
First sight crush to a stranger

Rachel 22 year old girl who does babysitting as her part time and goes to university to get her double degree in education and economics and she has other friends who does same thing. This guy she had a first sight crunch on the train ride happens to be the oldest son of Venessa host family. Who recently finished his MBA and came back home, who also happens to have a really bad breakup with his long term girlfriend. After multiple encounter with Derek and his multiple personality disorder Rachel thought it’s better for her to stay away from him. But the story between them gets even more complicated when they both work in a same place and that is also in same department. Will Rachel accept the contract Derek offered or will she decline it ? What’s is the big contract Rachel needs to sign just for her internship job. so the story begins with 5 friends planning to visit NY city and Rachel that day took train by herself when her eye catches a very handsome guy in front of her while reading a romantic book...

Sandra_bha · perkotaan
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Long train ride to penn station !!!

It was a one fine sunny day Rachel decided to visit NY city today with her friends. Rachel is a babysitter who lives in Long Island and train ride from Long Island to pen station NY was around 1 and 1/2 hour. All her friends decided to meet in Times Square. Racheal was reading her favorite book while riding in a train and watching the beautiful view outside the train as it was moving on its own pace. While moving her head from window down to her book she felt like some strong aura is pulling her to look in front of her. There she saw a handsome gentleman who was wearing a black hat bending his head looking in his phone. He was wearing a white polo shirt and jeans knee high shorts with a white sneakers. He looked very clean, seems like he was going to play a golf. Racheal had various thought in her mind regarding his look and she started imagining his personality in her mind and every thought made her giggles to herself. Since the guys head was bend Rachel was not able to clearly see his face but his over look was very tempting her to keep looking at him. As she had some funny imagination about the guy in front of her she couldn't hold her giggle and laugh little louder. Suddenly a strange face was starring right in her face, now this stranger and Rachel had a eye locked to each other and Rachel was very nervous and she was very scared same time this guy she has been imagining his face and personality seems to be very handsome in real with a green hazel eyes and very light skin tone with very less facial hair. Rachel felt that this stranger was not very happy with her giggle as if he knows that her giggle was about him. She felt like she needs a big pillow to hide her face from that situation and avoid the stranger but more she tries to move her sight more she feel that her eyes and body was froze and she was not able to move at all. After few minutes of staring his handsome guy gives Rachel a soft smile and looks back to his phone screen. Racheal was also able to look back to her book now and she dares to look up again. Whole train ride she just kept reading the book but she had no idea what she was reading since her mind was totally focuses on a handsome face in front of her. Soon she hear the conductor announcing that they have arrived in penn station.