
Five of a Kind

Arlow is kidnapped by who she originally thinks to be a foe, which might end up being her savior. Vega is a runaway trying to protect a target of her former family Why do they want Arlow? What is so special about her? Read to find out!

Logan_McLarty · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Vega's Prelude

Vega doesn't remember much from her childhood; that's what she told everyone who asked, anyways. A lie, undoubtedly. She wishes she never knew those who raised her. Even would have preferred to be with the ones who abandoned her at birth. Technically, they are family; the same DNA runs through their veins. Eyes like theirs that sometimes made her sick of herself. A familiar hair color that has not been seen from her for years due to constant dyeing. Although she might try her best, even with hair dye, contacts, and other appearance-altering things, one thing can never be changed; her birthmark. A star

All that those monsters left is a young woman with a broken heart and brain, still trying to fix all of the many cracks that she carries with her. Some of the pieces have fallen, forgotten, while others Vega struggles to hold on to.

His mind doesn't even seem like her anymore. What used to be is no-more; a land unknown that she must learn and any misstep can and would lead to demise. What those monsters crafted from birth was not who she really was.

When she was young she would run and hide whenever they decided to show their true forms; when they became literal monsters that haunted her nightmares. Other times, however, she would come to see what the creatures are like; when they aren't putting on a front for the young child. Those nights haunted her the most, even to this day. Watching them show their true selves, nothing less than villains, scarred her for life. Vega promised herself from the beginning that she would not be like them. That one day she would leave their world behind. No matter the birthmark binding her as a suit; no matter anything. She would not turn to the wickedness that they oh-so try to make her embrace.

Yes, she is ignoring the truth; by her DNA, she is a monster just like them. What would be another acute coincidence at birth, is a terrible curse to her. The mark on her hip, just over the size of a marble and storm gray in color, she has taken to the habit of covering it with makeup. Her clothing will cover it, yes, however, every time she looks at herself, she sees a monster that could destroy and devastated thousands of people in minutes.