
The First Encounter

"Well, that should be all of it." A voice spoke. I turn around to see Peace standing by my new doorway with a box full of my clothing.

"Thanks" I sigh out. "You're a real lifesaver you know"

"It's nothing really." Another voice from the hall calls out.

"Hey Harmony, it's not nice to eavesdrop you know" Peace whined out to her sister. Coming into the doorways view Harmony sets down another box.

"You know I consider you lucky" she speaks out to seemingly no one then continues. " you don't have to move boxes. you just get to sit there and wait on the bed" oh that's who she taking to I glance over at the bed where Mary sits. I wasn't sure if she would get mad at this comment but knowing her she probably won't. As I predicted I hear Mary chuckle out.

" ha, What you wish you had gotten into a car crash at a young age and ended out blind " she spoke in a joking manner. Out of all of us, Mary was the nicest, even though she was blind she wasn't helpless. Honestly she never really complained about it. See in this world almost everyone has superpowers. About the 10% that don't still have a chance of developing something. The number of people who don't have power just keeps going down. See in this world people can train to become heroes. Why do we need heroes you may be asking. Well, let's just say that when the first people to get powers showed up people were interested, to say the least. When more people started getting them so did the bad people of the world. They started Robbing and stealing from all kinds of places and for a while, no one was safe, But people rose to defend the people. those people are our greatest heroes. Schools were open to teach the younger generation how to become heroes. I've been at this school for a few years now. Once you turn 16 as long you have your school permission you can get your hero's license. When you do that you can choose whether or not to set off to become a hero and do school or just stay in school. If your younger then your not really able to do much. It can be really boring expressly when you move up a grade or two.

"Hey, I never said that" Harmony's voice rings out breaking me from my thoughts. Right the dorm. "I always forget that your blind" Harmonay mutters out. I snicker out.

" How do you forget that someones blind?" I half laugh out.

" Well... I... You know with her powers she able to do basically everything on her own and sh-she" Harmonay stutters out. Most likely embarrassed because she had somehow managed to forget that one of her closest friends was blind. Her cat ears perched weirdly well her tail curled behind her in frustration and embracement. In this world, there can be two types of powers to have. Mutations and non Mutations. You could have both and it's not unseen to have both but it's considered rare. See Harmony and Peace are twin sisters Both with a cat-based power. They both Have a set of ears and a tail placed on the lower back. Well, power-wise they can pretty much do everything a cat can do as well as use the power called cat claws. Cat claws Allow the user to summon a sort of holographic-looking glove on their hand. That looks like a big claw, But depending on the girl it can be pink for Peace or Purple for Harmony. They are always telling me that they had a big sister with there same power but stronger. In this world people with a power that mutates how that look who also have a more normal power is considered rare and most times don't have the best living conditions. they also have higher chances of getting kidnapped. Well, other mutates live better it is still an undeniable fact that most mutates in our society don't live well.

"Harmony it's fine I'm not mad at you. I found it kind of funny too" pulling me out of my thoughts once more as Mary speaks. "Anyway, we should start unpacking your stuff and setting up your side of the dorm right Bunny?" I hear mary ask well turning herself in my general direction. I turn to her as well.

"Yeah we should" Peace picking up the box that she had set down somewhere along the way walked in and started the unpacking process well harmony grown out about not wanting to. for the next hour or so we un-packed Mary would talk to us about random stuff and how she excided for the new school year. When we finally finished I took out my uniform and hung it next to my bed. Mary had gone to sleep a bit ago and Now I was saying my goodbyes to Peace and Harmony. They wished me goodnight and headed off to their dorm room.

Waking up the next morning, I put on my uniform. In all honesty, I really don't mind wearing this it's better than the old uniform I used to have to wear. The Uniform consisted of A white button-up top with a red tie, a dark navy blue skirt with a dark grey pair of leggings under it. Mary wasn't in her bed when I came out of the bathroom. So I assumed that she was already waiting for me in the common area. Grabbing my bag I head out of the room making sure to lock it on the way out. Heading down the stairs I hear someone call out to me.

"Hi... H-hey what up!" I turn to see a girl with dusty-looking sky-blue hair. She catches up to me. Panting and out of breath she straightens out her uniform and goes to speak once more. "Hey I'm Cei, I'm new here do you think you can help me find... ?" She pauses for a minute to look at her schedule. " room 1..32 " She had spoken in an unsure tone. As if she had never been here before, well I guess she was in fact new here.

"Yeah, I'm heading there right now. The Study of fight Strategy right"

"Yes." She answered quite fast to be exact. As if she were in a rush. " Now we should be going right?" she questioned. "On here it says that class starts at 7:45 it's 7:36 right now, and I'm not sure that I would like to be late on my first day of school." Oh, that way she was in such a rush.

" Yeah, we should go. Room 132 is halfway across campus..." I stopped it's about a 10-minute walk to that side of campus. 10 minutes that we don't have. "Hmmm " I stopped to think for a moment if we had Ms. Sarah for this class then she wouldn't really mind but if we had Mr. Max we're in big trouble for being late. There's no use in taking the risk, and I really don't want to get out my class list right now to check so... " Hey, so I'm gonna need you to trust me on this..."

"What do you mean? " She asked obviously confused.

" That would be my power. It's called borrow. It allows me to open a sort of portal to my own dimension. I can bring stuff in and keep it there or I can bring stuff in and take it out. It allows me to be able to travel at a fast pace when needed... "

" You could travel through it. Cool" she interrupted it was now 7:41 and we needed to go and fast.

" OK let's go" I grabbed her hand. Taking it in mine with my right hand and I open a portal with my left hand. Feeling a bit light-headed I moved forwards taking her with me we entered my borrow. "Don't let go of my hand you'll feel like your falling. Walking in the void of pale light blue."

"wow," I hear her speak out opening another portal. We walk out right in front of room 132. 7:43 just in time as I go to walk in the door of the room Cei grabs my hand. " your power is... AMAZING!" aw how kind. I smile although I don't think she can see it with that mask that I have on. Due to some past experiences. I usually always wear a mask. today I wore just a simple black mask. She seemed like such a nice girl. 7:44.

Laughing at her amazed look, I spoke up once more."let's head in after all you don't want to be late on your first day." She smiled and we headed into our first block class. We ended up having Ms. Sarah. She had us doing so Ice breakers. I was sat next to Cei. I looked around the room and saw Mary sitting next to... Alice, I think that was her name, and Peace and Harmony sitting next to each other. Calling out to Mary she turned her head and smile hearing where I was. she head over to me.

"Hey " Mary spoke she then stopped for a moment listening closely she heard the breathing of everyone in the room then turned to one she was unfamiliar with. "Hello, there are you new?" I glanced over at Cei and almost busted out laughing. Cei's mouth was wide open glancing between Mary and Her walking stick. She had obviously figgered out that she was blind. "Are you going to talk back? Oh... right this must be a bit confusing for you I have enhanced everything basically I can hear you, But I can't see you. My ears can pick up your breathing and I can tell it not one that I've heard before."

" huh... That's actually really cool. Can you tell me more? " Cei asked eagerly.

"Haha, sure I don't mind what do you want to know?" Mary laughed out not many people really talked to her. they found the whole I know who you are based on your breath thing creepy.

"Look Peace she making friends I so proud!!" Harmony yelled out well shaking her sister.

"Cei this is peace and harmony they're twins" I spoke up. "We were thinking of working as a team seeing as we have all gotten our hero license. Would you like to join us?" I ask turning to her. "S-sorry if it's too sudden and we just met and sorry I'm not the best at reading social cues."

" Hey you should work on your confidence and I'd gladly join you guys," she spoke to me.

"Yay new friend " Peace laughed out.

"haha " we spent the rest of the day together it turned out that Cei and I had most of our classes together. Well, Peace, Harmony, and Mary would come and go. By the end of our day, we went to our last class. Like our first-class, all five of us were in this class too. Walking into room number 214. We all sat down and waited for our teacher. Social Studies one of my favorite classes. Our teacher walked in Mrs.Emily.

"Hello class" she spoke with a gentle tone. Mrs.Emily was always very kind. So pretty much all of the school love her and wanted her class.

After the end of class, I stood up and headed to Mary. she 'looked up at me' and smiled.

"Hello Bunny" I smiled back even with it being blocked by both my mask and her nonexistent sight It was still there. "Well then do you want to head back to the dorm now?" she questioned.

" yeah, that would be nice" hearing footsteps behind me I turn to see Peace.

" Hey, I was hoping you wouldn't mind doing a study session in your room. " Sighing out I spoke up.

" Sure Peace, Harmony, Cei do you two want to join as well."

"I'm down" Harmony practically yelled out.

"I would also be down" Cei although unlike Harmony who was confident when she spoke Cei sounded less sure. I smiled under the mask and repeated what she had said earlier in the day to me.

" You need your work on your confidence ." I laughed out in a joking manner. Cei laughed at this and all five of us headed out to go to Marys's and My dorm.

We had been there for A few hours now and at some point, our little study session turned into a hangout not that I really minded. We had eaten at 6:30 and it was now going on 8 O'clock. Laughing out one more time at a joke that Mary had said. I go to speak up to let them know that they should probably leave so they could shower and get some sleep but am cut off by Peace.

"So if we're gonna be a superhero team they were going to need a name for the five of us. Anyone got anything?"

" How about just that," Cei spoke up.

" What do you mean?" Harmony asked out confusion clear in her voice.

"What I mean is how about Just that 'FIVE' the five of us fighting agents villains together as five!" Cei said excitement clear in her voice. Mary was the next to speak up to it.

"I like it " was all she said and she was right. I liked the name to it was simple, easy to think of. I agreed to it and so did Peace. Harmony then spoke up once more.

" Well, then it's settled." grabbing her drink she raised it in the air. " A toast" she spoke with a silly voice." to the new name of our group," she spoke with laughter still clear in her voice. I raise my soda as the others raised their drinks. " To FIVE!!!" she yelled out clicking our drinks together.

" To FIVE!!!" we all repeated drinking the little bit left in our drinks. We decide to call it a night. Saying our goodbye to everyone Mary and I prepared for bed.

"Goodnight" I spoke to Mary. Well turning to click out my bedside table's little lamp.

"Goodnight" Mary spoke well moving to do the same as I was. flicking off our respective lamps we both fall asleep in blissful ignorance of what was to come in our near future.

(Authors note)

Holy Woah guys we did it we made it through our first chapter I'll be trying to write more but with school. It may be a bit hard. I hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope you'll love what's next to come. Anyway that all for today guys. So Short is signing off.

Bye Bye!

(Word count): 2480