

"Amid the feast of tortoiseshell, I find myself intoxicated; beneath the lotus tent, what can I do but yearn for you?" Yang, a born fisherman, heralds a collective ordeal for the beauty of Wuxia world.

RayZheng · Fantasi Timur
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42 Chs

Sovereign Eagle Spreads Its Wings

Everything calmed down, and Yang Jingtian draped a robe over He Zhuo Fang, making her sit in his embrace. He Zhuo Fang looked at the fallen leaves in the grass, thinking about the recent events, her cheeks still flushed.

Yang Jingtian spoke softly, "Zhuo Fang."

He Zhuo Fang turned her head and looked up, a faint smile on her face.

Yang Jingtian asked, "Did I exhaust you too much earlier? Are you in pain?"

He Zhuo Fang chuckled softly, "This has been the happiest night I've had in ten years. I've never experienced such a wonderful feeling before." She lowered her head, blushing coquettishly.

Yang Jingtian was taken aback and said, "So, you've never felt this pleasure before?"

He Zhuo Fang shook her head and replied, "No, before, it was always a few motions and it was done. But you made me climax three times in an hour. I've never experienced that before." After saying so much, He Zhuo Fang felt infinitely shy. After all, it wasn't something a woman should talk about.

"No way, Guo Lin was so lousy. No wonder you were in so much pain earlier, screaming like a pig," Yang Jingtian said triumphantly and astonished.

He Zhuo Fang felt extremely shy and lightly pounded Yang Jingtian's chest, pouting, "What pig? It's so crude. It's all because your precious thing is too thick and long. I didn't expect you to last for an hour on your first time."

Yang Jingtian proudly said, "Of course, you have to remember who I am, Yang Jingtian."

At this moment, He Zhuo Fang felt something like an iron pillar pressing against her buttocks. She reached out and touched it, only to find that it was Yang Jingtian's manhood. She couldn't help but exclaim shyly, "Jingtian, why are you hard again? Oh my god."

Yang Jingtian, on the other hand, was puzzled and said, "I've been like this all along."

He Zhuo Fang couldn't imagine how she could satisfy Yang Jingtian's surging desire. The intense battle they just had had completely drained her.

He Zhuo Fang sighed softly and said, "Jingtian, what are we going to do after doing something like this?"

Yang Jingtian was taken aback and replied, "Yeah, I haven't thought about that. I can't just give Guo Lin a betrothal gift and say, 'Give me your wife.'"

Upon hearing this, He Zhuo Fang felt a mix of anger and amusement. She pounded Yang Jingtian and said, "That's basically telling Guo Lin to step down. When a dog is desperate, it will jump over the wall. You need to come up with a plan quickly. I don't want to go back to the Guo family."

Yang Jingtian had just experienced the infinite pleasures of a woman and immediately encountered the endless troubles of a woman. He couldn't just kill Guo Lin. If he didn't do something, how could he openly live with He Zhuo Fang?

To keep the beauty hidden away in a golden house, but the village of Jinsha was so small, where could they hide such a huge secret?

Yang Jingtian was now in a dilemma.

Seeing that Yang Jingtian couldn't come up with a solution, He Zhuo Fang grew even more anxious and said, "You need to come up with a plan quickly!"

Yang Jingtian suggested, "Why don't you go back home first, and we can discuss it further?"

He Zhuo Fang anxiously replied, "If you make me go back to that old man, I'll accuse you of raping me!"

Yang Jingtian was shocked and asked, "What?"

He Zhuo Fang pouted and said, "That's right. I would rather die than go back. I just want to be with you."

Yang Jingtian held He Zhuo Fang horizontally and smiled, saying, "If you accuse me of rape, I'll show you how it's done." He leaned in to kiss her breasts. Although He Zhuo Fang was already experienced, she still blushed and shyly struggled, saying, "Stop fooling around. My lower body is still swollen."

At that moment, shouts came from deep within the woods, and voices could be heard saying, "I saw them right here in this grove."

The cries of "We must find this adulterous couple" grew louder, and the sound of footsteps approached.

With deep internal strength, Yang Jing Tian sensed the approach of no less than thirty people, accompanied by seven or eight hunting hounds. He swiftly lifted He Zhuofang into his arms and said, "This is bad, someone is coming to capture us."

Startled, He Zhuofang asked, "Is it people from the Guo family?"

"In Jinsha Village, besides the Guo family, who else could mobilize so many in the dead of night?" Yang Jing Tian replied.

"Are they coming for us?" she inquired.

"It's most likely Guo Wu's doing," Yang Jing Tian said, surmising their situation.

"What should we do now?" He Zhuofang's voice held a tinge of urgency.

"Let's hide first," Yang Jing Tian decided. As he spoke, he cradled He Zhuofang and leaped swiftly, using his light martial skills.

He Zhuofang could hardly believe the swiftness of Yang Jing Tian's movement, her surprise growing even greater as he carried her through the forest canopy with grace akin to a celestial being descending to Earth.

Snug in Yang Jing Tian's embrace, she tightened her grip and confessed, "I believe in you." Her voice soft and resolute, she closed her eyes and reveled in the profound sense of happiness within her lover's arms.

Despite the swiftly covered distance, the village was not extensive. Within the time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Yang Jing Tian arrived at the Jinsha Sky Trench with He Zhuofang.

The Sky Trench was an abyssal chasm wider than ten paces, a relic of the earthquake that struck Jinsha twenty years ago, severing the village's connection with the outside world.

To the villagers of Jinsha, this impassable chasm was a divine decree, turning their home into an isolated paradise.

Cornered with no apparent escape, the continuous advance of their pursuers was relentless; even the hounds' barks loud, piercing the silent night.

"A dead end," He Zhuofang exclaimed with a tremulous voice, her heart fluttering with trepidation.

"There are no dead ends in life," spoke Yang Jing Tian, serenely confident.

Perplexed, He Zhuofang asked, "Jing Tian, do we have to turn back?"

"If we have no way out, would you be willing to leap with me?" Yang Jing Tian posed the question with a calm yet deep gaze.

Without hesitation, and through tears of resolve, He Zhuofang affirmed, "I am willing."

Embracing her tenderly, Yang Jing Tian vowed, "With your consent, I, Yang Jing Tian, will not fail you. Zhuofang, we will not perish."

In Yang Jing Tian's hold, He Zhuofang murmured, "Across the Sky Trench lies the path to the outer world. We're just this close."

Yang Jing Tian was momentarily taken aback. "The world beyond, where no one has ever spoken to me about it. Isn't it all towering mountains across?"

He Zhuofang explained, "You might not know, but hidden within those mountains lies a path that stretches all the way to the outside world. It's the broadest expanse."

"Do you yearn for the world outside?" Yang Jing Tian inquired.

Nodding, He Zhuofang expressed, "I've always longed to go out there."

With a smile, Yang Jing Tian said, "Meeting me then is the greatest fortune of your life."

Looking puzzled at Yang Jing Tian, she then heard him speak tenderly, "Because tonight, I will take you soaring over the Sky Trench, towards the world beyond."

"Astounded, He Zhuofang asked, "You can fly?"

"Yes, at least flying over this trench won't be a problem," Yang Jing Tian assured.

Shivering in awe, He Zhuofang remarked, "But it's more than thirty feet across, with a bottomless abyss below."

"You said, even if it meant dying together, you wouldn't be afraid," Yang Jing Tian reminded.

Nodding more firmly and embracing Yang Jing Tian tighter, He Zhuofang whispered, "After tonight, whether it's heaven or hell, I'm willing to follow you, to be by your side."

With that, Yang Jing Tian leapt into the air like a mighty eagle spreading its wings, soaring scores of feet from the ground, shooting towards the opposite side of the trench like an arrow freed from its bow.

With the bright moon overhead, the cold wind blowing past, and light clouds swirling around, He Zhuofang felt as if she had entered a celestial realm, filled with wonder.

Regardless of her thoughts, He Zhuofang knew clearly that her choice was not mistaken.

Like an eagle in flight, Yang Jing Tian surveyed the land below that belonged to them, seeing the earth beneath them become so small and insubstantial.