
First Floor Adventures in Aincrad

A set of short stories highlighting the experiences some had gone through on the first floor of Aincrad.

NaxisNeok · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Mia Turner

In the midst of the disarray that followed Akihiko Kayaba's grim revelation, Mia Turner found herself at the heart of the chaos. Her virtual persona, adorned with fiery red hair and a fierce gaze, mirrored her real-world agitation. Panic seized her, and blame erupted like a storm. "This is insane! Whose fault is this? Who trapped us here?!" she shouted, her words laced with frustration.

As accusations flew and fear escalated, Mia's initial shock morphed into a torrent of anger. In a fit of rage, she shoved players aside, her virtual hands pushing against avatars as if physical force could expel the uncertainty. "Get out of my way! This is your fault, all of you!" she yelled, her voice a sharp edge cutting through the chaos.

Her gaze fixated on a fellow player, a young man who stood frozen, his eyes wide with terror. "Was it you?" she spat, leveling an accusatory finger. The young man stammered in denial, but Mia's fury persisted. "Don't lie! You're all lying! We're stuck here because of you!"

Fuelled by her anger and desperation, Mia stormed out of the town. The cool grass under her boots offered little solace as she continued into the unknown. Her footsteps echoed with each stride, a rhythmic manifestation of her frustration and the burning desire to escape the suffocating atmosphere.

The forest swallowed Mia as she sprinted deeper into the first floor, her heart pounding with every step. Before she knew it, she had traveled longer than she intended. The fading light painted the surroundings in shades of darkness, accentuating the eerie atmosphere of the virtual world.

Night fell swiftly, casting shadows that danced ominously among the towering trees. The air became thick with an eerie stillness as Mia's surroundings morphed into an alien landscape. Alone and far from the safety of the town, her bravado wavered.

In the darkness, Mia's initial bravado dissolved into uncertainty. The reality of her isolation set in, the noises of small virtual insects sounding all around. She hesitated, glancing around as the rustling leaves and distant howls of virtual creatures sent shivers down her spine.

As Mia stood at the crossroads of survival and peril, a decision weighed heavily upon her. Should she brave the dangers of the night, risking encounters with monsters, or attempt to find her way back to the relative safety of the Town of Beginnings?

With a deep breath, Mia steeled herself. Her nerves had been frayed at the beginning of the day, but now she was slowly stitching them back together. "I need to return to the town or I might very well die here!" she muttered to herself. She navigated the treacherous terrain, eyes darting between shadows, ears attuned to the ominous sounds of the virtual wilderness. Every step was a gamble, but Mia pressed forward, determined to return to the safety of the walls.

The night unfolded as a crucible of challenges for Mia Turner. Her short journey back to town became a test of her resolve to survive, a stark contrast to the chaotic beginning of that fateful day. Whether she would emerge victorious or succumb to the dangers lurking in the shadows remained uncertain, but Mia's story had only just begun in the unforgiving realm of Sword Art Online.