

"have you heard about the new guys that just transferred here today?!" y/n heard one of the girls from her class said as she entered math class. She doesn't really bother to hear any of their gossips so she plucked in her ear pods and listen to some music.

After some minutes later, she felt someone say next to her. She was surprised since no one sat beside her before. Slowly, she tapped on the person's shoulder, giving him a questionable expression "I'm sorry but who are you?" as soon as she asked him who is he, y/n was shocked when she looked at him. he has a cute button nose, cat like eyes, pale but flawless skin, brown fluffy hair and a doll like lips. "I'm yoongi, I'm sorry for not asking to sit here. There's no empty sit other than here" y/n then old out her hand to shake his "o-oh, um I'm y/n. nice to meed you" you offered a smile when you say a gummy smile spread on his face. "what a nice name" yoongi said as he took out his notebook and his pencil case when he was the professor came in. Y/n mumbled a small 'thanks' before doing the same as yoongi.

y/n couldn't lie when she feel small glares coming from the girls in your class.

when class was over, yoongi asked y/n for her schedule. y/n was first skeptical but soon realize that yoongi was trying to check wether if they have the same classes. "ah, it looks like i have all the same classes as you" yoongi said with a chuckle "that's awesome" Y/n cheered as they walked over to their next class.

they decided to go to class early to they could talk more. "i- do you notice the glared from the girls when we walk here?" yoongi asked as they took a seat "ugh its really irritating me knowing they'll hate me more" she said as he laid her head on the table. "what do you mean?" yoongi asked, doing the same but facing y/n. "its just that- ugh i dont really know how to tell." you said as you sat straight "its okay take your time" yoongi said, putting his hand on your shoulder for encouragement

"it started when i first got here, its was last year. i wouldn't say im rich but i am, sadly. before this, i went to an international private school because my mom wants me to. around early last year, my dad had to work on a different state so here we are, i guess? when i first stepped in this school, rumors of me being in a wealthy family got spread quicker than me stepping on the school's ground"

"damn that was fast" yoongi laughed but then stopped "okay go on"

"so, after i got my schedule and my text books i immediately went to my class. if i recalled, it was english. students were scattered around my desk just because they wanted to be my friends. the girls that were throwing daggers are my ex friends. they kinda used me to buy them stuff. for example the shirt shes wearing, yeah i bought those" y/n chucked before placing her chin on her hands "and yeah, when i finally realized they were using me. i stopped being friends with them. they got so mad to the point where they threw my school bag on a muddy puddle."

"thats terrible of them!" yoongi said "you know, lets be friends" and again, yoongi offered his infamous gummy smile but soon faded when he saw my expressionless face "d-dont worry! i promise im not like them. i want to protect you from them. i have no intention on using you. i swear! i also have my own money so dont worry" yoongi said in a rush. y/n just giggled at how yoongi reacts "sure ill be your friend"

they shared a smile right before the teacher came in

>HI! i hope you like my story! its been so long since ive wrote a fanfic. please leave a like and a comment! thank you for reading!<