

When I reach the top, I can feel my hand touches the lip of the fountain, and I can feel the water dripping down my sleeve. I stare at the moon, at most it's been only an hour, but it's been many days in limbo.

[The world applauds your determination]

what? I thought I never got a boon, huh. I guess it's about damn time.

[You have been granted Ultimate skill, 'Lord Of Limbo' for your act]

I look at my hands, and realize they aren't filled with cuts and bruises anymore. I still don't know how this skill works, but I will figure it out. All I ever need is time, yeah, time...

After examining my hands I start walking again, I have nowhere to go and nothing to lose, so why not wander around until I get washed away by the tides of time.


After walking for a while, I start to see a large castle wall in the distance, I start to walk in that direction as I now have a direction to wander. But as I start to get closer I get lost in my infinite train of thought.


Getting to the gates without realizing I walk up to 3 extremely long lines almost completely consisted of humans. Each line smaller than the other. I walk up to the longest line, which I remember is the first of three identity checks.


Waiting for what feels like hours I get to the first identity check. There is a woman sitting there wearing a white uniform and glasses behind a glass wall.

"Would you please lend me your documents?"

Feeling a cold sweat on my back, I reply "I don't have any" while scratching my head.

Immediately I get turned away, but something snapped at that very moment of desire and magicules exert from my body into hers.

Feeling a connection between us, my desires take over her will, and she lets me through without hesitation.

As I walk through to the next line, I can see her snap out of her daze, confused, but gets back to work just as another person walks up.


Waiting in line, I wonder what I did to her that made me control her. Just as the next person leaves the booth, I walk in for a thorough body inspection and pass with no problems.

There are no notes about the third, but now that I walk into the city, I see it bustling with life I've never drempt about before. As I walk on the streets, I start to wander around, having nowhere specific to go.

Living in a different alley isn't that bad saying from the kingdom I'm in, and how it is pretty clean. All I have to worry is about other homeless people attacking me for my non-existant money. Where there comes my 3 main problems.




Coming to this conclusion I go to the local shops and restaurants asking for work, finally getting a job as a bartender.

"What do you mean you don't know what to do, this is one of the most known jobs out there?!?! You just mix and pour the drink someone asks you."

"How will I remember? I can't even remember my own name!"

"Simple, there's a recipe book, and labels on every bottle."

"You could have mentioned that earlier."

As I walk away from the owners office, I go to my area, where I start to memorize the recipe book and clean, preparing for the next day. The owners are kind enough to not only pay me, but provide a temporary residence until I can afford one.

It's pretty crazy to think about really, I just walk in, ask for a job, and then immediately get one with no strings attached. (They have plot armor)


About 7 months after I got the job, I was able to get a home. Walking out of the small residence I was borrowing saying my goodbies to it, I head to my new house. It is a small, grey, stone building on the corner next to a pastries shop.

Most of the time it is very quiet, seeming beautiful if you don't mind everything else. Settling down I look in the mirror for the first time in this world. I have grey eyes and odd grey hair, with a pale face and a petite figure, holding an odd markings on my neck that looks like an upside down Christian cross with tentacles coming out of it.

My clothes are loose with am outfit fitting a bartender in this city. As I head into my new bedroom, it takes half the small house, which is half the entire house. I look out the window, looking at the street, with a woman sitting on a bench next to a tree looking very peaceful.

I think to myself, I notice something different that I've missed all this time. As if a lock was opened in my brain, I see something different in my memories. A name, 𝗺𝘆 name. I start to unveil the fog of my mind. It stops, and I feel like I'm not there yet, to remember. I think I need to get stronger to remember, yes, all I now need is power.

honestly felt kind of rushed, but felt bad about not uploading for a bit, so this is what you get.

ME36creators' thoughts