

Waking up I realize the band of ogres have left the dungeon, leaving me healed on the floor. Of course, these guys are on the move like crazy right now. It seems like I've forgotten how to be confident after all that dungeon stuff.

Now I think I have about... 4-3 years left, huh. What a time to enjoy the outdoors when you get locked in a dungeoun by a crazy scientist.

Walking to the exit, I close eyes in preparation of the sunlight, but met with nothing. The moon is bright, but I can get used to it.

Continuing out, I see the same house I was summoned infront of me. I wonder how many have been summoned before, but it does not matter anymore.

Heading up the stairs, I recount everything that has lead to this. Hearing the news of getting cancer, getting summoned, being imprisoned, being saved by a band of ogres I barely ever seen.

I look at the moon, staring at it intently. After a while I start to walk, I don't know where, but I will walk.






Walking, walking, my stomach grumbles as for I haven't eaten in a while. I look for food, but I have to resort to eating the grass. It tastes terrible, but I have to fare with it until I can find real food, as I cannot digest it.


Staring at the moon again I wonder, if I've been summoned, where's my boon? I thought I had to go and resist lots of magicules and get a unique skill afterwords? I guess that old bastard found another way? well I don't have anything to lose now.




I approach a fountain, quite a delicate and white one. It shines brightly under the moonlight as I look at my reflection in the water. I can see more though, putting my hand in the water, I fall into it, being dragged into it by an unknown force.


Getting up I feel a massive headache, until I look around me. I am in a desert that spans all around me, with sand deficit of any signs of life. I feel like I know the name of this place, 𝗟𝗶𝗺𝗯𝗼.

I wander around as I see oddly shaped buildings made of sand and oddly shaped people walking around. The odd part is how no sun or moon exists here, it feels like a void, with always something missing.

I hear people talk about a savior, about getting out, or going deeper. Of course, why would anyone want to go deeper, so I continue to wander.




After what feels like a lifetime of wandering, I meet a wall. It seems to tower above all, but none. It is invisible but I can see through endless desert behind it.

I try to climb it, but I get repulsed whenever I touch it. With enough determination, I start to climb, and climb I do.

At first it was tough, but now it seems even tougher. The invisible cracks from other's attempts, but I continue.

And finally, after such a long climb, when I reach the top-