


I cannot write properly cause of too much school work and such. I apologize for the agonizing wait of around a month of two of pure silence. I hope I will write more, but I have also made a cool cover for the story if that helps. I am still trying out formats and once I like it, I will edit all other chapters to be like it. 

[more art]


 Waking up, everything feels... normal? All of that aside, my thinking is clearer and I can recall things about this world. 

 There are things I've never thought about, things that have never crossed my mind. All my memories are of old family and vague things that happened before my summoning, but something has happened.

 I recall something in my head, and it just... snaps. I... I still can't fucking remember my name! 

 But, there is a silver lining to this. I think my skill, [Lord of Limbo], might have played in a role to my gain of thought. I remember the main plot... and how all of this plays out. But I still can't shake the feeling that this isn't the correct time, and we've already passed the due date on when the time was. 

 Knowing this, I get out of my bed and get dressed for work, I have to work in three hours and I don't wanna be late to a night shift. 


 Hearing the different stories and the different things these people talk about is always nice. I can hear stories of a mighty swordsman cutting a whole army in half, or the tale of a man given power for a single day. This is always a nice place to stay, but there can also be outliers.

  "Hey! Don't let her move."

  In a closed off corner of the bar, I hear 3 men in nice suits pushing a young woman down, their eyes filled with lust. I walk towards them to try to stop this. 

  "What are you doing? Rape is a crime you know." slowly walking towards the 3 men and the girl.

  One of them replies, "Take this and fuck off," throwing a valuable coin towards me. 

  I stare at the coin, looking back and fourth between it and the young woman, until I remember what I need to do, what I must do. 

  I pick up the coin and walk away, leaving the girl to the lustful men, and getting richer while ignoring the pains of others. You may say I am a terrible person, but I'm not. I have nothing to lose and nothing to live for, why should I care about another persons life if mine will end soon.


  Walking home, I pass by a large fence next to Freedom Academy, a school the locals like to tell stories about. It always interests me when hearing rumors or myths about people. But in all honesty, those children look just like regular children.

  Getting home, I do my hygiene stuff. This time, instead of sleeping, I have an idea. The goal is to sense magicules in the air. With the little knowledge I know of, magicules are everywhere yet don't interact physically. They do in fact have mass that I know of.

  Having an ultimate skill requires me to be a spiritual lifeform, or maybe something else completely. But this also means that I have a high chance of having a minor case of serious magicule deficiency. This also means that I am special!

  Sitting is lotus position and my eyes closed, I stare into what feels like the abyss. I continue to stare for what feels like weeks, until nothing happens. I thought I was supposed to be the main character...


  Waking up... again, I notice it's starting to get dark, and quickly get ready and head out to do my job as a bartender.

  Looking around, it seems that I'm just on time, but it's just the fact that I almost missed work is ruining my mood today. The waiters and waitresses are doing their jobs without fail, and so am I. There is no room for failure as we are being paid to be perfect. 

  A sigh of relief is all I need for today, as more people start to show up and order drinks. This will be a long night.


  Walking home, a precellular feeling flares up all around me. Not a bad feeling, but something more alerting. I can't seem to shake it off, until it disappears as fast as it appeared.

  I get home and freshen up, then take a shower and get in my pajamas. It is already early in the morning and I need to rest for tomorrow. but I can't get something off of my mind. I saw magicules. They were so clear and vivid, radiating off of every strong person I saw. 

  But for some reason, none are coming off of me. I can't think of any reason why this would happen, how this would happen, until it dawned on me. My ultimate skill, [Lord of Limbo], is taking all of my magicules, to keep itself alive.

  It doesn't want to belong to me, it chooses to be a parasite of me, as it can do nothing else. So in fact, I will throw it away. Once I have the chance, I will give this skill to someone else to keep myself.

  This may sound crazy, an ultimate skill? but that is only something I don't want, I have nothing else to lose anyway.


  Waking up again, and again, and again. I go to the bar every night to work, and try to peer inside of myself. Nothing happens as nothing exists but flesh, bone, and a disease. It looks cozy and cushioned in my right flat breast. 

  I repeat this cycle every day until a new customer shows up. She is wearing an odd mask and adventurer's clothing. She walks up to my counter and asks, "Who are you?"

A/N: (again)

My character is meant to start losing his sense of right or wrong, he's not evil, just powerless.


ME36creators' thoughts