
Lost and love

Hi I am Sam and this is how I found first love. He hot and cold I was scared at first then I got to know him, turns out he's a warm hearted guy. Although he no friends his mom and dad died in a car accident which left he and his little sister by their selfs. His little sister was still a baby when there parents died so he has been rising her all by him self after two years of dating i finally introduced him to my parents he was nervous at first then he calmed down after a few hours. So he went back home to his little sister. So the day after graduation he proposed to me and said yes I asked him if we could adopt his little sister. And we did this was the beginning to a new end for us. Two years after that we got divorced. I was shattered and heart broken. So I decided to get my life together so I went back to school for my law degree , Business degree. So i started my own law firm two months after I started my firm I became filthy rich so my ex husband wanted to get back together with me is no he treated me like trash and he had the nerves to bring his little sister in to it so told got of my life and I never want to see him again. So a year I found my true love his name is mike and we started a family together we have three kids together two girls and one boy. And this was the start of my now life. THE END