

There are seven Angels in the universe each angel with different abilities and powers. The sorcery kings considered them to be a threat and seal there half power into normal humans so as to maintain the power balance. Advait a 13 year old boy has the power of strongest angel but he is unaware about it and due to this power his normal life might change.

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28 Chs

chapter 7. GERO the saviour

Ronnie says "where is Sameer?"

Sameer suddenly appears and stands on the edge of window hiding his face saying "hey u spider web man! U hurt my friend, now u are gonna pay for it!"

Sike says :"ok  tell that by looking at me. U are looking at wrong way I am here."

Sameer says "you heard me."

Sameer removes another writing pad from his bag(yes he keeps this extra pad to beat Ronak but he forgets to use it all the time).

Sameer tells "the last pad was made of plastic ofcource it got broken but this pad is made of metal I keep it for my self defence but always forgets to use it."

Ronnie says "finally u remembered this time but what the hell are u gonna do with it!"

Sameer tells him " ofcource i will hit him."

Sameer ran fast towards Sike and uses his metal pad to block the punches from him.

Sike is surprised "what i can't break this pad! Is it really that strong!" Sike uses his thread to cut Sameer in half "thread slice!" Sike screams Sameer runs behind and then with the help of wall he takes a jump and run towards Sike, Sike says "there is no way of you escaping kid my thread.." as Sameer reaches close to Sike the thread also reaches Sameer and cuts Sameer's uniform in half from behind, Sameer gets scared and jumps towards his left side and the thread cuts Sike nose in half

"Aaaa!" Sike screams. Sameer runs and hits Sike face with his metal pad.

Sike gets injured "aaaunch!"

Sameer goes for another hit and this time he directly top of head brutally!

Sike is now knocked out.

Ronnie couldn't move due to the spider web poison.

Meanwhile Advait is having a hard time to move and even breathe!

Dugass tells Jack who is behind all of it "the one who made this plan was Bitoka!"

Jack says "Bitoka!"

Advait in mind says :"what has ... happened to me..i can't move, breathe, my body feels dull, dry, inside it. I gotta move..m...move! Breathe!, Breathe! Breathe! I can't lose hope, i need to save Jack and  free our school from those gangsters. I  want to make them payy! They were the once who hurt my friends yesterday and now they are hijacking our school! I need to breath! Breath!"

As Advait was saying things in his mind his uniform got torned from his right side of upper arm. As it got torned,  we see a design of red star with red circle glowing on Advait's right upper arm.

Dugass sees that "what the.. this aura..."

Jack says "wait is this kid!.."

Sameer gets back to Ronnie "hey are u ok Ronnie. Lemme try and remove you from there."

Ronnie gets up and says "no not needed. Looks like the poison effect has somehow gone!"

Sameer is surprised "really. That's good."

Ronnie says "maybe coz the Baldy got knocked out and  the effect of poison also seems to be gone."

Ronnie further says "although i am still wondering what happened to this guy? The moment he saw and fought u he acted weird!"

As Ronnie was saying we see the metal pad which Sameer used to fight seem to have broken long time ago and..

Sameer says "i know the moment I attacked him with my mmm..metal pad he broke it with his fff..fist! But after he used his spider web and almost was going to cut me but luckily since I sss...slipped my leg he only cccc..cut my uniform in half from back. But then he suddenly feels injured , fell down and gets knocked out like nothing!"

Ronnie says "leave it we have to now go up Advait is alone or maybe not."

Both of them went to terrace.

Meanwhile Advait is facing some abnormal power!

Advait in mind says :"I..I need  power! Power to break , to move , to help, Power to save!"

Both Ronnie and Sameer arrive at terrace and see with their own eyes..

Sameer asks "why is a p..panda wear..wearing a blue hoodie?"

Ronnie asks "what the hell is happening here!"

Jack tells them "whatever is happening u kids shouldn't suppose to be here!"

Both Ronnie and Sameer in mind says :"a walking talking panda!"

Jack heard it and says "I heard what u were thinking I ain't a panda just coz my face is white I have black dot in my nose and have black lines around my eyes. It's my style!"

Ronnie makes a weird reaction "heeeeeeh!"

Sameer says "wow what an aesthetic style!"  He says it in a sarcastic way.

Suddenly Advait gets a red aura surrounding him. Ronnie, Sameer, Jack and even Dugass feels it. Advait screamed like a demon,  the design  of red star with a red circle on his right bicep was shining and with this Advait screamed again and broke the paralysis of Dugass and his blood flow was way faster than before.

Advait then looked back towards Dugass. Advait was able to flexibly move his body and moved so fast that not even Dugass could see him. He came close towards Dugass, grabbed his left horn with his right hand


Advait screamed like a demon and smashed him to the ground so hard that it created a large hole which ended up Dugass  falling right towards the ground floor of the school!

Parat asks him "who..who are you really? Bitu singh!"

Bitoka walks towards Parat slowly and tries to put his hand on Parat shoulder but..

Bitoka tells "ha.. hey can't u bend down a little"

Parat bends down a little so that Bitoka could reach his shoulders.

Bitoka tells him "I think u got a clue that I aint bitu singh right? "

Parat asks again "then who are u or if I could ask are u even human!"

Bitoka says "a normal human like u shouldn't suppose to sense that i ain't a human let me guess.."

As Bitoka was talking something fell right next to him. It was Dugass sevearly injured and knocked out and from that moment Bitoka  also sensed that aura, he immediately looks up on the terrace . The sun was bright and he sees Advait with the red aura surrounding him. He is surprised and smiles..

Bitoka says smilingly "looks like we got what we came for! Didn't think u would be the owner of Red demon! Advait"

Bitoka moves towards Dugass. Advait then suddenly went unconscious and also was going to fell towards the ground floor of school. But..

Jack, Ronnie, Sameer all of them hold him from back and saved him from falling .

Sameer tells him "jus..just get yourself a hold buddy."

Ronnie says "lift him with full strength"

Three of them lifted him and Advait was saved.

Bitoka says "Dugass our job is over for now we need to go to Patal lok"

Bitoka then waves his right hand and as he did the barrier which surrounded the school disappeared. Bitoka then turns around towards Gan.

Bitoka laughs and says "you all sold your soul to me in return for power remember ? Now I am killing everyone's soul including you"

Gan says "we didn't ask for this! This wasn't in agreement ! Orange flag gang main motive is to have power of Rakshas and take control of it we did everything now u can't do that"

Bitoka smilingly says "yes it wasn't in agreement but why it should be? You should've been aware that the Illumination is basically sacrifice of your soul to us in return of your wish which you did. This means your wish will be granted in return of your own soul and I have control of your soul. You may have super powers but your soul is in my control and this goes for all your other members "

Bitoka releases his aura and lifts his right hand, and Lax who is dead, Sike who is knocked Himanknwas alive but unconscious, all of their soul is extracted from their body and Sike and Himank dies. Manav in staff room suddenly gets knocked out and says " wait what are you doing Bitoka!" His soul is also extracted from his body and Manav dies there. Zeenat and other teachers immediately run outside from staff room.

Bitoka bends his all five fingers of his hand,  focuses his all energy into his five fingers and creates a grey aura around his hand..

"Tiger claw!"

As he says he creates a huge energy wave and without even  touching Gan he teared his fourhead and made a hole in it!

Gan soul also is seperated from his body and he dies.

Everyone was terrified by seeing that . As a result every member of Orange flag died.

Bitoka tells them "i am leaving for now but don't assume that u are free from me. "

Bitoka takes Dugass and vanishes through the ground.

Everything became normal in school teachers were freed the police were called and they investigate the dead bodies of Orange flag gang.

Advait was unconscious nobody in the school knew what happened actually, Ronnie says "what suddenly happened to Advait in terrace?" Sameer looks at Advait and says "was it because of that naked demon?" Ronnie with shocking reaction looks at Jack and says "or did that walking talking panda did that!"

"Didn't think Parat would actually save us"

"Well it was expected from Gero Bhai but Parat u did what u could but still Gero was something else"

Gero says "am I not? U see I fought them using my Butt kick like this kiyaaa! The boss was really strong it was quiet a challenge for me but I always have my Trump card hahahaha!"

Gero is the popular guy in the school and everyone thinks he is the hero and he saved the school from those people . Like always whatever Gero does isn't real but a fake rumour and only some know the truth about Gero.

"Ohhhh so cooool! Gero Bhai is our hero for today cheers for him"

Ronnie says "this Gero Bhai never changes from showing off. Also I still don't get it what these students think Parat did just coz they saw him right outside the principle office?"

Gero whispers to him "Parat u also did a good job I know u knocked out that Baldy but don't worry we won't tell teachers nor the cops that u killed that guy who was near principle cabin right everyone."


Parat is shocked "whaaaaat! No i mea..mean ahh forget it."

Ronnie Advait Sameer screamed "hey what do u mean forget it"

Ronnie moves towards Advait and says "and when did u woke up Advait?"

Jack sits in the corner and says "just school kids doing there things"

Jack looks towards Pratik and Pratik remains silent the whole time.

Pratik in mind thinks "although everything is fine i am happy but something is still bothering me.. i..how did i broke his head into pieces with one punch!"

Jack reacts "what!"

Pratik also reacts to him "what!"

Advait comes and tells Pratik "why are u so silent bro everything is fine now, don't know how but it is and we also didn't had to attend all the lectures coz of this hijacking"

Ronnie says "u are forgetting police are still investigating the case here right"

Sameer says "also d..don't forget we will be ha..having  a fu..fu..funeral too for principal"

Jack thinks "if this kid is owner of Red angel then i guess his life from now onwards will totally change i need to inform Sokura Lok about this that my mission is completed. I can't believe he was right in front of me" he smiles

Ronnie tells Jack "hey Jack u can join us if u want to we don't mind a walking talking panda roaming with us"

Jack gets angry and says "I said I ain't a panda i am a Shirankar!"