
Evaluation II

The moment the woman had announced the beginning of the evaluation, Kaalsuo was suddenly teleported to another place.

The place looked fairly luxurious. There were multiple huge chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and huge paintings on the walls. However, the room was extremely spacious and wide. On some parts of the room, there were a few wooden weapons by the side of the walls. Swords, spears, axes, you name it.

Kaalsuo assumed that the room was likely just a simple training room. Even so, it was a bit too fancy to be called a simple ordinary training room.

"I don't know why the paintings haven't been wrecked yet." Kaalsuo quickly glanced at the paintings to his right to see that the paintings were completely unharmed. Although the walls around it was filled to the brim with slight scratches and cavities.

Nonetheless, he had little to no reason to further hypothesise the condition of the paintings. He could always just ask the evaluators about the paintings.

"Don't cry.." A female evaluator appeared to be panicking and tried to comfort a kid that was crying rather loudly. The cries even annoyed Kaalsuo a bit.

"This is what I feared." Kaalsuo commented about the kid's crying. He knew that this would eventually happen. It was quite a miracle that he didn't encounter this event any sooner.

"This is why you always learn random spells even when it's useless." A brawny and buff looking evaluator casted a spell onto the kid. Immediately after the casting, the kid quickly began to calm down and finally stopped crying.

"Finally." Kaalsuo was finally relieved from the crying. Even though he had noticed the crying a few seconds ago.

Nonetheless, Kaalsuo saw that the evaluator appeared to be a bit different from the rest. Unlike the young students, the evaluator seemed to be a lecturer in the academy. This was likely due to his dusty white hair and ravine-like forehead wrinkles.

Additionally, his attire was more fancier compared to the students. He had his own name tag and wore a lot more jewelry. Though, Kaalsuo couldn't tell if the jewelry were supposed to be magic items or simply regular jewelry.

"It's your group's fault to suddenly teleport before it was ready. As a result of the consequences, this kid here was separated from their friends." The lecturer scolded the group of evaluators.

"So that's why that kid was crying." Kaalsuo was indifferent to the revelation. It simply answered a question that he didn't even question.

Only then did Kaalsuo suddenly realise something.

"Wait. Now that I think of it, where's Etrus?" Kaalsuo clearly saw that Etrus was included in his group. He quickly tried to glance around the room but it was simply too crowded to achieve that.

Even so, he would be too overly enthusiastic to not stand out from the rest. The only answer was that he wasn't teleported along with the others.

"Well, I don't really see the problem anyways." Kaalsuo shrugged off the problem. Even without that enthusiastic idiot, he would still move on with no difficulty.

"Ahem, we're now going to start the evaluation." The female evaluator from earlier announced the evaluation. She seemed to be using some kind of device that looked and worked similar to a megaphone.

"We're going to start the weapon evaluation first since the magic part isn't doing too well at the moment." The evaluator said as she occasionally turned around to look a huge bulky device which was smoking. However, the device was covered by a wide cloth which was a disappointment for Kaalsuo.

"You can use a wooden weapon of your choice simply by saying a word. There's no need to manually get one if it automatically comes to you."

"Oh, also. You can use your own weapons if you want. We're more than capable of stopping you if it gets dangerous." She said, looking the particular children that had brought their weapons with them.

"Well, it was a great thing that I brought my gun with me." Kaalsuo said, bringing out his C96 out of his small leather pouch. He simply brought it along with him in case if someone tried to mug him along the way.

"Anyways, some of the weapons look a bit too dangerous." Kaalsuo said as he looked at the weapons brought by the other kids. One kid had brought a nasty looking dagger and another one had brought a huge sword with edgy yet menacing decorations.

"Alright then. Everyone, follow us outside." This time, the lecturer was the one to announce it.

"Not everyone needs to go to the weapon evaluation. You can wait until the magic tools get 'fixed' if you want." The evaluator said, seeing that some of the kids didn't choose to follow. The leftover kids seemed to be more focused about the magic tools rather than the weapons.


"There you are, bastard." Kaalsuo instantly spotted the wild figure amongst the crowd of kids that was Etrus. Just as he thought, Etrus was separated from him. Additionally, they were further more separated by a huge stone wall that so happened to have gaps visible enough to peek through the other side.

"Alright, listen here. I know for a fact that most of you won't even get a high score since well, you're five. But I'll still bother explaining the purpose of the weapons evaluation." The lecturer sighed as he saw that the vast majority of the children were either loudly having a conversation with each other or running around and playing tag.

"The purpose of this evaluation is not only to see whether your weapon is good or not. It's to see how compatible you and your weapon are and collect data on it. So that we can use that data to determine what your most compatible weapon is and how to improve your performance on using that weapon."

The lecturer tried to inform the crowd of children by speaking with a really slow but clear voice. However, it was useless since the majority of the kids simply didn't understand and kept doing what they did.

"And also to see how talented you are with the weapon, of course." The evaluator added in. Obviously, a lot more of the children understood what the evaluator had said.

"Makes sense." Kaalsuo simply commented about the information. However, he also tried to look around his surroundings to see if they were any prodigies to even clearly understood what the lecturer had said.

Sadly, he had yet to see a prodigy amongst the crowd of kids. He just had to look even further.

Suddenly, Kaalsuo and the crowd of kids were seamlessly teleported to a huge long seating area that was comparable to a stadium that overlooked the evaluation area.

"I think this is going to be a long boring day." Kaalsuo thought as he saw that there was only around 20 to 30 evaluators in comparison to the thousands of children sitting or playing around.

In a span of an hour, nothing much really peaked the attention of Kaalsuo. He was too uncultured to play the childish games of this world and the evaluation was just some kids that swung around their sword or axe.

Even in a hour, he still had yet to see a kid that so happened to use a bow or a spear. Henceforth he simply decided to just wait for his turn by sleeping.

Kaalsuo had gotten a fairly good worth of sleep which was quite a feat since he knew that the kids playing around would inevitably disrupt his sleep. However, against all odds, it actually wasn't the cause to his awakening.

"Holy shit! What the hell was that noise?" Kaalsuo was woken up by a deafening boom. He immediately looked around him to see that one of the kids in the evaluation area was using their bare heads to completely obliterate the dummy.

The sound generated by the kid's powerful right hook punches rather sounded more like a bomb than a simple punch.

"Finally, some good fucking entertainment." Kaalsuo said, preparing himself to watch the spectacle in front of him. Also, it seemed that he had been given a loaf of bread during his slumber and annoyingly, there was a small bite on the bottom of it.

"Look at their reaction on their faces." Kaalsuo thought, looking at the multiple different reactions by the evaluators. The lecturer looked as if he was satisfied and most of the evaluators had their jaw dropping. Some of them were even horrified for some reason.

The kid's appearance was nothing too special unlike his abilities. He had messy short black hair and had white skin. He didn't wear a shirt but at least wore a black shredded coat.

"Eh? Did I do something wrong?" The kid said, fearing that he had done something wrong.

"Absolutely not! You're the first one that did fantastic! Well done Ivor!" The lecturer appeared to be extremely delighted, clapping his hands as he shook his hands with the kid.

"Really?" Ivor said, confused by the man's sudden change of behaviour. To him, the man seemed menacing but all of a sudden, the menacing aura around him had disappeared without a trace.

"Ivor sounds like an old man's name, to be frank. Though, I do suppose that I am in a medieval period." Kaalsuo inwardly commented the kid's name.

"Alright, next." One of the evaluators said as he recently finished evaluating a kid. He was quite exhausted since he was evaluating a lot of kids. It wasn't an exaggeration that he had evaluated way more than a hundred kids.

"Huh? Why am I here?" Kaalsuo said, eating his well deserved loaf of bread.

"To get evaluated, obviously." The evaluator said. He appeared to be quite annoyed since in his eyes, some random kid casually eating his loaf of bread asking why was there. Even though the kid was there to get evaluated in the first place.

"Don't waste time. Go ahead and make a bang." The evaluator pushed Kaalsuo ahead towards the dummy.

"Oh, you better believe I'll make a bang." Kaalsuo confidently said. He immediately took out his C96 out of his pouch and aimed towards the head of the dummy.

"What's that? I've never seen that before." All of the evaluators were surprised by the strange looking weapon in front of them. They had never seen this object in their whole life so it was reasonable for them to be curious about it.

"Interesting." The lecturer also seemed to be surprised by the sudden appearance of the weird weapon.

"You know what? I'll just shoot all the dummy's limbs." Kaalsuo redirected his gun's aim towards one of the dummy's limbs and opened fire. Immediately after the firing, he focused towards his attention to another limb until eventually nothing was left.

He expected for the dummy to have considerable damage. Presumably a huge bullet wound on all the limbs. However, he didn't expect for the dummy's limbs to be amputated upon impact. Even that kid, Ivor, didn't manage to amputate the dummy.

"Yeah, I think you passed." The evaluator was again shocked for the second time. His mouth was completely wide open along with the majority of the other evaluators.

"Bravo! What a show. You definitely get a high score for that." The lecturer clapped his hands just as he saw the spectacle.

"You can move on to the magic evaluation now." The evaluator said, patting Kaalsuo on the back. He also pointed to Kaalsuo where to go.

"Thanks." Kaalsuo said, proudly walking towards the magic evaluation.


"Oh, another one arrived. Come on, take a seat." One of the evaluators said, comfortably sitting on a sofa whilst drinking his warm cup of tea.

However, there was something different that turned the gears of Kaalsuo's brain.

"There's tea?!" Kaalsuo was shocked. He thought that drinking at least something hot and refreshing in the morning would be a mere dream. However, that dream was actually a reality which effectively meant that he had simply wasted time dreaming when he could've just drink it.

"Okay." Kaalsuo said, sitting on the chair meanwhile his mind began to slightly malfunction from the shock.

"You just have to put your hand onto this huge ass purple orb." The evaluator said, pointing to the desirable spot to put.

"Hey! Don't swear in front of children."

"Relax, they don't understand anyways."

"Too bad my dad often subconsciously swears." Kaalsuo thought since he could perfectly understand the evaluator had said. Even so, he really didn't care anyways.

"Not gonna lie, this orb looks really cool." Kaalsuo observed the orb rather keenly. The orb had a bright purple color with a really dark purple hue. The fascinating part of the orb was the reoccurring pulses of light inside the orb. It somewhat resembled like a beat from some random music compilation channel on YouTube.

"Okay, I'm reading your mana now. Let's see if you have a huge magic potential here." The evaluator said, also putting his hand on the orb to sense Kaalsuo's mana.

"It would be great if I could use magic alongside with my gun." Kaalsuo said, imagining about the improvised fight scenes with his fantasized magic and his C96.

"I've finished. Your mana level is..." The evaluator was purposefully stretching out the sentence to create a sense of suspense. However, it did nothing but irritate Kaalsuo.

"Can't you go any slower?" Kaalsuo said, trying to speed up the process a bit.

"Alright alright. It's....

(Author Note: Too bad I'm gonna make a cliffhanger here.")

Why do I always write these chapters at midnight? Well, I don't really care anyways.

Imperialuscreators' thoughts