
Chapter 9

Belle stared at Steve, then at Matt. She grabbed the ponytail out of his hand and greeted Steve, "Morning".

"Morning?" Steve asked. "That's all you are going to say after I saw you going out of another man's room?"

She raised an eyebrow at him. " What is wrong with you?"

"What!" he shouted. "I can't believe this."

"Steve, this is none of your business. Stay out of this." Matt said.

"I know her first." Steve said firmly.

"Whoa, stop." Belle said looking at the two. "What is the problem with you guys?"

"They're jealous with each other." Nathan said. He was leaning on the door near by.

"Jealous?" Belle raised an eyebrow at him and looked at Steve and Matt. "Seriously? I'm not even dating...any of them."

"But they still like you." She spun around and face Chase who was also by the door.

"What's with the leaning thing?" Belle asked them.

Nathan laughed. "Just making a cool entrance."

"Belle..." Steve called.

"Yeah?"Belle inquired.

"Let's talk."

"Uh-sure." she said.

Steve pulled her arm but Belle was drag back when Matt stopped them by pulling on her other arm. "Oh" Belle said looking at the two. Matt and Steve looked at each other, sizing up.

"Oh...it's getting hot in here." Chase said.

Students started pouring out of their rooms and stopped and watched what was happening.

"Lets go, Matt" Steve said.

"No, you let go, I'll talk to her first." Matt said.

"Look, guys, you're tearing her apart." Chase said.

"Stay out of this." The two snarled at him.

Chase raised his hands. "Backing off."

"Seriously, man, go find your own girl." Steve said to Matt.

"Who said she's yours?" He let go of her and approached Steve. Steve followed pushing Matt in the chest. Belle watched them with a confused expression totally innocent of what they were fighting about.

"Go to hell!" Matt shouted and swung at Steve. He topple and kicked him in the stomach. He groaned and was going to come back when he was stopped by Nathan and Chase.

"Why are you fighting and please don't talk to me as if I'm not here." Belle said. She walked away and muttered. "Idiots."