
First Time In Another World

After living his whole life as a emotionless assassin, he was tired of living. So, he dies but god have another plan stored for him The god ask him to save a world which will be destroyed by the people living in it. He agrees to his idea as he couldn't refuse. So what will happen to him next, To know read it

Samar_Rijal · Seni bela diri
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9 Chs

Main character (prolouge)

In a big building at the top floor a man is looking down on the people walking on the street while taking a glass of wine in his hand and remembering his journey to this point of his life . From appearence he look about 30_40 years old with a sharp eyes that speaks experience and cruel one at that. He has a scar in his right eye and is closed, if not for his scar he would be a very handsome man. if we talk about his personality and his past only one words describe him monster.And this was not his fault he experienced every type of cruelty this world has to offer .But there are alot out there in the world who have experienced that kind of things that isn't the reason i called him that . i evaluated him as such was because even after everything that happen to him he is rational he can think WHAT IS WORNG AND WHAT IS RIGHT WHAT TO DO AND WHAT NOT TO DO. Amazing isn't it ?. If instead of him there was another person who has gone through that he/she would likely go insane or in the least scenario they would kill themself. His life is nothing but tragedy.

When the old man was drinking his wine the door to his room is knocked."excuse me master " a women said

"Come in" old man says that "what happened can't you see i am not in the mood for talk"

"Yes i understand but this is। a emergency situation. neighbouring agency has rebeled and i don't think we can win against them.they have brought approximately 5000 elite fighters with them ....I think we should run from here master" the woman in her late 20s say that without showing any emotion in her face

"So It is time now Huh!" the man says that like he was expecting it.. No he was hoping for it to happen.

"Master i just said that you should run away from here while we have the time" the woman says that in little louder voice than before with her poker face

"Seraphine you Know that i am tired now right. MY Hole life i did nothing that l liked , i just kept wasting my time but now i think i deserve rest...I know you won't listen but i think you should get out of here at---"

" ABSOLUTELY NOT..... I am not going any where"

"Sigh~~. you are always like this aren't you"

" ....."

" then lets go to our doom"