
Five Fortunes Diary

One day, A High School Girl named "Nekumi" had a crush on The New Transfer Student named "Jakyou". She then got home to buy A Diary online to express her feelings & secrets. However, she happened to stumble on a Magical Diary that has the following ability Once the owner write down a Certain Situation. The Diary will give its owner 5 Case Scenarios that will happen if Its owner were to do "A Certain Move". Only 1 Out of those 5 Scenarios is absolute & Will happen if The Person happens to do "The Certain Move". The Diary also include some "Rules" for the User Nekumi then uses The Five Fortunes Diary for her own goods & as everything happens to be as she wanted to. She happens to make some enemies along the way. She's living the most thrilling life, more Thrilling than she has ever experienced...

JustDanial1 · Fantasi
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Diary


"Ahhh, what a day. Dodgeball was quite tiring today. Maybe, I need to change my ideal choice of sports-" said Nekumi to her friends while going to the last class of the day...

Her words then got cut off due to

"Nekumi Hiruya, Come to my room" said Nekumi's Teacher, Keryu

Nekumi In Her Head: Huh, so this is how it's gonna be then

Nekumi: Hai'

Aoyumi In Her Head: Nekumi is going to Keryu Sensei's Room. This is bad...

Nekumi In Her Head: Don't worry about me, Aoyumi...Just do As I ordered you to

*laughs quietly*


One Week Earlier...

Nekumi: Ahhhh

Aoyumi: Neku-san! Good morning!

Nekumi: Erk, good morning

Aoyumi: You look so pretty today! What perfumes are you weari-

Nekumi In Her Head: Heh, is there anything fun that's happening today. I'm really bored as of late-

Nekumi then got quiet as soon as she saw...

Aoyumi: Life must be wonderful for you-

Nekumi: Aoi, is that A New Student that's sitting at the left corner there?

Aoyumi: Ohh, you mean Jakyou-san? He's a Transfer Student. He's new here. From what I heard. Everyone really wants to be his Girlfriend but he's really hard to tackle

Nekumi: Heh, why are you telling me that?

Aoyumi: Nothing. Just to give you a little notice that it's not easy to become his Girlfriend. I thought Nekumi-san might have a little crush on the New Student

Nekumi: Hmm, Aoi?

Aoyumi: What is it?

Nekumi: You're an idiot. I wouldn't fall for someone like him

Aoyumi: Whoaa, Nekumi-san is expressing her taste

Nekumi In Her Head: Heh, I don't really have any feelings towards mans right now. Perhaps, I don't even have a taste

Suyuha: Everybody, please sit where your place is. The class is about to begin

Nekumi & The Rest of the class get into everyone's chair

Later as The Teacher was teaching in the front...

Nekumi In Her Head: Ahhh. What a dull life. Not in a relationship, Not into men, No idols, Nothing to do...Hmmm, maybe I can try some to be mean for once & try to get that Keryu Teacher fired or something...That sounds like fun...But I don't want to get to troub-

Jakyou: We must use the Biggest Own Factor method for this one. We can change the placement between the under fraction of-

Nekumi In Her Head: Huh, he's pretty smart I guess. Still not intereste- Hmm, Idea...

The Bell then rings...

Class: Thank you, Suyuha Sensei!

Suyuha: You're welcome, you may sit...

Nekumi In Her Head: I have a big plan going inside my head right now... *laughs quietly*

Good grief

Aoyumi: Nekumi-san, what's with that Yandere look on your face??


Nekumi: Huh??

Aoyumi: Hoiii, Nekumi-san still looks cute even when she's scary. I'm impressed!

Nekumi: Aoi? Do you just like complimenting me all day??

Aoyumi: *laughs* It's just that, I want to be nice around people especially Nekumi-san.. You're my friend after al-

Nekumi then holds both of Aoyumi's arm

Nekumi: *exhales*.....Aoi?

Aoi: Huh?-

Nekumi: Can you help me tackle that New Transfer Student??

Aoi: ...Heh?

Nekumi In Her Head: If I just say it's not because I'm into him. That'll only make me sound more like a Tsundere..Or maybe A Yandere, perhaps...

Nekumi: Aoi. I want you to be his friend

Aoi: Wha- Why me? I thought you're the one who wants to tack-

Nekumi: Be his friend first...Then, tell him that I'm into him

Aoi: Ehh?

Nekumi: Can you help me with this, Aoi?

Aoi: Ehh, of course! Everything for


Nekumi: Heh *exhales* All right. Don't do as I told you to until I give you the command, okay?

Aoi: Hai'!

The School Bell then rings as the Students were walking down the gate to go home...

Nekumi then gets home & went to her room...

Nekumi: Oh my! What a day!

Nekumi then collapse & just lean on her bed... Then...

Nekumi: Alright, What should I do first? Huh...

I should set up the whole plan somewhere not too suspicious or suspending...Uh huh! A Diary!

As Nekumi was looking up a Diary to buy online & as she is waiting for her delivery

Nekumi In Her Head: At this age, My family & classmates would most likely assume that I'm only using a Diary to confess my feelings & Dilemmas...But I'm going to do anything but that. As this is being set up. I can name this Plan...Huh... "Firing Keryu" Case!

Too corny but who cares...I'm bored as hell! And I will get that Shit teacher fired! But I can't do it alone...To get to this case...I must first become Jakyou's Girlfriend. With someone as smart as him by my side. No one will be able to stop me

Nekumi then brings her new Diary to her room

And then...

Nekumi: Alright, let's see- Huh? What is this?? Five. Fortunes. Diary?? Sounds stupid enough to be fake...*laughs* There are rules in here, you're joking??

Wha?- There's a branch of rules written here.

Whatever, Prank or not. I'm only gonna use this to write down my plan...So, let's start with

"First, I must get someone who's not shy like Aoi to become Jakyou's Friend. Then, she should say something like. Oh this is a friend of mine, Nekumi, She's my best friend, Nekumi, you may introduce yourself"

"After I become a friend or even a Girlfriend of Jakyou's. With his way of deducing certain casualties.

And my strategic Mind put together, We can rule the School...And make it ours, starting with getting Keryu Fired!"

"What do I do from there to get him fired?"

Nekumi then closes the book & start spinning her Chair thinking of a way to get Keryu Fired...

Nekumi: Turu, turu, turu turu- Huh, that'll be a great idea! Alright then

Nekumi then went to open Her Diary...


Nekumi: What?! Who wrote these?? Arghh-

Nekumi then blocked her mouth with her hands to avoid making a scene but she then backs away from her desk using her Chair as she was shocked...

Nekumi In Her Head: Is this-...Is this a Ghost book? No, there's no such thing!- Wait.

Is it possible that?!-

Nekumi then gasped as she then decided to read the Rules For The Diary

Nekumi: Is this some type of sorcery?? What?

The following is the rules for The Five Fortunes Diary...

You have to write some kind of situation in the book

• Afterwards, The book will give you 5 Case Scenarios of which, Only one of that Case Scenario is absolute & will happen

• If you write down "What should I do" with the context of the situation.

The book will write back 5 Ideas for things to do for you

• Once you touch the book, You can use it for yourself

Nekumi then starts laughing out of both joy...

And fear...

Nekumi In Her Head: It can't be true! It can't! No way!

Nekumi: Right then. Maybe...I should test it.

What can I do to write a certain situation now...Huh, Alright...

"I'm gonna go ask my mom to make a dinner & then I'll say 'Suits yourself' so that I won't know what she's going to cook but I need to see the 'Case Scenarios' of her food for dinner"

Nekumi In Her Head: So, from here...

Do I need to close the- Hargh?

It's writing down things itself like nothing's happening?? What is this?! Huh...

1. Chicken Curry

That's her normal preference for Dinner, I guess

2. Onigiri & Sushi

That's too much work for just a Dinner & she's not really into Onigiri so...

What is this?

3. Crab Rice With Ketchup?!

No way. I'm sure there's no Crab in the fridge.

Huh, alright...

4. Steak?!

This is just bullshit at this point...


5. She'll say she would cook Fried Rice but she would instead suprise me with A Pasta?!

Is this one just detailed just to fool me?!

Alright then. I need to put it into a test anyway.

Let's see

Nekumi: Mom! Have you cooked for dinner yet??

Nekumi's Mom: Yeah, I'm making Chicken Curry! Why are you asking??

Nekumi In Her Head: Huh. I mean that's written in the book so The Book isn't exactly wrong but then again...I could've even guessed that...Damn it, I have to make another test?

Nekumi then starts whining in her head and

Nekumi: Oh, nothing mom! Continue making your Chicken Curry! I know it's going to be delicious

Nekumi's Mom: Me too

Nekumi In Her Head: Yeah, no evidence whatsoever

40 Minutes Later...

Nekumi In Her Head: Uhhhh, I'll test this book at school then. Maybe, it's just a stupid sorcery to make me waste my time...

Nekumi's Mom: Dinner Time! Neku! Ruko! Come down!

Ruko: Hai'!

Nekumi's Mom: Nekumi?!

Nekumi: Haiii'

As Nekumi was walking downstairs...

Nekumi In Her Head: Huh, I might have just wasted a few minutes of my life then

As Nekumi was talking in her head...

Ruko: Huuuhh?? Mom? You made a Pasta?!

Nekumi then starts being conscious again...

Nekumi's Mom: Hai', are you disappointed?

Ruko: No!! Not at all! But I really thought you were going to make Fried Rice when I asked you what you're going to cook!

Nekumi's Mom: Heheh, I can still pull off a prank at this age, you know-

Nekumi In Her Head: *laughs slowly*...

*laughs intensely So, this is it then...

A trick, A case Scenario that's involving my Sister. Instead, it happens to my Sister...

You can play like this too, huh


Good Job Diary...You got me. I didn't think you would go this far into fooling me...

I, Nekumi, Now have a Fortunetelling Book by my side...I would call this...Thrilling!!

*laughs intensely*

To be continued...