This story takes place after Naruto died at the age of 117. Instead of the world becoming advanced in technology they realized their powers were stronger than that. They regressed after Boruto back into a world similar to naruto, but definitely not the same world. Warning - Swearing/Violence
Renjiro: Etsuo. Give me the scroll.
Ray: I'm going to destroy you! You won by luck last time! Get down here so I can beat your ass!
Renjiro smirks.
Renjiro: I don't care about you. Etsuo, give me the scroll and I won't kill you.
Etsuo: You'll kill me anyway.
Renjiro: At least I don't have to spoil the ending.
Ray runs up to the tree, and hits it with all his might. The tree starts coming down, and Renjiro jumps to the ground. Ray goes to punch Renjiro. Renjiro kicks Ray in the stomach. Etsuo throws shurikens at Renjiro. Renjiro takes out his kunai, and blocks all of them.
Nanami: Earth style: Rock Gun!
Nanami shoots a small rock out of her mouth. The rock soon changes into a boulder. Renjiro dodges the boulder, and throws shurikens at Nanami. Etsuo jumps in front of Nanami, and blocks the shurikens. Kenzo runs up to Renjiro.
Renjiro: Your new.
Kenzo goes for a kick. Renjiro jumps back. Without saying anything Renjiro does a few hand signs, and shoots a fireball.
Kenzo: Lightning style: Kosen!
The lightning beam hits the fireball and disappears. The fireball collides with Kenzo. Ray tries to punch Renjiro in the back. A shadow clone of Renjiro appears, and punches Ray. Ray falls back, and the shadow clone disappears. Etuso starts doing hand signs.
Etsuo: Fire style: Great Fire Dragon Jutsu!
Renjiro starts doing his own hand signs.
Renjiro: Fire style: Great Wolf Fire Jutsu!
A fire dragon comes out of the ground, and a fire wolf materializes out of thin air. The wolf runs at the dragon, and the dragon flies at the wolf. The two jutsu collide, and cause a fire explosion. Everyone is blasted back. Renjiro tilts his head down, and holds his hood to his head. The blast hits Renjiro, but is ineffective. Everyone starts getting up from the blast. Renjiro walks over to Etsuo. Renjiro takes a sword out from under his cloak. He tries to stab Etsuo. Etsuo takes out a kunai, and blocks a few of the sword strikes. Then the kunai gets knocked out of his hand.
Renjiro: This could have been faster.
Renjiro stabs Etsuo.
Nanami: You're a monster!
Renjiro grabs the scroll off of Etsuo. Ray turns on his sharingan.
Ray: I'm going all out! That means I'm going to take you out.
Renjiro: It's been three years Ray. Get over yourself.
Renjiro jumps to a tree.
Nanami: Earth style: Earth Claw Jutsu!
Earth comes out of the ground, and grabs Renjiro. Then it slams Renjiro on the ground. Renjiro turns into a puff of smoke, and the earth shows that it's only holding a log. Renjiro seems like he's gone.
Ray: I see him! He's in the trees!
Mini fireballs get shot at Ray. Ray dodges a few of them, but the last fireball hits him. Renjiro jumps out of the tree, and punches Ray in the stomach. Then in the head. Renjiro kicks Ray back, and starts using hand signs.
Renjiro: Fire style: Fire Breath Jutsu!
Renjiro starts spewing a giant beam of fire from his mouth. Ray is blasted back by the fire.
Kenzo: Chidori!
Kenzo runs at Renjiro with great speed. Kenzo goes to hit Renjiro, and Renjiro grabs his wrist as soon as he gets close. Then Renjiro punches Kenzo in the stomach, and elbows him in the head. Kenzo drops to the ground. Nanami runs at Renjiro. She starts throwing strong punches. Renjiro dodges punch after punch. Then Nanami hits a punch. Renjiro just manages to block. Renjiro is sent back. As Renjiro is flying back he rolls backwards on the ground to get his bearings.
Renjiro: Fire style: Flame bombs!
Renjiro gains oil in his mouth as Nanami charges him. Renjiro shoots out the oil as the oil ignites. The bomb hits Nanami, blasting her back, and onto the ground. Renjiro hears rustling in the grass. Kichi appears through the grass.
Kichi: Renjiro.
Renjiro: Kichi.
Kichi sees Etsuo's dead body, and takes out a kunai.
Kichi: Too far Renjiro.
Kichi throws a kunai at Renjiro. Renjiro smirks, and the kunai hits him. Renjiro turns into a puff of smoke.
Kichi: A shadow clone. Now we have nothing.
Kichi helps his team make it back to Konoha. They bring Etsuo's dead body back to be buried. The next day Kichi is talking to Hokage.
Kichi: Tadako. We weren't able to get the scroll back. Renjiro had appeared after I left the battle.
Tadako: Why did you leave the battle?! You were supposed to be protecting Etsuo!
Kichi: It was my mistake. I did not think there would be another enemy.
Tadako: Renjiro took out his old team and Etsuo.
Kichi: Etsuo wasn't the greatest fighter. You know that. His abilities mainly relied on getting information.
Tadako: I didn't know Renjiro was that powerful.
Kichi: He trained with Orochimaru. Orochimaru was the third hokage's student. He had already been old when the fifth Hokage had been chosen. Now even the seventh Hokage is gone. Orochimaru had a plethora of secret S class ninjutsu. He even trained the most powerful Uchiha. Of course he is going to know how to train Renjiro.
Tadako looks worried.
Kichi: What?
Tadako: The tailed beasts are coming here today.
Kichi: What's the problem? They already know Renjiro isn't with us?
Tadako: They want him with us. It's been three years that we have been missing half of the Nine-Tailed Beast. This is also going to be the first year Ray has to join in.
Kichi: Oh god. When they talk to Ray it's only going to make them angrier.
One of Tadako's servants walks in. Tadako changes her posture and demeanor.
Tadako: Yes?
Servant: The tailed beasts have arrived. You must make your way to the meeting chamber.
Tadako: You don't need to lead me there. Go lead the jinchurikis.
The servant leaves the room, and Kichi shakes his head.
Kichi: Why do you do that?
Tadako: No one would have taken me seriously if I didn't act like this. I was chosen for tenth hokage at fourteen.
Kichi: You're eighteen now. Don't you think that they already trust you.
Tadako: I-I don't know.
Tadako leaves the room. Outside there are seven horses and carriages. Each one has a different color scheme. Everyone in the village comes to watch the carriages like a parade as they stroll up to the Hokage palace. Each carriage has a number. Carriage one has a sand color with blue markings on it. Carriage two has blue flames with black markings. The third is gray with pink on its underside. The next carriage is six. Six is completely light purple. Seven is dark blue with green and red wings on the back of the carriage. Eight is pink with octopus tentacles on it. The last horse carriage is a bit bigger than the rest. The carriage has a ten on it with a white covering and blue markings. The carriages all stop near Hokage's palace. The servant comes down. The drivers of the carriages get out and open the doors. A woman comes out of carriage one. She has blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. A sand colored dress with the front right side open. Then black shorts and boots on. Next comes a man with black hair. He has a grey open shirt that is tied together with a green wrap. Then black pants. Next comes a woman with dark brown hair. She has tan skin and a red headband. She has a sleeveless black skin tight suit on. Then she has a red loincloth over her suit that goes down to her ankles. Next is a woman with long orange hair. She is wearing a short orange and red kimono with a grey wrap around her chest. Next is a dark skinned man with a sleeveless grey and white sweatshirt, and grey pants. He has a black bear, and white dyed short hair. Next is a woman with brown hair. She is wearing a pink shirt dress with white wrap around her waist, and black skin tight pants. Last is a man with short white hair. He is wearing a black shirt and pants. He has a white open coat that goes down to his ankles. They all came out in order of least to greatest tails. The servant leads them all single file into the hokage palace and into the meeting room. Ray, Kenzo and the Hokage are all waiting in the room.
Ray: Kenzo has a tailed beast!
Tadako: He is part of the Iwagakure.
Ray: The stone village.
Kenzo: The village hidden in the stone.
Tadako: He is here to show the friendship of our two countries.
The jinchurikis walk in, and sit down in their respective seats.
Tadako: Jinchuriki this is Ray. He is our nine tails jinchuriki, and this Kenzo-
The two tails jinchuriki speaks in a flat tone.
Two tails: Iwagakure has no jinchuriki?
Tadako: They no longer do.
Eight tails: That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard! One gets stolen so they just give away the other one.
Two tails: Why is that bad?
Tadako: You're misinformed Eight tails. They gave away the four tails for our protection. If you try to wage war against them. We will have to take you down. Now, why don't we finish our introductions, hm? This is Ray Uchiha the nine tails, and this is Kenzo Inuzuma the four tails.
One tail: My name is Nori Kazekage.
Two tails: My name is Jiro Faiaburu.
Three tails: Kaiya Tatorumasuta.
Six tails: You can call me Matsuko Namkuji!
Seven tails: Shigeo Bugamasuta.
Eight tails: Toki Fujii.
Ten Tails: My name is Zenshiro Doi.
Kaiya: The villages are starting to get worried. We are missing half of Kyuubi and the five tails. You wouldn't happen to know where Kyuubi is?
Tadako: The other half of the ninetail's location is unknown.
Ray: You mean Renjiro? I just battled him yesterday!
The Hokage looks at Ray with a scowl.
Kaiya: So you do know where he is.
Tadako: I know who he's with. Not where he is.
Kaiya: Why didn't you say that then.
Tadako: You didn't ask.
Toki: Ooo, this is getting good.
Kaiya: We are the tailed beasts. We need to get back one of our kind. Why would you keep that information from us?
Tadako: If Renjiro can tap into the demon fox cloak, even the first form, he would be able to kill you.
Ray: What's the demon fox cloak?
Tadako: Ray, when you got chakra from the tailed beast that was a weak version of the demon fox cloak. The demon fox cloak happens when you are either close to death or your emotions are unstable. For the nine tails there are nine forms. You gain chakra around you from your tailed beast, and it protects you. The more chakra you get from the beast the more tails you will gain. The version you used was so little of the tailed beasts chakra that you couldn't form a real tail.
Kaiya: He can't take down eight jinchuriki.
Tadako: He can while he's training with Orochimaru.
Shigeo: Orochimaru has him?
Jiro: Isn't that just great?
Tadako: He was able to take down a team with an anbu on it fairly easily. Even escape the clutches of one of my best ninja.
Kaiya: Has he been with orochimaru all these years?
Tadako: Sad to say, yes he has.
Kaiya: Orochimaru knows how to control the tailed beasts. He could make Renjiro the strongest ninja around. Only rivaled by the ten tails. You didn't think to tell us.
Tadako: What are you going to do about it? We don't even know his location.
Kaiya: More than what you're doing. It's time to go. We have checked on how the tailed beasts are here.
Everyone gets up.
Kaiya: You have been deemed untrustworthy by the tailed beasts. Your jinchurikis will not be allowed to go any farther than beast cloak.
They all leave in an orderly fashion. The people watch as all the jinchurikis walk back into their carriages and ride away. The Hokage is still in the meeting room.
Ray: I think that went well.
Tadako: Ray, meet me in my office.
Tadako leaves.
Ray: I think she likes me. I'm going to get special treatment.
Kenzo starts speaking in a sarcastic tone.
Kenzo: Yeah, she definitely likes you.
Ray: I know right! Maybe she'll be my girlfriend.
Kenzo shakes his head as Ray leaves with his head held high. Ray walks into the hokage's office. Tadako pins him to the wall. Ray tries to kiss her.
Tadako: What the?!
Tadako stomps on his foot.
Ray: Ow, your ruining the mood!
Tadako: There is no mood. You just told the jinchurikis that we have been lying to them.
Ray: I thought they already knew.
Tadako pushes her arm on Ray's neck.
Ray: Hey!
Tadako: Get out of my office.
Tadako takes her arm off Ray, and Ray drops to the ground. Tadako sits down in her chair, and Ray leaves the room.
Kenzo: You get a date?
Ray: She's playing hard to get.