
Part 21

Katara's POV:

The rest of the afternoon consisted of a small scale royal celebration, a large meal included. It was comforting to see friends and family gather even at such a small scale without any violence or resentment. For the first time in a very long time she was truly happy and content with things. Even her father and Iroh seemed to have become the best of friends in such a short time. She only hoped this would foreshadow how the rest of the world would see this marriage. During the celebration she was able to meet with Zuko's extended family and lifelong acquaintances. The excitement continued on throughout the dinner, for the first time in many years of Fire Nation history two seats were placed at the head of the table. Katara was seated beside her new fiancé, stories of travel and accomplishments flooding over the tables.

Katara was really starting to feel at home in a Nation once hated by herself in younger years. It was a comforting and thrilling feeling. Even with the happiness that filled the room, it was hard to keep her mind off of the fact of the official statement the two would have to make to the nation shortly. It was an eerie feeling not knowing how the world would react. A royal marriage between two different nations, or even two different kinds of genders was a milestone for their history.

Dinner slowly began to die down, guests flooding out to prepare for the announcement. After a short while only the couple, Hakoda, and Iroh remained. In unison the two men stood, standing before the two. Iroh soon spoke up, followed by Hakoda.

"Zuko, Katara, this is not only an exciting moment in your relationship, but also an important event in history. Don't let your nerves get the best of you out there, trust in your hearts-"

"I agree with Iroh, you two are both capable of very big things. Together you will bring our nations together and set an example for the rest of the world. Hard times are still ahead of us but with your love and happiness you will be able to push through this, never forget that."

The two older men exited the room, leaving the young couple to themselves. Katara squeezed her partners hand, him quickly acknowledging this small gesture.

"You're nervous aren't you?"

"Hey! And you're not?"

"You're right... but this is something that needs to be done rather sooner than later..."

"I know... it's just hard to picture how the world will react... how my brother will react when he finds out..."

Zuko held both of her hands, looking into her icy blue eyes with a reassuring smile. "You can do this - We can do this. We're partners in crime now, huh? We can do anything together. Shall we?"

Zuko stood from his seat, guiding her to do so as well. Both taking a few deep breaths they exited the dining hall hand in hand. Zuko had been dressed in his royal robes, the staff of the palace agreeing it would be best for Katara to be dressed in a traditional Water Tribe Sapphire Ambassador Dress, her mother's necklace bringing the attire together. Still holding tightly on to each other, they approached the balcony, Iroh and Hakoda already standing on opposite sides.

Zuko's POV:

Approaching the balcony, they broke off from their tight grasps, Zuko taking his place next beside his uncle and Katara beside her father. A large crowd stood before them, eyes full of curiosity. Zuko always hated having to stand before a crowd. It was a normal part of the 'FireLord' position, and clearly his least favorite. His nerves always left him feeling ill.

Zuko stepped up to his podium, raising his right hand as to silence the crowd before them. After a short moment he took a deep breath in and greeted the crowd.

"Good afternoon all, I know you all must be eager to learn why you are gathered here today. With tensions high I hope you are all able to find comfort knowing we have made history on this very day. Earlier this morning I asked Katara for her hand in marriage. For those of you who might not know already, Katara is a bender from the Southern Water Tribe. She has been a close friend and ally for many years now and played a very big part in helping Avatar Aang prevent world wide destruction during the most recent visit of Sozin's Comet. After realizing my love for her I was certain she would be the only woman to join my place on the throne and making our beautiful nation her home."

Eyes flashing towards the girl, she stood up to her podium, ready for her piece of the announcement.

"I am fully aware of the clear reasons why I might not be welcomed in with open arms. With a sense of uneasiness in our world, I can assure you all I have always been an ally of peace. My love for Zuko is clear and I am excited to be able to help bring our nations together and restore world wide peace for us all. That is why we are not only inviting the people of the Fire Nation to our wedding ceremony, but this invitation applies to the world and all nations included. I ask that all attend this ceremony with an open mind and an open heart. Together we will restore peace, and lead not only our two nations, but the world into a new era of peace and economic success."

Both taking a step down from the podium, they joined hands nerves taking over the two. The crowd remained silent for a few painstaking moments, before a round of applause flooded the lawn, followed by howls of support and excitement. Zuko smiled, pulling Katara in closer, their lips pressed against one another. This only caused the crowd to grow louder. Zuko pulled away after a few moments, smiles staining both of their faces. He mouthed to his fiancé we did it, we really did it.

News would soon spread to the rest of the world, Zuko hoping others would follow through with this wave of support.