

There are seven Angels in the universe each angel with different abilities and powers. The sorcery kings considered them to be a threat and seal there half power into normal humans so as to maintain the power balance. Advait a 13 year old boy has the power of strongest angel but he is unaware about it and due to this power his normal life might change.

ALL402 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

Chapter 25. Candle Flames

Advait uses flame fist and punch on Rakshas face and he fell far off.

Advait and Sameer both look at him Rakshas takes his right leg backwards and with his both horns he creates a black lightning saying "black lightning"

He throws black lightning straight at both of them

Advait and Sameer react to it and dodged it by sliding down. Both of them got up and Sameer says "is that thunder! But bb..black?" Rakshas kept on shooting black lightning with his both horns but Advait and Sameer were dodging it but not for long Advait slipped his leg and lost his balance Sameer looked at him and run to save him but it was too late both of them got hit by black lightning and got heavily injured by it.

While Advait and Sameer are dealing with Rakshas here Ronnie and Arun are curing people by splashing Antitode at them. "Even tho they all are old still they come to watch movie at this age!" Arun comments,

Ronnie says "yea that's why I said if we go to public places like malls, thetre and all we might see more and we can cure as many of them as we can"

Arun says "so now where shall we go?" Ronnie replies "let's decide while walking"

Arun's bottle is getting over so he says "wait a minute i think i need to fill out some since we need to cure more people" he goes to find the tap in the mall and

on his way he accidentally gets pushed by someone tall and fat man. Arun says "can't you see or what" he looks up and sees a man with beared he thinks a bit but the fat man lifts him up with one hand by holding his his collar and says "you are in my way wait ... hey you look familiar are you Arun?"

Arun is surprised and says "yes but..." Ronak reveals himself by saying "hahaha forgot about the Don who use to beat you up when we were kids it's me The most famous politician Ronak Arora!" Arun shockingly screams "whaaaaat! R..Ronak politician!" Ronak says "yes but looks like you haven't changed a bit noobie gamer and you don't even look like an adult did you skip puberty? Hahaha "

Arun says "I am not a noobie gamer I am pro" he says it in a little arrogant way Ronak replies "you are still a kid but I don't have time to play these kids games you go shoot people in games I am gonna shoot them in reality" he romoves a pistol from his pocket Arun gets scared by seeing it Ronak tells him "don't worry kid it's not for you if I wanted to kill you I can just sit on you and it's over hahahaha I don't even need a gun for that it's for someone else"

Ronak walks out from there and Arun was starring at him and when he goes Arun looks around and sees a washroom on his left side he goes inside to fill some water on his bottles.

Arjun and Pratik are talking about Aryan being in a gang which is Orange flag gang 2.0

Pratik shouts "what the hellllll!" Arjun says "calm down i know it's shocking even I was shocked but now you should know why the orange flag gang was made in the first place. My brother Aryan joined the gang when he got around my age as per mom and dad." Pratik asks "so what are you saying orange flag gang ..."

Arjun tells him by looking down "orange flag gang members do a certain ritual i don't remember that ritual name but in that ritual they sacrifice themselves to rakshas in order to gain there powers" Pratik gets scared after hearing it and says "there powers!" Arjun says "that's what Aryan said but he didn't explain other things this is why.." Pratik asks him "what?" Arjun continues saying "this is why I want to ask Aryan himself about this what this orange flag gang is and what he is planning although he is is grown up but he is still the Aryan I know I am sure he will tell me everything"

Advait and Sameer got hit by black lightning and both of them get to there knees and are shivering of shock. The green Rakshas is charging an other black lightning with his both horns but Advait and Sameer are unable to move "i can't focus on my aura after getting one hit from lightning" Advait whispers to Sameer "mmmm..my bbnn..body is itself ssssss..shaking forget aaaa..aura" Sameer also whispers to him while stammering even more than before.

Sameer says "yyy..you nnnn..need to..to go" Advait looks at him and says "huh?" Sameer tells him "yyy..your mmm..mother nnn..needs yyy..you" Advait says "i know that very well but you here..." Sameer interrupts him by saying "llll..let me hhhh..handle the..this my ffff..family is ssss..safe so that's wwwww..why I hhhh..have no wwww...worries but yy..you...." Sameer is stammering a lot due to him being hit by black lightning so Advait got what he is trying to say

"I am gonna cure my mother and my father I said I will means I will. But i can't leave this monster free we need to finish him fast if we want to reach hospital " Advait says smilingly.

Suddenly Advait's body which was shivering due to black lightning has stopped now Advait is able to stand straight with no effort and released his aura and created light flames on both of his fists which were looking similar to just like flames on the candles he says by fully focusing his aura on his hands "Flame fist"

Sameer also got up but was still shivering he released his aura and says "bbbb..bent claw" although his aura was fluctuating due to the shock but still he did what he could.

Rakshas screamed and started running straight towards them both of them run at full speed towards him too. The green Rakshas lifts his both hands upwards and tried to slice both of them but Advait with his flame fist punched his left hand so hard that the sharp blades which were on Rakshas skin started to shade away and becoming less sharp, his flames was burning the sharpness of his skin

Advait as he screams the flames on his fist started to get even hotter and brighter and sharpness on green Rakshas left hand skin was also burning away Sameer took the moment and punched right on his face as he did Rakshas head started to ache

Advait moved his other hand and punched on his right hand and kept on punching on both of his hands and all the sharp blades which were on his hands skin got burned by Advait. "Haaaaaaaaa!" Rakshas started to scream then we see due to Sameer punching him on his face green Rakshas was seeing a giant candle flames coming right at him and punching him. The bent claw Sameer used instead of bending his skull it did something else to him.

Rakshas again sees a giant candle flame coming right at him and punched him then we see Advait moving his both fists fast and kept on punching on his face and his body to burn all the sharp blades on his skin

Advait released more heat on his fist and with more power moved his right fist and punched directly on Rakshas chest and burned his skin of blades completely. The Rakshas falls down and now his skin is burnt we also see Advait made a hole on his chest with his final attack. Rakshas sees bunch of candle flames coming at him to burn him which scared him away so he screams saying "noooooo! Candles stay away!"

Advait and Sameer are confused seeing this. Advait says "I stopped punching him then why he is still acting like he is being attacked? Sameer?" Sameer replies in a regretful way "mmmm..my bent claw didn't wwww..work shit! I nnn..need mm..more pppp..pratice"

The green Rakshas screams "raaaaaaaaaaaa!" Then he awakens his third eye which is between his four head as he opened third eye 3 blue holes were openings simultaneously and 3 Rakshas enters in normal world from each blue hole the ground slicer Rakshas suddenly exploded like a ballon after he opened his third eye.

The blood of Rakshas got spit on Advait and Sameer

Those Rakshas had a strong aura Advait and Sameer could feel there strong aura, they landed right upon where the ground slicer Rakshas exploded Advait says "move back!" Both of them jumped back as soon as possible.

To be continued....


In previous episode Shivaya and others got a punishment from emperor that they have to make some special cocktail drink for Mandira and she should like it also it should be healthy for her.

Gabara says "hey Jaggo do you know what princess likes to drink?"

Jako replies" first off it's Jako not Jaggo! How am I supposed to know what she likes? We should ask Grand sorcery knight Juvraj but he might tell emperor that we took help from him"

Shivaya says "how about a lemonade it's easier to make it's also not bad for health and princess would like it too"

Narayana says "do you really think princess will enjoy such simple drinks? She might be having lemonade like daily or something she might get bored too she needs something different. Not something simple."

Gabara asks him "how would you know huh, i have it everyday but its not like i get bored i feel relief drinking it after hours of training and lifting"

Narayana replies "princess doesn't train like you she doesn't need to I think she might like something rich afterall she is a princess we should make something rich"

Jako slightly agrees with him saying "I think Narayana has a point being a royal family myself I will enjoy something rich so we should make something top class and rich drink"

Shivaya shouts "shit up dude you don't even know anything about your royal family how in the world are you suppose to know what taste they like"

Jako replies by shouting at him "so what I am trying to find out about my clan heck that's not even topic here it's simple shots we are suppose to make readers laugh with our simple humour "

Shivaya says "we have to end this quickly as it's just simple shots so lemonade is easy and that's the only thing we all can make do any of you know to make that rich drinks?"

Narayana says "we can use internet for this there will be many videos related to that"

After searching for better quality videos for an hour and understanding the concept of top class drinks and how to make it and most importantly how to pronounce the name they all tried to made many drinks thinking that atleast one will be liked by her

They reached the dinning table where Mandira is sitting with her father all of them came in row and name the cocktail drinks they made

Shivaya says what he made "presenting to you Gauntlet made by me it's Thanos favourite"

Jako corrects him by saying "idiot it's called Gimlet and what does Thanos have to do with this?"

Gabara presents his cocktail drink by saying "princess please take a sip of my Marathon drink"

Jako corrects Gabara by saying "told you to memorize properly it's called Manhattan not marathon!"

Narayana also presents his drink by pronouncing it wrongly "this is my drink pinky's cup"

Everyone reacted even sorcery knights "who's cup!"

Mandira corrects him "you mean pimm's cup?"

Shivaya says "what is this behaviour Narayana you shouldn't suppose to rename such a drink right Gabara"

Gabara says "yea just learn to memorize it properly dude"

Narayana shouts at them "you two shouldn't even say that when you were the one pronouncing it wrong"

Jako presents his drink "princess leave these losers take my drink it's Mojito "

Sorcery knights reacted "ohhhh"

Mandira says "ahh actually these things I have it usually by our bartender it's like a daily and I got bored of these type of cocktail drinks"

Every sorcery knight is shocked after hearing it

Mandira further says "I like to have something simple something cheap like.."

Jack enters there from nowhere and says "here your lemonade princess I made it for you" all the Sorcery knights are even shocked

Mandira gets really happy and says "wowww! This is what I meant I rarely have simple cocktail drinks this is what I enjoy the most simple drinks simple drinks"

Shivaya, Jako, and Gabara turned back in anger and we see Narayana slowly sneaking out from there "where do you think you are going huh" Gabara intimates him

Narayana turns back and says "sometimes simple drink is also very good" he gives a thumbs up to them and runs away

Shivaya, Jako, Gabara scream at him saying "wait you bastard!"