
Five Nights With 39

Ok to keep it simple for you boop 39 on the nose when he’s in your office also be careful he is scary and can cause lots of damage and he curses a lot and other things WHAT I’m just warning you anyway if you press the blue freddys nose on the poster it makes a funny sound you might be asking what does that have to do with anything it doesn’t I just wanted you to not get bored or to not see 39’s really bad behavior also he makes bad jokes they aren’t even funny! *whispers* they are funny! And I’m pretty sure on the 7th night the plushie comes out if you boop him on the nose as well he will leave also if 39 starts typing you the button on the cameras it will make a sound and scare him he’s quiet the jumpy one after all he is a rabbit so it’s not a big surprise do not let him stay in the office for long cause he can drain power! Also DON’T AND I REPEAT DON’T MAKE HIM FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU OR YOUR DOOMED CAUSE HE WILL FUCK YOUR DAMN BRAINS OUT DON’T ASK ME HOW I KNOW BECAUSE I JUST DO anyway he’s your problem now IM FREE BITCHES!!!!!

Terra_Anietodo · Derivasi dari game
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Starting Night Shift

39 says "I honestly did not think you were going to turn up well welcome to the adverts studio I don't know why it's here I don't know why I'm a *bleep* animatronic character but I swear to god no idea man it's like someone pulled this idea out of their ass and crafted it within one week you know that's what I think it basically is so you can't move until 6 A.M brilliant then you get to watch me run around the cameras doing my own thing and eventually I'll pop in and visit you so yeah yeah yeah hm m have a goodnight mate I'm coming" I say "I don't like the thought behind those words you used!" 39 says "well I don't *bleep* care alright!" I say "shut up you idiotic rabbit!!!" 39 says "HEY! YOU *BLEEP* UP!!!" I push the left hallways button to turn on the lights and 39 comes in my office he says "awoogiewoogiewoo amotha*bleeeeep!*" I boop his nose and wines to not touch his nose I giggle and say "maybe this night isn't going to be as bad as I thought!" 39 says "that's what you think~" I say "try your luck and you'll be sorry!" 39 says "HEY THAT'S MY LINE!!!" I say "how was I supposed to know that I just got here a few minutes ago!" 39 says "ohhh you think I DON'T KNOW THAT also I thought that the manager would have told you everything about me seems like only a few things were told!" I say "don't think so all he did was tell me the basic stuff" 39 says "that's what I meant by only a few things the basic stuff is just a few facts about me so you can win but he hasn't seen everything I can do!" I say "I don't think I like where you're going" 39 says "it's because I'm scary ain't it?" I say "no not scary more like adorable and funny!" 39 grumbles and says "I'm not adorable but I am funny at least you got one thing right about me!" I say "I still say-" 39 cuts me off by coming in the room and saying "this is the part where I drain power to make things very intense!" I say "not quite!" I lean over and boop his nose he groans in pain and says "I thought I told you not to boop me on the nose err!" I say "that's what you get!" 39 says "also I forgot to tell you that I'll get more active each night so you might want to leave and never return in 3...2...1 and there it is 6 A.M well see you tomorrow mate bye!" He crosses his arms and walks away I get up and run out and go home

-39's prospective-

I watch as she leaves Plushie comes over and says "you like her don't you?" I say blushing "what no where did this idea come from Plushie!" Plushie says "ohhhh so you're in denial!" I say "what the hell Plushie you little *bleep* I'm gonna kill you!" Plushie runs off with the camera that has a recording of me blushing from his accusation I think 'I really fucking hate that plushie!' I sigh and sit on the stage bored out of my mind