
Flaming Flower

Domingo and Laura from humble beginnings are two lovers who got married to strengthen their bond even in this new chapter of life as a couple. Hailing from different backgrounds, love still conquered. In no time they were blessed with a baby girl, Bethany who was the only survivor of their expected twin. In a bid to ascertain the cause of the second baby's death, Domingo met with confusion as the doctors could not clearly state it. It was a smooth sail hereafter and it seemed as though life is a bed of roses only for Domingo to uncover a dark secret of his boss, Hugo Salvador. Having realized that Domingo had uncovered his secret, Hugo ordered a hit on Domingo and his family as it dawned on him he could not risk the exposure of such a secret. As orchestrated, the hit brutally took Domingo's and Laura's life but the assassin only knocked out Bethany and took her to an orphanage for safe keeping, but concealed this part of execution. Traumatized and saddened, she imagined if life was so cruel to children and wondered why she had to experience such. As she was in the healing process, she made a friend, Glenda, who was about of the same age as herself, they got along and made great buddies. Not long after in the orphanage home, they were adopted by a duchess, Daphne Derwood whom had their lives upgraded even as they lived in ecstasy sequel to having a family of theirs or at least that is what it seemed. They even got their names changed as Bethany and Glenda became Lesley and Felicity respectively. Daphne loved them unconditionally. Bruce, her better half, struggled to be their father but could only manage unlike Daphne with unending love for them. In time, a cute boy, Rex, Bruce's nephew came in the picture. He was of the same age as the girls and particularly shares a birthday day and date with Bethany. With him in the picture, Felicity began to entertain hatred for her sister all because she found him attractive and wanted him for herself! Even if it was unhealthy, she cared less. Life proceeded until an incident occurred which in turn connected Lesley with Clark, a childhood comrade of hers before the horrible event that took her parents life. At that time, he was quite older and could still picture the man who ordered for the life of hver parents. On revealing this identity, it turned out that the people who adopted her and had been training and all the good that life could offer turned out to be the same family of the exact person that indirectly murdered her biological parents. To add to it she equally discovers that she possesses some mystical powers and is a queen in another world with several other facts that could overwhelm her. She ponders with this illumination if she would avenge her parents'death in expense of what she now shares with the family of perpetrators, or forgo both and embrace her new being? Would she be able to conceal this pressing illumination and if yes? And life is full of secrecy, how will she be able to cope!

Dollicute_liz15 · perkotaan
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15 Chs

The First Move

Scarcely had Luis touched my mask, when someone roughly scruffed my neck from behind, pulling me away from Luis, but who ?

' What if I'm getting it all wrong and it's just his accomplice and not my saviour? After all, who would help me? '

Just then, the folk took out a pistol and pointed it at Luis, knocking his hand with a swift kick and his pistol slipped off his hand.

I faintly smiled, heaving a sigh of relief.

That was enough proof that the unknown person was on my side.

"Hey, if you don't want to die, do as I say! And maybe you don't love your life, but I can bet you love your daughter, Rio."

"Please don't harm my daughter. She is innocent. Please don't drag her into this," he pleaded, falling on his knees.

"Good. Now stand on your feet like a good boy and get into that car. Hurry up, I don't have all the time in the world!"

Being dog obedient, owing to his daughter's life which was on the line, Luis stood and walked to the car he was instructed to.

By that time, I had already identified my guardian angel.

My guardian angel let go of me and asked me to follow him to the car too.

In the car, he tied up Luis with a rope and we set off to the forested area nearby, where we took a halt.

My guardian angel snapped his fingers, and I got his message.

"Old man, I only have one order for you," I said.

"Say it," he faltered.

" You must make sure the notebook is released to the public by tomorrow and not land to the Salvadors hands again. Everyone in that notebook must be exposed! Understood? "

" But Mrs. Salvador will kill me along with my family, "he wearily grumbled.

" Look, I'm not your friend but I promise you that I will make sure that devil doesn't harm but also note that I can be more dangerous than her when my orders aren't followed. Luis, I am not your enemy and wouldn't want to be one but you must do the right thing. You're a dad, aren't you? You very well are aware of the love of a parent to his/her child and the fear of losing them. Then why team up with people who are the murderers of people's children through drugs? You will have to do the right thing but if you still want us to do this the hard way, then we wouldn't mind doing it. Do you agree to do as I have said? "

" Yes but please don't let Mrs. Salvador harm my kinsfolk. "

" Okay. Deal? "

" Deal, "answered Luis," But who are you guys. Mind lowering your masks? "

" Our identity doesn't concern you. You can now leave but watch your back. I'm not done with you. "

I untied him and he left.

Through the window,I watched him walk down the ragged terrain till he was no more.

After ascertaining he had left, I ripped off my and his mask, gently diving into his lips, giving him a passionate kiss.

" Clark, thankyou. I don't know what would have occurred if it weren't for you, my guardian angel. "

" Don't mention it. I love you and will never cease to help you. I will always here when you need me. I'm here for you Bethany. "

" You're the best. Sorry for lashing out at you earlier. I didn't mean to hurt you, "I sincerely apologized.

" It's fine. It ain't you fault. "

" Okay. Now what I wanna know is how you managed to find me. Have you by any chance being stalking me? "

" Something of that sort. When I left your office earlier, I didn't leave. I was waiting for you at the parking lot, when I saw you looking quite suspicious and have been following you since then. "

" Okay, but where did you get a gun from? "

" I keep it in my car in case of an emergency. "

" Oh, okay. "

" Promise me you'll be informing me about your every move next time. "

" I promise you Clark. I have learnt my lesson the hard way. "

"Good. But I must admit that you are one brave fellow, "vocalized Clark, grinning at me as I gazed at his cute dimples.

" They grieved for this side of me, and I am just offering it to them. "

" Okay, we aren't gonna spend the whole night talking about this. Let's go home. I miss you so much, "Clark uttered with a devilish smile printed on his visage.

We buzzed off for home, which was a thirty minutes drive.


Third Person's POV;

Hugo slothfully ambled out of his room, heading downstairs for breakfast.

There,was Mrs. Salvador seated on the chaise lounge,whose face portrayed raw emotions.

"Mom, good morning!" greeted Hugo.

Without uttering a single word,Mrs. Salvador stood on her feet, giving him a dirty look and finally a hefty blow.

"You idiot!" she angrily exclaimed.

Blatantly bewildered, Hugo stared at his mom,who was looking ready to slap him again, this time even harder.

"Mom, what the f*ck! What gave I done to deserve this?"

"You got your eyes, don't you? Then look at the TV and explain what is happening right now coz I'm expecting you to be aware of it!"

Hugo fixed his eyes on the TV as ordered by Mrs. Salvador.

Terror stricken,he went nearer, hardly beliving his eyes.

" This can't be!"he whispered under his breathe.

" You should be aware of it,so stop putting up an act. It doesn't suit you!"

" Mom,I swear I'm as shocked as you are,"he grumbled.

" But you are the last person to be with that notebook and you said you would store it safely; then how did it land in the police's hands without your awareness!? Huh! You gone dumb now? Answer me Hugo!"

" I don't know,"he muttered hoarsely.

" You moron! Where did you keep it?"

" I don't know. I'm so confused."

" Arghhhh! What should we do now? Do you even know how much this will cost us and almost everyone's name in that notebook including ourselves works at The Flaming Dragon? Do you know how furious the She Dragon will be once this reaches her? She will make us suffer! Use your brains for once and clean up this mess before it's too late,"Mrs. Salvador vocalized furiously.

" What I fail to understand is who took that notebook and how this could happen while Luis is alive."

" That's why I am asking where you had stored it so that it would be easy to track down that person."

" What I'm sure of it's that it's either at my study room or my office at the company."

" Idiot!"Mrs. Salvador shouted ferociously.

" What's with all the arguments this fine morning? Mom, Hugo?"queried Bruce as he pranced towards them dressed in a black suit, ready to start the day.

" I'm done arguing with you Hugo. At least prove yourself useful and clean up this mess you created. Don't make me regret taking you in as a Salvador,"Mrs. Salvador arrogantly uttered and walked away.

" Bro, what's not happening?"questioned Bruce.

" Leave me alone Bruce!"shouted Hugo.

" At least tell me what's wrong. Maybe I might be able to help you."

" No! You're are the good boy as always. You shouldn't be dragged into my problems since I am always the bad one here. Since we were children,it has always been me. Anything has gone wrong? It must be Hugo. I was always blamed for everything including your own mistakes! Your mother has always made me feel that I am not a part of this family after all I have done to prove myself worthy to her!"Hugo declared in a voice packed with pain and sorrow,tears welling up in his eyes, though he tried holding them back.

"Hugo,calm down please. You're a Salvador and have every right to be a part of this family. Mom I just angry right now," said Bruce as he gently patted Hugo's back.

"Just let me be Bruce!" Hugo hoarsely uttered his tears choking him and walked away.

"Dad,dad!" Rex scramed downstairs calling his father but unfortunately,his efforts bore no fruits as just when he reached outside, Hugo zoomed off with his car.

He solemnly went back inside, where Bruce was seated, unbelievably staring at his phone.

"Uncle, what's wrong with dad? What happened? Why were you two arguing? Say something please,"pleaded Rex.

" This can't be!" roared Bruce and scramed outside leaving Rex in a miasma of bewilderment.

" What the heck is going on in this house today?"

Just then,a comotion was heard.

Rex along with Felicity and Mrs. Salvador,went outside all petrified.

Over and above,it was terrorising as a group of rat packs forced their way into the compound.

The guards were helpless and had no choice but to move aside and allow them inside inorder to save themselves.