
Flames Of Fire

Blood Stone a demonic weapon of destruction was ceased by seven Stones of creation called 'Rattan'. Dragon warrior clan was the initial protector of these stones. Many had their eyes on these stones and one was Demon God 'Khalida'. But things change when a bitter feeling of resentment towards own father broods inside Demon prince 'Kalhar'. In the due course many lose their lives, some their dignity and plead for mercy to Demon King Kalhar . Later the surging demonic energy inside his veins creates havoc crowning him with the title of ultimate ruler. Finally appearance of seven people called protectors chosen by the seven stones of creation establish peace in the kingdoms by defeating Kalhar and his indomitable army of the dead.

DarkAustra · Fantasi
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32 Chs


Protectors advanced towards the temple of Kritants. Even with their steps headed towards the same goal, the reasons behind them were unalike. Everyone was immersed in their own thoughts.

Deep exhale to relive stress was of no use, Zesiro reminded of his training days and the lessons of his Master.

He used very little words to explain himself but whenever spoke, his words were inspirational and thoughtful.

He paused to stop everyone near a lake nearby as there was a small village to rest for the night.

"It is a small village which belongs to hunters and I am familiar with the people here so, it would be safe for stay", Zesiro said.

All agreeing to him entered the village.

A man in his middle age dressed in a robe of some animal skin, well-built body welcomed them with warm smiles. He was the village head Karnak. As he was familiar with Zesiro and Neihar or else their arrows would greet them.

A small village but well organised. Houses look alike, wooden huts able of accommodating a family of five. Village head was an exception, he had a bigger hut able of providing shelter to ten and four guest rooms attached to them capable accommodating four members each.

Neihar was the one explaining this as he was aware of the place.

Wife of village head and her maids took Saisha, Orzala and Mekhala with them. Others were guided by male servants into a wooden guest room. Food enough to fill their tummy for three days was offered.

Saliva dripping down their tongues, fully activated taste buds, exhaling the aroma of freshly cooked meat, keeping aside their table manners everyone hogging on the food like starving wild animals except Zesiro.

He was lost in his world of thoughts were as his eyes continuously sought for the glimpse of something or someone.

Noticing his distracted state, the village head Karnak questioned him in low voice, "Are you searching for Kalaya?"

He nodded in response.

Then come with me he took away Zesiro. A big mango tree by the side of the swiftly flowing water. Clod breeze brushing the hairs. Favourite spot of Kalaya.

Teary eyes of Karnak, shaky voice, "This is where she would run to find the peace. Gazing at the twinkling stars she spent hours. Even after you left she would always visit this place to cry her heart out. This place heard more of her cries, giggles than any other person ever did."

Zesiro was confused for a brief moment until Karnak pointed the other side of tree facing the river and spoke,

"Since this place is full of her memories, it the best place for her to rest in peace"

Those words turned my world upside down, I was only afraid of facing her anger after abandoning her for years. Almost five years but never thought of what I will do if I lose the sight of her angered face for ever.

I could not get hold of myself. I stumbled upon the soft grass. My eyes were wet but they refused to cry. I could not hear more and wanted to be left alone. Karnak wanted to console me with his words but nothing worked.

The uncontrollable torrent of grief clogged my brain functions pushing it into a memory lane.

The first meet with Kalaya, near the forest of Mauna. I and my brother abandoned from our own place, cheated by our own father, losing our mother, helpless, weak, starving and struggling to survive met a bold, cheerful little lady, who called herself a great archer.

She bought us to this village, cared for us like a mother, scolded like a well-wisher, stood by us like a friend. She was always one step ahead of us in annoying.

How Neihar and she would fight over me. Neihar yelled saying my brother loves me the most and she cursed him claiming I love her the most.

The way she would barge in my room for little things, bugging me like a little kid craving for attention. Her demands,

"Oh! You have to marry me Zesiro. You owe me you and your annoying brothers life"

Reckless action, fought with a thug risking her life to get back a tiny little wooden charm, I presented her. Got a scar from a sharp knife during the fight. Unbothered about it till she saw me arriving and snuggled into my arms like a child fake crying.

Poor thug! he had a hard time that day.

I miss her presence. It feels like just yesterday she was clinging onto me. Now she is gone.

She promised me that she will never abandon me but she did the same as mother.

But what made her abandon me? What happened? I want to know.

My senses triggered my organs and I woke up to see Karnak worried face.

"Are you alright?"

"I am good. Tell me what happened to Kalaya", I sounded so desperate.

"When you left, she was dull for months, then she started faking her happiness. Finally, a year later she left the village to find you. She even imprinted the symbol on your wrist to ease her quest. But one day when we were hunting deep in the forest we found her dead.

Scratches of beast all over her body. The picture imprinted my brain still gives me Goosebumps all over. It is a nightmare"

His words feel otherwise. I have seen her hunt effortlessly wild animals double her size. A normal wild animal inside the forest could never ham her.

I know that Karnak was never fond of her. He was jealous of her because everyone in the village loved her, trusted her. Though she never wished for the village head position, she was the only daughter of Atohi, the most trusted hunter, previous village head.

I will find out what happened. Anyone being the reason, I will bury them deep in the soil alive. Zesiro made a promise to himself and Kalaya.

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