
fishing with my mom

Please remember to vote for me because this book is participating in WSA 2023. Add it to your library. Comment on it. Once upon a time, a very, very, very long time ago, a Prince, the most popular, most handsome and wealthiest was betrothed to the current-day Lilith. She used to be a common maid, a nobody, who had found favour in the eyes of the Prince and love from the Prince charming. Her name used to be Lilian, the whore whom the Prince abandoned for another while being a few weeks pregnant for her dearest Prince charming. She was ready for vendetta and vengeance; she was ready to bring down the Prince and his new wife, the unreasonable woman, who snatched away her first love from her and their unborn child. She became so thirsty for blood that she became the first vamp that ever lived and that is still living. She was prepared to kill, but she decided to wait so that she would show her child how to deal with men by locking her daughter away from the sight of men for centuries until her daughter betrayed her and fell in love with a man. Please, remember to vote for me. Thanks and God bless.

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14 Chs


"Queen mother, what do you need an antidote for?" Scared Lilian asked.

"I just told you that I got poison yesterday," The Queen replied amidst coughing.

"I am sorry, Queen mother. I... I can't see a table here." Lilian raised with a frown.

"Look closely and you shall find it. For only those pure in heart shall see it." The Queen said, still coughing and pointing towards the table.

Lilian walked closer to the invisible table and kept staring at the wall.

She continued looking until she started to see a table, it was blurry at first but it later became visible to her.

"I have seen it, Queen mother," Lilian said, as she clapped her hands excitedly and reached for the herbs.

She returned to the Queen's side with the leaves tightly held in her clenched fist.

"How is this used?" Lilian asked, examining the big leaflet in her hands.

"Squeeze out the juice directly into my mouth." The Queen instructed.

Lilian did exactly as the Queen asked of her and within a few minutes her coughing ceased and she was looking Hale and hearty.

"Thank you." The Queen said as she tried to sit up.

Lilian helped her to sit up and said with a smile,

"You are welcome, Queen mother."

"How were you poisoned?" Lilian asked curiously.

"Yesterday morning, I noticed someone entered my room but I couldn't see the person." The Queen explained.

"How is that possible?" Lilian asked, almost interrupting the Queen.

"Have patience. I think the person used sorcery." The Queen replied.

"The highest heavenly level of wisdom?" Lilian asked and the Queen nodded in response.

"That's camouflaging. Who could have reached that level of purity?" Lilian asked.

"Ma Adele" The Queen replied.

"I know it's possible that she has reached the highest level of purity but she can't harm you." Lilian defended her friend.

"That's true, she rarely leaves her abode." The Queen agreed.

"So, who could it be?" Lilian asked.

"You said you saw me yesterday, right?" The Queen asked.

"Yes, Queen mother," Lilian responded and nodded at the same time.

"That means the person that poisoned my water must be connected to the person that cloned me yesterday." The Queen said.

"What if it's the same person?" Lilian asked.

"How is that possible?" The Queen asked curiously.

"That's second to the highest level of heavenly wisdom," Lilian responded with her eyes wide open.

"Power of mimicking and cloning?" The Queen asked and Lilian nodded in response.

"That means it's the same person but it's only a perfect peace that has pure energy and spirit will be able to achieve that level of purity," Lilian said as she confused the Queen even more.

"What do you mean?" The Queen asked.

"If the person is pure in heart, why would he or she want you dead?" Lilian asked.

The Queen thought about it for a while and nodded in agreement too

She was beginning to see the wisdom in Lilian's words.

That's a misery that might take a lifetime to solve.

"What if the person is being controlled by another creature?" Lilian asked.

"How?" The Queen asked with raised brows.

"Only the monsters can control one's mind," Lilian replied to the Queen.

"Is there a monster in this Palace?" The Queen asked.

"How would you tell when they are all taking human form? They use sorcery to make themselves human." Lilian responded.

"Will they be able to control one's mind while in human form?" The Queen asked.

Lilian shrugged and replied,

"I don't know about that, Queen mother."

"Go to Ma Adele's and ask her." The Queen said.

"There is no need for I have a crystal ball," Lilian said with a smirk.

"You do? How did you get it?" The Queen asked curiously.

"Ma Adele gave it to me as a birthday present some years ago," Lilian replied to the Queen.

"Okay, now go and ask her what I want to know. Report back to me as soon as possible." The Queen said.

Lilian left the Queen's side and Quarter immediately to contact Ma Adele.

Lilian has already forgotten that she had company. She had almost stepped out of the Royal Quarters when someone called her name from behind.

She looked back to see who it was and stopped walking.

"Lily, have you already forgotten about me in just a matter of an hour or two?" Lilian asked as she tried to catch up with Lilian.

"I am sorry for being in a hurry. I want to quickly run an errand for the Queen." Lilian explained but Adora wasn't satisfied with the answer.

"What took you so long?" Adora asked in a whisper, as she finally caught up with Lilian.

"The Queen was poisoned yesterday," Lilian replied in whispers too.

Adora's eyes became wide open as she ran a bit and started walking backward, facing Lilian.

"What has happened?" She asked with a frown.

Lilian stopped walking as she placed her right arm on Adorable's right shoulder and said.

"I am sorry that I am in no position or have the time to tell you now. I will tell you everything you need to know when all these are over."

Lilian promised as she resumed walking towards the servants' Quarter.

When they got to the servants' Quarter, Adora stopped following Lilian.

Lilian stopped walking, turned to face her, and said,

"Don't worry, follow me."

Adora smirked and quickly joins Lilian as fast as she can.

"Have you seen Goliath?" Lilian asked as she stopped walking the moment she got to the front of her door.

"Golly?" Adora asked with a frown, shaking her head at the same time.

"Are you sure?" Lilian asked with a glare.

"Yes," Adora replied with a nod.

"Okay," Lilian said with a shrug and turned to face her door.

Adora stood close to Lilian as she was about to open her door. It was as if she was curious to know her secret technique.

"Adora?" Lilian called out.

"Yes?" Adora replied.

"What is your last name?" Lilian asked.

"Uhh... My....my... last...last...last na..."

Lilian threw a punch at her face before she could complete whatever she was about to say or ask.