
Flames on Ice

A guy embarks on a mission with his sister and aunt to save a town from the deathly clutches of vicious bandits, only to discover during the mission, a strange phenomenon about himself. Guys, this is the first novel I am ever writing, so please try to ignore any punctuation or written errors. My aspiration in life is to be a great novel writer and l believe this novel is my first step in achieving this goal Don't forget to comment your thoughts about the novel, as I would need such comments for motivation, in order to improve my writing skillset. Happy reading my dear readers.

IAA_Breezy · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Chapter 25

"But we….we haven't inspected this….this area yet." The drool guy said. His speech, this time around was a bit more coherent than before.

"Oh, come on, sir. There is nothing to inspect here. As you both can see, it's just me, a fragile lady, and my teenage nephews in this carriage. Surely, you don't think we are a dangerous threat of some kind, do you?" Zedd sweetly said, with her smile deepening and becoming brighter.

Senro couldn't help but smirk again, when he heard Zedd call herself 'a fragile woman.' A fragile woman, my ass. If she was a fragile woman, then it was safe to say that he wouldn't even be compared to paper or to a toothpick. This monster of a woman, calling herself 'a fragile woman', hah, what a hilarious joke!

"Madam, we both know you guys are not dangerous nor are you hiding any dangerous items, but, we still have to do the routine inspection. I am sorry, but it's our job." Boner dude insisted, even though he struggled to compose himself, after witnessing the enchanting smile Zedd flashed his way. His boner was slowly softening and returning to normal, but him still using his sheathed sword to cover up this awkwardness, wasn't in any way alleviating the embarrassing nature of this occurrence. It was quite hard for anyone to even take his words seriously.

"Sirs, I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful, but you both have wasted our time with your security checkups. It's almost six 'o' clock and we are very tired from this journey. We want to eat some good food, when we get into the town and sleep in a good, decent inn to rest our tired, aching bodies, so we can rest up and continue our trip early in the morning tomorrow. Your unnecessary security checkups is eating up our precious time. So please, open up the gates and let us go." This time around, it was Sasha who spoke to this two men, laying her case to them, with a beseeching expression etched on her ebony, picturesque face.

Although she had a pleading expression on her face, Senro could spot a bit of a sharp, angry tone in her girlish voice. Though it was very, very minute and it wouldn't normally be spotted by the regular hearing capability of a normal person, but it didn't escape Senro's sharp sense of hearing.

His sharp sense of hearing had been honed from years upon years of training. This sort of training had to do with him evading obstacles and malicious attacks, while been blindfolded and only having to use his sense of hearing and his sense of feel, to guide him through. But, damn, that training was freaking brutal, as he couldn't count the amount of times he was hit, tripped, smashed and severely beaten, during the course of this training. He always had to ingest essence pill after essence pill, almost every day to heal himself from the broken bones and the bruises he accrued on his body. But thanks to that training, he could easily determine and ascertain, certain minute details that the normal, regular person couldn't. The training had also greatly improved his combat abilities, especially when it came to the aspect of evasion of opponent attacks from blind spots, like for example, silent sneak attacks from his back.

'It seems Sasha is still hung up over the obscene events that this two fools displayed.' Senro thought to himself. Well, who could blame her? Even he, as a guy, was disgusted by the awkward display this two men performed, much less talking about Sasha, who was a sexually, naive teenager, for a girl who was seventeen years of age.

Honestly, he didn't even know how Zedd was so calm about this and acting so cozy with this two guys. She was handling the ploy pretty well, especially since she was someone who was so feisty and quick to fly into a fit of rage, whenever the opportunity presented itself. Senro guessed that probably Zedd was just professionally staying focused on the mission at hand and didn't want anything to screw things up. Because, he was sure that if what happened earlier, happened during a regular day and not in this particular case where they were trying to maintain the personas of simple travelers, by now this two guys would been beaten black and blue. Well, Senro felt he should still keep his fingers crossed, because if his theory of there been an ambush lying in wait for them was accurate, then this two guys were in for a whole lot of shit. Zedd never forgives and she never forgets. Well, of course, except if it's family.

"I am sorry, but we both have to do our jobs. Don't worry though, we will just do a quick scan. It won't take up to a minute, I promise." The boner dude said, as he smiled at Sasha, revealing his two broken front tooth, for the trio in the carriage to witness.

"Okay, sirs. Senro, Sasha, let's leave the carriage for this two, hardworking, gentlemen, to do their jobs properly." Zedd smilingly said, as she began to rise up from her seat.