over here then."

Clark took out a disk from his coat's pocket and installed it in his laptop.

Bethany opened her slit eyes widely as she watched the scenes. "Drugs? And that's dad?" she stammered.

"yeah. That company has a basement where this takes place and that's why they got rid of your parents when your dad found out inorder to hide their dirty secret," declared Clark.