
Flames of redemption

"You're such a bastard!" "I am a bastard," he agreed, leaning even closer to her, "but I'm your bastard, kitten." Someone who's not average, not ordinary, not trying to fit in, not....'normal', as defined by society. And deep inside, she felt the weight of eyes upon her, watching her every move. Questions lingered and haunted her mind: Who was the observer? And what motives laid behind those captivating gazes?

Izabel_Gamer · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
106 Chs


As Octavia searched for her daughter, she found her wandering in the kitchen with no trace. She quickly approached her and held her arms."Sweetie, are you alright?" She asked, her eyes filled with concern."No, mom, I'm not alright. I'm terrible. I don't want to stay here anymore. I feel like I'll suffocate." Regan said, her voice filled with desperation and frustration. "I can't stand it anymore. I don't want this.""Regan, I don't want it either. But we have to be patient. He's not someone we can directly confront. We have to play along for now, until we find a way out," Octavia said, her tone gentle but convincing, "I promise you, we'll find a way to escape from here."But Regan wasn't convinced. She didn't believe in escape or anything like this anymore. She knew that she'd cross paths with him again, either him finding her or her stumbling upon him."We have to get rid of him once and for all," Regan stated, her voice hard with determination although deep inside, she didn't even know if she believed her own words. Not after what he had said and the way he acted that morning.She couldn't help but think how handsome and caring he seemed. Maybe it were just

lies, manipulations. But at least he didn't take advantage of what she was wearing, he didn't even seem to look at her in that way. And that all added to her confusion and frustration. Not because she wanted him to look at her like that, of course, but because she didn't want to believe he had any honor and morals in him. She didn't want to believe he had any good in him. And so, she called it just lies and manipulation, convincing herself that he was nothing more than a cruel, wicked ruler.

Octavia pulled her in a tight hug and caressed her hair, "I know, my dear. But maybe he can be fooled around. Maybe we can find a way to outsmart him. We just need to be patient and stay strong," Octavia reassured her daughter, her voice filled with determination.Regan nodded, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over. She knew her mother was right, but it was hard to believe there was a way out of this mess. She clung to her mother, seeking comfort and reassurance in her embrace."We'll figure it out together, sweetie," Octavia whispered, her voice filled with love and determination. "We'll get through this, I promise." Her words were soothing and calm but Regan still couldn't shake the doubts she had within. She couldn't believe she was thinking about him in any way other than hatred and disgust. She knew she hated him but that kind of hate like an obsession. She was so obsessed with hating him that it was driving her crazy. Maybe if she'd kill him, she would finally be able to move on, to find some peace. But the thought of killing him made her feel even worse.She didn't want to kill him, she wanted to defeat him, somehow and then put him behind bars where he belonged. After all, he was a criminal. He was also an escaped convict and everyone was afraid of him.He was a conqueror, a ruthless and cunning sorcerer. Of course it'd be such a pride to finally defeat him, to prove to everyone that she was capable of overpowering him. But how? She wasn't much trained.Yes, she was powerful, she believed in her powers. But, he was experienced, smart and manipulative. He knew how to use his powers and his wits against his enemies. He had conquered countless worlds and realms. And she was just a girl who had the guts to stand up against him."Mom, I don't want to stay here anymore. There must be an end to this. We can't drag this anymore," she said to her mother, her voice determined but still filled with desperation. "We have to find a way out of here.""I know, sweetie. I feel the same. But we can't rush into anything. I don't really care about fights or wars. I don't even want these. I want to be with you. I've missed you for so long," Octavia said, cupping Regan's face with her hands and looking deep into her eyes. "I don't want to fight him. I just want to be with you and live a peaceful life. If we can find a way to make him leave us alone, I'll be grateful. But if not, then I still don't want you to get yourself hurt. You're all I have left in this world, my little angel."Tears started to fall from Regan's eyes as she looked into her mother's caring gaze. She wanted to feel the same about the fighting. She wanted to ignore him, to pretend he didn't exist. But that was impossible. He was everywhere. Even when he wasn't physically there, he was still in her mind, taunting her, making her doubt her own feelings. She wanted so badly to be free from him, to be able to live her life without constantly being afraid of what he might do and without being provoked every single time she saw him. She didn't want to be swayed by his words."I know, Mom. I'll do everything to protect you. But I can't stay and act like this doesn't bother me. I can't pretend that I'm okay with this," Regan said, sniffling and wiping her tears away. "I want to find a way out of here, and I want to do it soon. I don't want to wait any longer. I don't want him to take us time anymore. We deserve to be together and without having his nagging shadow over us."Octavia held her daughter close, trying to comfort her as much as she could. She wished there was something more she could do, something that would make everything better. But all she could do was be there for her, support her and help her. She didn't want Regan to fight, she wanted them to be safe. But Regan was so stubborn, so determined."We'll talk about it later," she said, patting her daughter's back gently. "Let's go and eat something. You didn't eat anything."Octavia led Regan to the dining room again. Regan's heart raced, wondering if he was still there. But he wasn't and she was grateful for it. They ate in silence, both lost in their own thoughts. Regan was determined to find a way to defeat him, while Octavia was still trying to find a way to protect her daughter without involving fighting or violence.After they finished eating, they turned back to their chambers. Regan wondered how he was leaving them to wander freely, when they were threats and prisoners. But she didn't want to think about it. She needed to focus on herself, on finding a way out of here.As soon as she entered the chamber, she was bored. She wanted to do something, something exciting. She had been in very dangerous situations lately, being in the underworlds, fighting with monsters, and exploring various worlds and realms.But now, she was trapped here again. Yes, she had her mother, the only one she loved and cared for the most. But she wanted them both to be free. She wanted to live their lives, not just survive."Mom, I don't want to stay here. You can go in. I'll find something to kill time," Regan said to her mother, pacing back and forth in the chamber."No, sweetie. You're not going anywhere alone. I'll find something for us to do together," Octavia insisted, her worried expression making Regan worried as well."But, mom, I'm very bored. I don't want to stay like some mundane princess, who just sits and does nothing. At least we're not being locked in that room. Yes, we're supposed to stay here, but I don't want to be bored to death. I want to do something. Anything. Please, come with me, I'll find a way to keep us both entertained. Please, mom." Regan begged, her eyes pleading with her mother. She couldn't stand the thought of being stuck here, doing nothing but waiting for him to come back and taunt them again.Octavia pursued her lips, her face tight with worry, "Alright. But what are we going to do? Do you know the ways around?""Well, I...." Regan trailed off, being not quite sure what to say. She knew some of the ways around but the castle was so big that she didn't really know what she knew. "Yes, I know," she said and took her mother's hand.They wandered around the empty hallways, trying to find something to do. Regan wondered where the witches were but she was also grateful they weren't around. Maybe they had some job to do or maybe he had gotten rid of them. Because if they were in the castle, there was no way they wouldn't show themselves."Well, it seems we're completely lost. We should have stayed there." Octavia said.Regan didn't answer and as she looked straight, she saw a set of grand doors she remembered seeing before."These are the doors to the garden. I guess so," she said with a shrug. They went to that direction and Regan pushed open the doors a bit. They cracked a small opening, letting the light come inside the dark corridor.She took her mom's hand and they walked out together. They met with the fresh, warm air. The air was filled with the sounds of chirping birds and other noisy insects. The trees stood tall and menacing and the scent of the roses filled her nostrils immediately, making her nauseous for a moment."Well, this place is beautiful. If only we were in a prettier situation," Octavia said, breathing the fresh air. She had been imprisoned for ages that she had forgotten what it had been like to breathe fresh air. Regan looked at her mother, feeling guilty for their situation but at least they weren't being locked completely, she thought.As they walked around, Regan couldn't help but be taunted by the roses. She wanted to get one of them so badly, to tear its petals off and to stomp on it. They weren't only red, some were blue and some were green. She had never seen these colors before but they were beautiful nonetheless."There's a swing there," Regan pointed at a wooden swing set. "Wanna try it out?""Are you sure it's safe?" Octavia asked."Well, it looks safe enough," Regan said and patted the seat."Come on, mom. Let's have some fun."Octavia hesitated for a moment but then reluctantly sat on the swing, pushing herself gently. The swing started moving slowly at first, making her nervous. But as she gained momentum, she began to enjoy it. The breeze brushed against her face, and the birds sang merrily in the trees. It felt like they were in another world, far away from the castle and its dark secrets.Regan watched her mother swing back and forth, her hair flying behind her, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. She wished things could be different, but at least, she had her mother now and it was the most important person she had.As they continued to swing, Regan couldn't help but think about her father. By all that she had been hearing, her father had been a bad king, a selfish and cruel man. But she didn't know anything about him. She had never met him, and she knew only what Sirius had been telling her. She glanced at her mother, wondering if she should ask. But she decided to not ask, since her mother hadn't mentioned anything about her father either.Regan began to feel nauseous by the swing and she slowed down a bit. The scent of the roses was just adding up to that. She wanted to do something else but she didn't really know what. But maybe there was really some other thing to do."You're alright, sweetie?" Octavia asked, her expression filled with worry."Yes, mom," Regan replied, "I'm taking a walk around. My mind's dizzy from the swing." Octavia nodded, still swinging gently. Regan walked slowly around the garden, taking in the sights and sounds. She stopped in front of a fountain, its water trickling gently down into a small pool.The fountain was carved from marble, its surface etched with intricate designs. The water seemed to shimmer in the sunlight, almost like it was alive. She reached out, feeling its coolness on her fingertips. It was so peaceful here, she thought, almost as if the world outside didn't exist.As she glanced around, the roses were even more provoking, more taunting. It was as if they were luring her in, inviting her to come closer, to touch them, to smell them. She found herself drawn to a particular rose bush, its red petals almost glowing in the sunlight.Reaching out, she tentatively touched one of the petals, feeling its softness beneath her fingertips. It was so beautiful, so delicate, she thought. And then, a chilling thought washed over her. She remembered something from a long time ago, the roses that she used to get when she was on earth. Of course, they were those roses.She picked up a rose from the bush, it was full of thorns. Carefully, she brought it to her nose, inhaling its sweet scent. She remembered how she wanted to tear the rose but now, she couldn't. It really didn't seem that evil."You have my taste in flowers," a husky voice called from behind her. Startled, Regan turned behind, only to be greeted by the one and only, him. His smirk was evident on his face, and his blue eyes were shining like ice in the sunlight."Did you find them as beautiful as I did?""No," Regan snapped, throwing the rose away.He chuckled, clearly not believing her, "But you do, kitten. They're beautiful. You know that.""I've seen better," Regan retorted, turning away from him. He followed her and grabbed her by her waist, pulling her back towards him. She yelped in surprise, her heart pounding in her chest. "Don't do that!" she hissed."I'm not doing anything," he whispered, his voice low and husky, "I just wanted to... talk to you." His hand didn't left her waist, instead it gripped her tighter, as if afraid she would slip away. Regan tried to get rid of him but she ended being forced against his chest.She didn't want to be close to him, not only because they were sworn enemies, but because she felt like she was losing her pride. She had never been that close to a guy, she hadn't even held a guy's hand before....well, she had held his hand and been close to him, but not willingly. And now he was practically hugging her even though she didn't want him to.She felt his lips on her hair and shivered involuntarily. "You know," he began, "you're so different, in the best way possible."She didn't reply, but she knew that he could feel her tense up even more."And you," he continued, his grip softening, "you're my girl. My little dove." His other hand went up her hair, tangling in the waves, and he tugged gently. She tried to pull away, but he held her too tightly."Let me go," she growled. "You're insane. I'm not your girl or your little dove. Stop calling me names," she said through gritted teeth. She knew it was all a twisted game he was playing, he was manipulating her, trying to break her.She wouldn't let him win, she wouldn't let herself lose. But as he held her tight, she couldn't help but feel like a fool. Her shoulders were bare and cold, but they quickly warmed up. His hand was still tangled in her hair, and she wanted to tear his throat out if he didn't let go."And why you're not my girl? What do I have that you don't like?" He breathed in deeply at her hair, to inhale their scent, as if she was the most precious thing to him.His question was stupid and ridiculous to her. Was she supposed to like anything in him? Was he such a fool to think that someone like her would willingly choose to be his girl? She wanted to tell him that she hated him, that she would rather die than be with him, but he'd turn that to his advantage too. He'd laugh and tell her it was what he wanted to hear.She wondered where her mother was, why was she letting this happen. But maybe he was threatening her.... somehow, she didn't know. All she knew was that she had to find a way out for now. He was willing to play more of mind games than physically hurt her, at least for now, and she was grateful for that."Hmm, Princess? What do I have that you don't like?" he asked, his tone gentle but filled with a sense of pain as well.Regan didn't understand, did he think she was some weak, love-struck girl who would just fall for him? Yes, he had many things to fall for, abut it didn't mean she was going to like him.His hand in her hair loosened and he started to massage her scalp gently, which made her feel slightly better despite herself."Or can't you find the words to explain what you feel for me?" he asked, his hand running on her hair gently."I don't feel anything for you," Regan snapped."I see," he mocked.Before Regan could say anything, he spoke again. She was surprised by what he said."Will you sing once? I haven't heard you sing in a long time." His voice was more like a plead. She couldn't believe it. What kind of manipulative bullshit was he playing?She had never sung in front of someone. Well, she had sung in front of her aunt when she was little, but that was different. It was embarrassing, she'd rather die than sing in front of him. But then she remembered when he had actually heard her singing."Sing? You think I'm going to sing?" she sneered. "I'd rather die first.""Your voice is beautiful," he said softly, his voice barely audible. "I love it." She didn't believe him. "Please," he begged. "Just once."Her jaw clenched and her heart raced. She'd never sing in front of him. He had heard her before, but it was different. She hadn't been aware of it."Get the hell away from me, you bastard," she growled, struggling against his grip. But he didn't let her go. "I'm not stupid to believe anything you say. You're my sworn enemy. You hate me and everything I stand for. You're the reason why my mother was imprisoned for years. You took our freedom. I'm not a fool." She paused, taking a shaky breath."I'm not going to do what you say and I'm not going to be your pet. I'll never be your girl and I'll never sing for you. I don't care about your threats." Her voice was furious with rage and determination.But she knew the last part was a lie. Because she cared about his threats, what if he threatened her with her mother? What if he threatened to hurt her, really hurt her? She'd rather hurt herself than her mother.He finally let go of her, taking a step back in his unreadable expression. His midnight bangs fell on his forehead, clouding his eyes. It seemed like he got a brain stroke and was thinking hard about something.What? What was he expecting? That she was going to change her mind? That she was going to be all nice? No way. She had a fiery temper, a burning pride. She didn't trust herself, let alone him."You're right," he finally said. "We're enemies. And I had vowed to do everything in my power to destroy you. But.... there's another way...." His voice trailed off, and he looked away, deep in thought.For a moment, Regan was thrown off guard. One second he was calling her his girl and the next he was admitting she was his enemy. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart."There's only one way this ends," she said, her voice steady despite her pounding heart. "You die. And I'm going to make sure of it." She glared at him, daring him to challenge her.He smirked down at her. "Keep saying that, Regan. But you know that deep down you don't want to kill me. You want me to love you." His words were soft, almost taunting, and her anger only grew more. How dare he say such a thing? He didn't even know what love was."I don't want you to love me. I don't want a beast to love me. You don't even know what love is. You're a male, after all. You only know lust and desire. And I don't want any of those. I want you to suffer. I want you to pay for what you've done. I want you to burn in hell for eternity," Regan spat. Her words were cold and harsh and for a moment she regretted saying them. Because it seemed that they found him very badly.His expression turned dark as he listened to her words. "You think I lust after you?" He took a step closer, his movements dangerous and menacing.The question caught her off guard. Yes, she thought that, not because she thought herself as some sort of beautiful girl, but because lust didn't know beauty or ugliness."Of course you do! You keep throwing your advances at me, you keep touching me, you keep trying to make me like you. You want me to be your concubine, don't you? Well, guess what? It's never going to happen!" she yelled at him.He took another step closer, grabbing her waist again and pulling her into his chest. His other hand held her chin, forcing her to look up at him. His expression was harsh, almost cruel, but there was pain as well."You're so clueless, sweetheart. I don't lust after you and I don't want you as my concubine. I don't want you as my pet either or any other thing you think. I've never done these things before and I'm not going to start I've touched you, yes. And I'm still doing it. But.... there's something called.... affection. Don't you know the difference?" His voice turned low, almost pleading.She struggled against his grip, trying to break free, but it was no use. "Let me go," she hissed. "I don't want your affection, I want you to die."His eyes narrowed, and he leaned down, his lips dangerously close to hers, "Let's have a fair fight then. Only you and me. No army or weapons. Just you and me, and see who comes out on top." His words were gentle, but there was a fierce determination in his gaze.She knew he meant a magic duel, but she also knew he was powerful. He might just end up killing her. But then again, he might not. Perhaps this was her only chance to defeat him. To end this nightmare once and for all."Alright," Regan accepted, meeting his gaze. There was no fear in her eyes, only determination."Keep this determination. Because if you fall for me on that duel, I'll keep mocking you for eternity. I'll remind you every damn time how you fell for a beast like me. How you couldn't help but feel something for me other than hatred," he said, his voice harsh but also soft, like he was admitting something to himself."You think I feel something more than hate for you?" she spat, glaring at him, "I only hate you Sirius!""But you don't mean that," he huskily whispered, leaning even closer, his breath fanning across her cheek. "You want to hurt me, yes. But you don't want to see me dead."And as he said it, she knew he was right. She couldn't kill him, she would hurt him but she didn't want him to die. She wanted him to suffer, but not to die.But that didn't mean she would let him win. She would fight him, she would fight as hard as she could. He was a tyrant but she also wanted to prove him wrong when he said she had feelings for him.And maybe, just maybe, she had some sort of twisted affection for him. Maybe that's what made her want to hurt him so badly, to make him suffer. To make him pay for everything he had done."We'll see," she snapped, "and this time there'll be no mercy." Her words were harsh, her tone sharp but she didn't know if she meant them. She didn't want to believe him, that she had feelings for him. She wanted to hurt him, to make him pay for what he had done, but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel something else that had always been there.Sirius smiled, a smile that sent shivers down her spine. "Right. No mercy, no allies. We'll do it fairly, fire against fire.""Alright," she retorted, "Where and when?"His eyes glinted with mischief, "Tomorrow. Meet me in the courtyard after sunrise. The servants will show you the way," his voice was husky, deep and melodic. She thought he was going to kiss her, hating herself at the same time for even thinking that. Her intrusive mind had been thinking that for a while, and it infuriated her.Regan hesitated for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts. He was so close that it was nearly impossible to think. But she wanted to fight him. He had wronged her mother and the others so much. But after he talked about affection, he seemed so sincere for a moment."Tomorrow it is."His smile didn't break as he released her, "Excellent," he said, "see you tomorrow, my beautiful dove." And with that, he ruffled her hair playfully, making her scowl. He chuckled and then disappeared, leaving her alone in the garden.