


"Love has been anywhere yet can't be seen. Sometimes tricky for it plays someone's feelings. Does the love is the tricky one? Or it's the destiny, since they aren't meant to each other's heart?" This is what the book cover says-printed on the back.

Oh, gross.

Duh, I don't believe in love. I couldn't even sense it to my parents and doesn't have an idea about it. They should be the first one, they can't blame me for they let me grow older without a piece of love. I keep wishing to receive a little. Just a little drop of it, little.

"Addi! I found something pretty here. Look!" Summer waved the book up high as an easy way to find her.

I immediately go there to see what did she choose. She put it in front of my face-oh gosh! My whole body got totally freeze after seeing the book she's holding and a smile is slowly forming to her face.

"Seriously!?" I shouted inside the store that causes all the people to keep an eye to ourselves. It's just a possessive book with a seductive cover, urgh.

"Lower your voice, they might think we're doing something heavenly," she mumbled while laughing to her statement.

If you reach my patience, I might take you to a mental hospital. Psh.

"What's yours?" she asked. Oh gosh, I forgot to leave it on the shelf.

"Hmm?" she hummed, I have no choice.

I gave it to her and her eyes go round due to the content. Summer knows me well, and I'm not the type of person who likes romance novel. I might prefer mystery than this.

"R-Really? Huh," she confusedly concluded.

"I have just forgotten to leave it on the book shelf, I haven't enough interest to read that." I gazed my sight around and all the books are romance novel.

"Buy this," Summer stated.

"What? I'm just wasting my money." I remarked.

"Just give it a try, please?" She pouted and pleaded.

I stare the book she was holding for a minute, she's right. There's nothing wrong in the novel-it was me.

"Okay, fine. In one condition."

"What?" I asked.

"Use your money." I smirked.

"No problem!" she actively replied.

We immediately went to the counter to pay for the purchased books. Summer was very happy because of the book she bought for me. I am not fond of love books. We left with her car. We went to her house to spend time there first.

"Addi, what if someone makes your heart beat and then you gradually fall. What are you going to do?" she asked out of no where.

"I will avoid him and let him know that I do not love him. And you know what Summer? No one will try to love someone like me, that's it. Very simple." I lay my head on the pillow.

"What if that person doesn't stop because he really loves you? Will you still avoid it?" Summer insisted.

"I have already answered what should be answered." Summer thrown the novel book she bought for me.

"What?" I grossed out.

"Read that," she said stubbornly.

I didn't speak anymore and just followed what she wanted me to do. I was just pretending to read the book even I didn't want to, it's disgusting. I can't focus on the book and does not enter into my mind while Summer seemed to enjoy what she was reading. Unbeknownst to me, my eyelids were slowly falling off until I was in a deep sleep.

I woke up to Summer's weak shaking on my shoulder. I immediately got up and looked out the window when I realized it was getting late.

"Get up there, the sun is sinking and your mother might scold you."

I accelerated my movement and adjusted. I went down and got in their car so they could take me. Minutes have passed, I saw my mother standing in front of the door. I can see the anger on her face and her eyes sharpen. I got out of the car and then said goodbye to them. I walked slowly because my system was shaking. I don't want to see her get angry because when that happens, she is gasping for breath and fainting.

I stopped in front of her and waited for her to get angry, but not a single bit came out of his mouth. I was surprised by what she asked. She spoke softly and made my heart beat faster. For the first time she was not angry with me, but even asked me if I was happy. I looked at her without hesitation when she suddenly hugged me. I felt relieved when she did that. A strange feeling formed in me that I have long wanted to feel.

"I do enjoy it, especially now." She released her arms from hugging me. She cupped my face and wiped my tears due to the strange feeling I feel now.

"It's been a long time since we bond together. And because of my work I realize that I neglected you for a long time. I'm sorry honey. I let you grow older without me on your side. I'm the mother. And I must the one who's supporting you. Forgive me." Sh confessed that made my tears burst because I can't handle it anymore.

"Starting now, I'll spend my time with you." She added.

I'm so happy because I let the madness in my heart free that I have torned it for years.

"I love you Addison."

"I love you too Mom." I said and we went inside.

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