

There are seven Angels in the universe each angel with different abilities and powers. The sorcery kings considered them to be a threat and seal there half power into normal humans so as to maintain the power balance. Advait a 13 year old boy has the power of strongest angel but he is unaware about it and due to this power his normal life might change.

ALL402 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

Chapter 13. Ashura

Jako:"wait how is that possible!"

The giant Rakshasas opened there third eye, theere wounds were healed too. Now they all can even talk.

Karna:"wait! I can talk! Wow this third eye power seems to be good, i can see what's the other person thinking! I can.."

The other giant Rakshasa said.

"my third eye is explosion!"

Shaitaan points his third eye to the right and as he did the trees and houses gets exploded like a bomb.

Kumra says "don't waste this new power given by lord in small things."

Gabara says "so they can use Ashura too just like us!"

Gabara lifts his silver Gada and runs towards Shaitaan, he hits him using his Gada but Shaitaan blocks it with his right hand.

Shaitaan says "i can see even the fastest thing so no matter how fast you run or teleport i will block all your attack."

Gabara releases his aura even more. Shaitaan sees an opportunity and uses his Ashura and explodes Gabara.

Gabara got injured but survived.

Shaitaan says "huh.. so your Gada can even handle explosions. Doesn't matter now I am gonna pull a bigger explosion."

Shaitaan fly's above Gabara follows him, Shaitaan fires an explosion towards Gabara facing down. Gabara blocks it with his Gada. Shaitaan fly's far above than Gabara,

Gabara says "i already read your mind. I ain't gonna let you blow up the country. Take this.."

Gabara throws his silver Gada above, the silver Gada went straight above where Shaitaan was..

Shaitaan screams "so there is the country i will.."

Silver Gada reached there and gives a direct hit on Shaitaan's face that his face exploded.

Gabara shouts "return Koma daki"

The silver Gada returns to Gabara and he catches it with his fist.

However he regenerate his face and returns to the ground. Gabara from above attacks him with his Gada, he got hit on his head but Shaitaan tried to explode him again and again silver Gada saves him.

Shaitaan started to think "whenever I tried to use explosion on him the Gada somehow disrupts it, means i have to.."

Gabara smiles and tells "exactly. Your explosion ain't gonna do anything to me because Koma daki is immune to explosions. Apart from that it seems like i can read your mind and know what you are thinking. It means my aura is equal or comparable to you."

Shaitaan seemed shocked. He gets angry now and tries to increase his aura and creates a big explosive energy bomb with his third eye.

Shaitaan screams "then i will explode everyone by exploding myself. I can regenerate myself with my explosion but what about others!"

Malika shockingly says "is he crazy!"

Karna says "i think u should worry about yourself Lady." Karna third eye ability Spatial portals, he can create portals anywhere he wants and can travel between them.

Karna creates a portal below Malika, he puts his hand in portal, grabs Malika neck and pulls her off. He grabs her tietly.

Malika shouts "naag Devi!"

The pink sneak comes and grabs Karna. It tries to bite but suddenly a portal gets opened and instead of biting Karna the pink sneak goes to bite Gabara.

Malika screams and tells Gabara to get away

Gabara looks at his left side but it's too late "what the.."


Shaitaan laughs "good job Karna, now i can explode!"

Gabara gets paralyzed. His body doesn't seem to be moving. Shaitaan plans to explode himself. Jako says "i will not let you go till you pay the prize for hurting Narayana." Urqus says "not my mistake he choose for it."

Jako suddenly realises something is off..

Jako looks around and thinks "wait a minute.. from what i remember there were actually three giants, but i can only see two here. W..where is the third one!"

Jako moves behind and says in mind..

"Don't tell me he went to Golden palace!"

At the same time Urqus from behind came close, attacks him saying.. "I told you I can also use Shathriki and can read your mind"

Urqus moves his right hand , crosses his first two fingers and says


"haaaaaa!" Jako screams in pain, Jako had a crack on his backbone. Jako falls down. Urqus tries to attack him one more time and damage him internally.

But mighty Phoenix comes flying and picks Jako up. Phoenix then lands Jako safely to the ground.

Jako slowly puts his hand on Phoenix's right wing

"U are always here to back me up" Jako said it while he was laying down on the ground.

Urqus walks by them very fast ..

"I have no interest in killing you nor your that musician friend. I just want to capture red demon's owner"

Mighty Phoenix lifts Jako slowly, Jako then sits on his back. He breathes..

"Am I too heavy for you?" He asked Phoenix laughingly.

Jako then turns to Urqus and says that the red demon owner is already dead. They already did his execution.

Urqus looks around the direction of golden palace and sense it..

"Really? But why is he not dead yet? Looks like u used some type of black magic spell"

Urqus says while keeping his eyes closed as he was sensing the aura.

Urqus opens his eyes, started to walk towards golden palace. Jako immediately tells Phoenix to stop him. Mighty Phoenix fly's fast and tries to attack Urqus but Urqus was calm and was just walking ahead. Urqus lift his right hand and crosses his first two fingers,

"Kavach" he says it loudly

Jako and his mighty Phoenix gets suddenly hit by a invisible barrier as they came near Urqus. They seemed a lot injured by just getting hit by it. Urqus then proceeds to move his crossed finger hands straight to Jako's face and says..


Both Jako and mighty Phoenix gets thrown far off and hit the ground brutally.

Shaitaan is planning to self explode as he gathers all the explosive aura he wants with his third eye. He smiles in a monstrous way.

Gabara can't move coz the poison effect is still on.

"The poison didn't only paralyzed me but my flow of aura too! As expected from her poison it's not some normal poison attack." Gabara says it in his mind.

Shaitaan is ready with his explosion and is now exploding himself. "I..can't let that..happen" Jako says it while barely he is able to stand up. Mighty Phoenix seems to be injured too and can't fly. Malika seems to be on ground and her left leg seem to have cracked due to Karna. Karna walks towards her to step upon Malika with his right leg. Shaitaan's explosion is going to blow up everyone in Sokura Lok.

Then comes a man flying fast towards there location, having Blue wavy hair, fair skin, wearing marun sleeves with a black silky cloth tied on his neck, and with a green cloth tied on his fourhead. He immediately lands upon Shaitaan.

"Godai 32% Illuminate Hypnosis!"

He commanded it, his right palm had a triangle  mark with an eye inside it. He placed his palm on Shaitaan's third eye as he does Shaitaan also gets a triangle mark with an eye on his third eye and suddenly stops himself from exploding and it seems like he can't move too. Meanwhile Karna is going to step on Malika with his right leg, the man sees it and just in a second lifts Malika with his both hands from front and moves aside. Karna kept his foot on ground but Malika got saved.

She opens her eyes slowly and sees that she is being saved. With a cute voice she says "Shivaya" she puts her left hand on Shivaya's chest and says "what were you doing the whole time! Didn't attend the Sorcery Knights meeting, and also arrived so late!" She screams while pressing Shivaya's neck, Shivaya couldn't breath.

"W.,wait Malika.. i can explain leave my neck." She finally stops pressing it.

Shivaya puts her down slowly and says "actually.. i forgot to put alarm so i didn't even wake up and when I did i sensed this aura of Rakshasas i took bath, brushed my teeth, drank a cup of Coffie i thought you might be able to handle it for some time but.." he says it in a comical way

Malika makes a little anger face and shouts"idiot!"

Meanwhile Karna is very angry, he runs fast and reached right behind Shivaya. Malika being shocked she screams and tells "look behind idiot " but it was too late and Karna stepped on Shivaya with his right leg but we see something unexpected. Karna although did step up but it seems like Shivaya easily bypasses his leg and Karna's body didn't physically touch Shivaya and so Shivaya is completely transparent and he was just casually standing there like nothing happened!"

Shivaya looked back and said smiling "seemed like u are confused let me help you the thing is you can't physically harm nor touch me now" he says it while mocking Karna. Karna gets angry and opens a portal on left side of Shivaya but sadly he couldn't touch him so it was useless. Karna gets angry way too much and tries to punch him, Shivaya smiles and brings his right hand ahead and stops his fist effortlessly.

"U Rakshasas have became strong from before I have to admit but, you still haven't trained your third eye properly right?" Shivaya said to Karna. Shivaya pushes Karna with just one hand and Karna fell far off to the ground.

Shivaya looks at Gabara and stares for a second.."no one is clicking your photo you can move" he tells Gabara who was posing like he was going to hit but Gabara replies "i ain't in this position by choice" Shivaya in confusing way says"huh" Gabara then says "ask your girl about this"

Malika laughs with little embarrassment. Karna gets up and attacks again but suddenly Karna's body starts acting weirdly especially something weird was happening with his third eye. Karna screams in pain "yaaaaaa!" The third eye of Karna is closing automatically and as it closes Karna gets knockout. Shaitaan is able to move according to his will and the triangle mark on his fourhead seem to have gone. "I can now freely move don't know what kind of spell was it seemed to me it's a controlling type spell but now I am free to explode!" Shaitaan screams . Gabara is now also able to move and is now ready to fight too. "Finally the poison is gone and now I can fight" Gabara says it with excitement.

"Shivaya!" Jako screams with all his energy. Shivaya looks towards him and runs towards him, "don't worry i am ok you need to run to Golden palace!" He screams with panic "t..those  Rakshasas are going to capture red demon don't know how coz the owner is already been executed but.. they might destroy the houses and temples on their way u have to.."

Shivaya with a deep voice replies "there are two of them right? I can sense them but one of them seems to have the power of invisibility that's why probably he was able to escape from you all. The.. owner of Red angel is not completely dead!"

In the golden palace..

Advait's body although is covered from black chain from outside, however inside his soul resides someone else. We see inside  Advait's soul world, it's red, everything is red with nothingness. Advait is lying on the ground slowly he opens his eyes and sees someone in front of him standing in front of him.