
Who’ll Be First?

Night had fallen and Abaddon was in Courtney's room tucking her in for bed.

After stuffing herself to her stomach's maximum capacity, Courtney was going through a particularly devastating case of the itis.

She dozed off on her way up the stairs, began snoring within the bath, and couldn't even retain consciousness long enough to hear a bedtime story.

But perhaps parting would be easier this way.

Abaddon gave the sleeping child a small kiss on her forehead. He then quietly exited the room without making so much as a single sound- closing the door behind him.

Once he was outside, he found Thrudd waiting for him with an unveiled pout on her face.

"…You don't have to go, you know?"

"You sound like your mother." Abaddon laughed. "And I'm aware that I don't have to go, but it's what I should do. I've never had friends before, you know?"